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AWS beats Google and Microsoft to launching instances with Nvidia Volta GPUs

Amazon Web Services is the first cloud to launch new compute instances that allow developers to build applications that tap into Nvidia’s new generation of Volta GPUs. These GPUs are designed to provide high-performance acceleration for applications like AI computation. Companies are increasingly turning to machine learning to help propel their businesses, but building new models often […]

Amazon Web Services is the first cloud to launch new compute instances that allow developers to build applications that tap into Nvidia’s new generation of Volta GPUs. These GPUs are designed to provide high-performance acceleration for applications like AI computation.

Companies are increasingly turning to machine learning to help propel their businesses, but building new models often requires a great deal of computation. The Volta is supposed to be a good deal faster than past generations of Nvidia’s silicon, and making it available through Amazon’s cloud means that companies will be able to get started using it right away.

Customers will be able to run instances with up to 8 V100 GPUs, which will initially be made available from AWS’s Northern Virginia, Oregon, Ireland, and Tokyo data centers.

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Nvidia launched a new GPU Cloud offering alongside AWS, one designed to provide companies with the most optimized environment for running deep learning applications on top of the company’s hardware in a public cloud. Developers will be able to sign up for a free GPU Cloud account and then connect their credentials with an Amazon Machine Image that Nvidia created for machine learning.

This AMI will let developers deploy containers on AWS that are optimized for using different machine learning frameworks with CUDA, the library that Nvidia created for doing machine learning calculations with its hardware. The containers created in this way are the same ones that run on Nvidia’s machine learning hardware for private data centers, meaning that it’s possible for developers to test applications in AWS and deploy them on-premises, or vice versa.

The GPU Cloud software is compatible with both Nvidia’s new Volta GPUs and the older Pascal series hardware that is already deployed on AWS and other clouds.


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