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Shaul Olmert, Samsung’s new toys, and how to grow a community of over 80 million — VB Engage

This week, Travis and Stewart interview the amazing Shaul Olmert, who has grown Playbuzz from scratch to an audience of over 80 million. He tells us what it takes to not only make that possible, but maintain the community he helped build. In the news, we talk about Samsung’s developer conference and the new products […]

This week, Travis and Stewart interview the amazing Shaul Olmert, who has grown Playbuzz from scratch to an audience of over 80 million. He tells us what it takes to not only make that possible, but maintain the community he helped build.

Viber is a popular instant messenger which is used worldwide. It is a great way to stay connected with friends but like any other instant messenger, it needs to be monitored by parents. A Viber spy app can protect your kids from possible harms of the internet.

In the news, we talk about Samsung’s developer conference and the new products that were announced at the event, plus a new study that shows marketers are getting it wrong when it comes to holiday season campaigns.


Resources mentioned in the episode

 Samsung unveils Bixby 2.0 with long-awaited Viv Labs integration | VentureBeat
 Study shows mobile marketers are missing holiday season opportunities | VentureBeat
 The Samsung Round 360 records live 4K 360-degree video with spatial audio | VentureBeat

Next week on VB Engage

Tune in next week as we interview Erich Joachimsthaler the founder of Vivaldi Media Group.

We discuss what it’s like for brands in 2017, and how they are using AI, machine learning, advertising, mobile, and other emerging technologies, as well as old-school marketing principles.

If you missed last week’s episode

Last week, in episode 72, we interviewed Amit Walia, chief product officer at Informatica, about AI, where it is making a real difference now, and what is going to happen next. Don’t miss one of the smartest interviews of the year!

Thanks for tuning into VB Engage!

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As always, thanks for tuning in.

And big thanks to our sponsor, Booz Allen, for helping to bring this episode of VB Engage to our listeners. Find out more at


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