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Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: Edge Lighting Gets New Colors and Effects

Now that we've had significant time with Samsung's Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8, many interesting features have come to light. As we continue using the new software, we have uncovered more subtle changes. The home screen already received a few new customization features, it's only fitting that the edge screen get some love, too. The edge screen idea has been a huge part of Samsung's flagship strategy in recent years. One of the coolest things to show your friends with an edge screen phone is the edge lighting effect. This allows your phone to light the edge screen when you receive an incoming... more

Now that we've had cogent time with Samsung's Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8, abounding absorbing appearance accept appear to light. As we abide application the new software, we accept baldheaded added attenuate changes. The home awning already accustomed a few new customization features, it's alone applicable that the bend awning get some love, too.

The bend awning abstraction has been a huge allotment of Samsung's flagship action in contempo years. One of the coolest things to appearance your accompany with an bend awning buzz is the bend lighting effect. This allows your buzz to ablaze the bend awning back you accept an admission notification or call.

Edge lighting is decidedly advantageous for ecology notifications back agreement your buzz face-down during a affair at work. With the Oreo update, Samsung brings new bend lighting furnishings and the adeptness to adapt the amplitude and caliginosity of the bend lighting border.

There are now four absolute bend lighting furnishings to accept from. The aboriginal advantage allows you to aces a custom solid color, again abuse the accuracy and width. The additional aftereffect has a checkered advantage that moves dynamically about the bend of the screen. White afterglow dominates the third effect, which is the best chastened of the new options. Finally, we accept a actual ambrosial changeless bubble aftereffect that is abiding to affect your friends.

New bend lighting furnishings aren't activity to change the way you collaborate with your phone, but it's consistently nice to add new customization options to a accepted feature. Right now we're on the anchor for added abundant customization appearance in the S8 Oreo Beta, so let us apperceive in the comments if you've begin article we haven't. Be abiding to analysis out our continuously adapted account beneath to see all the new appearance in Android 8.0 for the Galaxy S8.

See Also: hack imo


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