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5 Tips To Access Your Abundance Application Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher is added than aloof a home awning replacement. It is a apparatus which can adapt how users collaborate with their Android devices. Thanks to a consistently growing affection list, Nova has acquired into added than aloof a launcher. Now, Nova is an able way to access your productivity. TelsaCoil (Nova Launcher's developer) has continuously adapted their app to accommodate the latest appearance alien in anniversary Android update. However, instead of accouterment a carbon archetype experience, Nova adds new functionality that isn't accessible with banal Android. These accoutrement accommodate two significant... more

Nova Launcher is added than aloof a home awning replacement. It is a apparatus which can adapt how users collaborate with their Android devices. Thanks to a consistently growing affection list, Nova has acquired into added than aloof a launcher. Now, Nova is an able way to admission your productivity.

TelsaCoil (Nova Launcher's developer) has continuously adapted their app to accommodate the latest appearance alien in anniversary Android update. However, instead of accouterment a carbon archetype experience, Nova adds new functionality that isn't attainable with banal Android. These accoutrement accommodate two cogent benefits: They accommodate earlier accessories admission to new appearance not attainable to them, and they add new accoutrement that gives users alike added ascendancy over their devices.

Tip #1: Use Gestures to Bound Admission Your Favorite Apps

Gestures are a abundant apparatus that alter touches with swipes and pinches (which are about faster). With Nova, users can not alone barrage apps with gestures, but additionally specific airheaded within the apps to get absolutely area they appetite quickly. For example, you can set a bash action to attainable Google Keep to a new block to jot bottomward a note. For an all-embracing adviser to ambience up gestures, analysis out the articulation below.

Tip #2: Admission Google Now from Any Page

If you use Google casework often, Google Now can be one of the best admired apps on any smartphone. With the abstracts it collects, Google Now can appearance you all the advice you ability appetite at a accustomed time before you alike chase for it. Attainable accoutrement such as cartage advice for your commutes can save adored abnormal that would be contrarily be spent digging into airheaded of apps.

For an all-embracing tutorial on how to accredit the affection on Nova Launcher, arch to the articulation below. Once enabled, you can booty things a footfall added and get admission to Google Now from any folio — not aloof the leftmost home screen. Attainable Nova's settings card and baddest "Integrations," again tap "Edge Swipe" to accredit this feature, which will additionally gray out the "Google Now Page" option.

Now, from any home screen, you can bash from the larboard bend appear the appropriate to acknowledge the Google Now page. This way, you can get to this advantageous advice alike faster.

See Also: hack facebook

Tip #3: Use Tabs to Better Organize Apps

After downloading a few hundred apps, your app drawer can become appealing disorganized. As the app account continues to grow, you accept to absorb added time scrolling through the app drawer to acquisition a specific app. While abacus apps to the home awning and folders helps abate this problem, Nova Launcher includes addition advantage for those who'd like added controls.

While aural Nova's settings menu, baddest "App & accoutrement drawers" and accept "Drawer groups" amid abreast the basal of the list. While aural "Tabs", baddest the beyond aboveboard in the upper-right bend of your display.

Using this feature, you can actualize sub-categories aural the app drawer. Once you've typed in a name, baddest the new admission amid in the list. You will again be presented with a account all the apps installed on your device. By selecting the checkboxes, you will move a archetype of the app from the absence app drawer to the new subcategory. Back you're accomplished abacus apps, tap your aback button.

Now back you cull up the app drawer, your new tab will be positioned forth the top of your screen, abutting to the Apps tab. By annexation right, you will acknowledge the apps that you added to the new category.

To added abate ataxia and redundancy, long-press any app aural this new tab and baddest the pencil figure in the upper-right bend of the sub-menu. Uncheck the "Apps" box to abolish the app from the absence app drawer, appropriately removing an added allotment of ataxia from your capital app drawer.

Tip #4: Declutter Your App Drawer by Ambuscade Apps

Besides adding the app drawer into subcategories, Nova allows users to adumbrate apps. This is attainable for ambuscade awkward apps or to abolish accidental ataxia from your app drawer. For example, Nova Launcher Prime has its own figure in the app drawer admitting the actuality that beat it refers you to the absence Nova Launcher app. Instead of accepting both of these icons in the app drawer, adumbrate Prime (or both, as Nova Launcher app brings up the settings card which is additionally attainable by long-pressing the home screen) to abate clutter.

Hiding apps additionally has the account of allowance up amplitude in your app drawer. Especially with phones from carriers, users get bifold the bloatware, both from the carrier and the OEM, which are all arrangement apps. Without root, the alone added way to abolish them is application ADB commands (which if you appetite to apprentice more, you can use the articulation below), admitting that can be intimating.

  • Don't Miss : How to Abolish Bloatware Without Basis Application ADB

Tip #5: Use Google Drive for Cloud-Based Backup

Eventually, users about-face phones. Whether because the aftermost one bit the dust, or because you aloof capital an upgrade, you eventually will change devices. And with anniversary change, you'll appetite your abstracts to biking with you, including the blueprint and settings of your home screen.

By default, Nova Launcher saves advancement files to the bounded drive. While this adjustment is accomplished if you application the aforementioned device, it doesn't advice at all if you about-face to a new one. This is area cloud-based accumulator comes in.

The articulation beneath includes instructions on how to save the advancement book to Google Drive. Now, wherever you assurance in to Android, you'll consistently accept admission to your Nova backups, so abating your home awning blueprint will be easy.

Using these tips and tricks, you can accomplish Nova assignment for you. No best do you charge to decay time analytic through airheaded or app drawers — instead, you can get to the advice you appetite quickly. And with the added time you saved, you can booty a attending at some of the added abundant accessories we accept actuality at Gadget Hacks (like the one affiliated below, adumbration hint). What do you anticipate of these tips? Let us apperceive in the animadversion area below.


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