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Blackberry Motion Is Advancing To The Us With All-screen Architecture & Security Focus

BlackBerry's focus on defended software and their new affiliation with architect TCL are two of the better factors in their contempo resurgence. Last year, the aggregation appear two new accessories — the KEYone and the BlackBerry Motion. The KEYone has been accessible for a while, but afterwards months of waiting, BlackBerry appear the Motion will hit US shores in a few days. The Motion joins the baby account of BlackBerry accessories to apply an all-screen design, but it's the aboriginal to account from TCL accomplishment the hardware. If you're not a fan of the concrete QWERTY keyboard, the Motion is like an... more

BlackBerry's focus on defended software and their new affiliation with architect TCL are two of the bigger factors in their contempo resurgence. Last year, the aggregation appear two new accessories — the KEYone and the BlackBerry Motion. The KEYone has been accessible for a while, but afterwards months of waiting, BlackBerry appear the Motion will hit US shores in a few days.

The Motion joins the baby account of BlackBerry accessories to apply an all-screen design, but it's the aboriginal to account from TCL accomplishment the hardware. If you're not a fan of the concrete QWERTY keyboard, the Motion is like an bigger adaptation of the KEYone with a added avant-garde architecture and hardly bigger specs. Starting January 12, US barter will assuredly be able to acquirement one.

The Specs

  • OS: Android 7.1.2 Nougat
  • CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 625
  • GPU: Adreno 506
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Display: 5.5" IPS LCD
  • Resolution: 1,920 x 1080
  • Battery: 4,000 mAh
  • Storage: 32 GB (expandable up to 2 TB)
  • Dimensions: 6.13" x 2.97" x 0.32"
  • Rear Camera Resolution: 12 MP
  • Rear Camera Aperture: f/2.0
  • Rear Camera Pixel Size: 1.55 µm
  • Front Camera Resolution: 8 MP
  • Front Camera Aperture: f/2.2
  • Front Camera Pixel Size: 1.12 µm
  • Water Resistance: IP67
  • Fast Charging: Quick Charging 3.0
  • Connections: USB-C, 3.5 mm headphone jack
  • Fingerprint sensor: Yes (front)
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Battery: 4,000 mAh

The BlackBerry Motion is one of the few smartphones with a array accommodation arctic of 4,000 mAh. However, what stands out with the Motion is the aggregate of such a ample accommodation and the power-efficient Snapdragon 625 SoC.

The aftereffect is a array that calmly lasts a day and bisected on a distinct allegation — alike two canicule for lighter users. Back the Motion's array assuredly dies, with Quick Allegation 3.0, you will allegation aback up to 100% in no time.

Security: Android 7.1.2 Nougat with DTEK Security Suite

While it doesn't run the latest adaptation of Android, BlackBerry Motion does appear abutting with Android 7.1.2 Nougat. It does accept the latest security patches, and BlackBerry promises to abide accouterment them for up to two years afterwards its antecedent absolution date. By active the latest security patch, BlackBerry Motion barter can be abiding that their accessory will accept bound vulnerabilities.

BlackBerry Motion additionally comes able with the DTEK security suite, which monitors your accessory for any vulnerabilities and tells you how to abode them. Other security accoutrement included with the Motion are BlackBerry Messenger, which provides defended communication, a Aloofness Shade that obstructs all but a baby area of your screen, and Locker, a defended binder that you can use to adumbrate acute advice and crave a passcode, PIN, or fingerprint to access.

BlackBerry's Locker.

Water Resistance: IP67

The Motion marks the aboriginal time BlackBerry has appear a smartphone with an IP67 rating. This was abundantly fabricated accessible acknowledgment to the abridgement of a concrete keyboard. With this rating, it has complete aegis adjoin dust and can abide baptize accident for up to 30 account while abysmal as abysmal as one meter.

BlackBerry Motion Compared to the KEYone

Compared to the KEYone, the Motion offers several advantages. The aboriginal is the beyond array capacity. The KEYone has a admirable 3,505 mAh, but pales back compared to the Motion's 4,000 mAh. They both advance the aforementioned SoC, which agency the Motion's array activity should be bigger than the KEYone's.

I say "should" because the Motion has a beyond affectation (5.5" vs the KEYone's 4.5"), college resolution (1920 x 1080 vs the KEYone's 1620 x 1080), and added RAM (4 GB vs the KEYone's 3 GB). Each basic affects the array life, however, they all accord to bigger performance.

The BlackBerry Motion has a beyond display, college resolution, and added RAM than the KEYone.

Finally, Motion has IP67 baptize attrition while the KEYone lacks an IP appraisement altogether. The IP appraisement of the Motion translates to a added abiding phone compared to the KEYone.

Overall, if you're not a fan of concrete keyboards, the Blackberry Motion is a bigger phone than KEYone. In accident the keyboard, Motion owners accretion a bigger display, college resolution, added RAM, bigger battery, and baptize and dust resistance. For these reasons, afterwards the Motion is released, we will be afterlight our best phone for aloofness ranking to accommodate the device.

Pricing & Availability

The BlackBerry Motion will be accessible starting January 12 via Amazon and Best Buy. It will be awash apart for $449.99, acceptation it will alone assignment for AT&T and T-Mobile networks.

The BlackBerry Motion is an adorable offer. It has a day-and-a-half array life, a appropriate chipset, abundant display, and best security. For those who amount their privacy, there isn't a bigger action than BlackBerry's DTEK Security Suite. And back it comes to array life, few phones will bear a bigger result. Are you absorbed in the BlackBerry Motion? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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