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Galaxy S8 Android Oreo Amend Leaked — Here's What's New

It's been about two months back Samsung kicked off the official Galaxy S8 beta affairs for Android Oreo. The Korean architect afresh appear that the beta is catastrophe on January 15, so it's time to move on to the official build. Today, an official (non-beta) body of Oreo for the S8 has leaked. With beta testing advancing to a close, it's absolutely acceptable we will see the abiding Oreo amend cycle out in backward January. Yesterday, a Reddit user acquaint a articulation to an official Oreo OTA body for the Galaxy S8. It is actual important to agenda that this leaked body is alone for the Snapdragon variants of... more

It's been about two months back Samsung kicked off the official Galaxy S8 beta affairs for Android Oreo. The Korean architect afresh appear that the beta is catastrophe on January 15, so it's time to move on to the official build. Today, an official (non-beta) body of Oreo for the S8 has leaked.

With beta testing advancing to a close, it's absolutely acceptable we will see the abiding Oreo amend cycle out in backward January. Yesterday, a Reddit user acquaint a articulation to an official Oreo OTA build for the Galaxy S8. It is actual important to agenda that this leaked body is alone for the Snapdragon variants of the S8.

The body can be sideloaded, but your accessory charge be on the Nougat body catastrophe in BQL1 to do so. If your S8 or S8+ is not currently on BQL1, you can use Samsung's Odin apparatus to beam this build. Afterwards your accessory is active on BQL1, you can sideload body CRA1 in recovery, which is the official Oreo update.

Below, we'll go over what's afflicted amid the aftermost beta and today's leaked official build. If you charge to get yourself up to acceleration on all the changes advancing in Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 and S8+, accomplish abiding to analysis out our abounding briefing of the appearance that were added in the aboriginal beta builds.

Altered Cossack Screen

After bristles beta updates, there aren't a ton of new appearance or changes in the new abiding build. One baby change to agenda aloft booting up is the new "Powered by Android" argument on the cossack screen. The argument is a bit bolder than before, but annihilation abroad has afflicted with the logo.

Old cossack awning (left) vs new cossack awning (right).

Dolby Atmos Support

By far the better change in the official build, Samsung brings Dolby Atmos abutment to the Galaxy S8 series. Dolby Atmos can be begin in the Quick Setting tiles now. The software fine-tunes EQ settings and offers beleaguer appetite back the user is cutting headphones. There are a absolute of four altered presets to accept from – Auto, Movie, Music, and Voice.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug with toggling Atmos on and off. Already the affection is toggled on in Quick Settings, it cannot be angry off. Even worse, afterwards our antecedent testing, it appears that Dolby Atmos makes no aberration whatsoever in complete quality.

It's accessible that Samsung didn't beggarly for this affection to be accessible in the final Oreo build. Users on XDA are apperception that it's article Samsung advised to add to TouchWiz/Samsung Acquaintance with the absolution of the Galaxy S9. We're academic the Atmos toggle will be absolutely absent already this final Oreo body releases to the public.

See Also: hack line

Lock Awning Adaptive Blush Now the Default

We wrote a abundant allotment about Samsung's new Adaptive Blush affection in Android Oreo. The affection artlessly matches your lock-screen alarm with the blush of your wallpaper. No doubt, this is a simple affection but additionally a actual nice touch.

(1) Galaxy S8 Official Build. (2) Agenda 8 Beta Build. (3) Adaptive Blush Preview.

In this new Oreo build, Adaptive Blush is now enabled by absence for the lock awning clock. On antecedent beta builds, the color-matching was an alternative toggle in the Settings menu. The Adaptive Blush advantage can still be toggled off, but this advantage now appears alone on the lock awning examination screen. This is a analytic step, as users can now see how the adaptive blush analogous will attending back applying a new wallpaper.

Overall, the changes in this abiding body are not groundbreaking by any means. The Dolby Atmos abutment would be a abundant feature, but it's acutely not absolutely ready. The best noteworthy affair about this leaked body is how actual abutting we are to the official OTA rolling out. Let us apperceive your acquaintance if you adjudge to beam the update. If sideloading isn't your thing, accumulate an eye out for the abiding absolution in the abutting few weeks!


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