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Get The Pixel 2 Launcher With Google Now & The New 'at A Glance' Accoutrement — No Basis Needed

Google's Pixel calendar hangs its hat on bland software and a able UI. At the amount of this acquaintance is the Pixel Launcher, a home awning app that is generally imitated, but never altogether duplicated. That is, until developer AmirZ appear the latest adaptation of his Rootless Pixel Launcher port. This simple APK will install on any phone active Lollipop or higher, so around anyone can get the Google acquaintance on their phone — and alike better, none of the appearance crave root. One of the standout appearance from this latest adaptation is the admittance of Google's "At a Glance" widget, which... more

Google's Pixel agenda hangs its hat on bland software and a able UI. At the amount of this acquaintance is the Pixel Launcher, a home awning app that is generally imitated, but never altogether duplicated. That is, until developer AmirZ appear the latest adaptation of his Rootless Pixel Launcher port.

This simple APK will install on any phone active Lollipop or higher, so around anyone can get the Google acquaintance on their phone — and alike better, none of the appearance crave root. One of the standout appearance from this latest adaptation is the admittance of Google's "At a Glance" widget, which resides at the top of the primary home awning and shows the accepted acclimate forth with any accessible agenda events. It's a nice experience, really, so I'll appearance you how to try it out below.


As I mentioned, this mod doesn't crave root, but you will charge to be active Android Lollipop or college to try it . We've activated it on the Galaxy S8 and the S6 Edge , and it runs flawlessly on both devices. However, not all appearance are accessible to all Android versions.

For example, App Shortcuts crave 7.1 or higher, the automated ablaze and aphotic affair requires 7.0 or above, and notification badges alone assignment on 6.0 or higher. For the abounding account of affection discrepancies, analysis out the developer's release cilia on Reddit.

Finally, to ensure that all appearance assignment appropriately (particularly the "At a Glance" accoutrement and the Google Now integration), accomplish abiding you accept the latest adaptation of the Google app and Google Calendar installed.

See Also: hack skype

Install the Pixel 2 Launcher

Before you get started, accomplish abiding you accept Unknown Sources enabled. After that, aloof tap the afterward articulation to download the latest adaptation of the Rootless Pixel Launcher. From there, accessible the APK from your notification tray or application any book browser, again columnist "Install" back prompted.

Worth noting, if you get an "App not installed" absurdity or a bulletin advertence that the book is corrupt, go through Settings –> Apps –> All and uninstall any antecedent versions of the ported Pixel launcher.

After the Pixel 2 launcher is auspiciously installed, tap on the home button. From there, you'll be prompted to accept a new home awning app, so baddest "Pixel Launcher" from the list, again accept "Always" if prompted. To accomplish abiding the Google Now folio is working, go advanced and restart your phone at this point.

You're now chargeless to adore the Pixel 2 launcher acquaintance — best notably, the "At a Glance" accoutrement and a new chase bar that's easier to access, forth with an app drawer that you can admission by annexation up from berth at the basal of the screen. There are a few added finishing touches, like some chic animation animations and the new Google agenda and acclimate widget, so there's lot to like.

How are you adequate the new Pixel launcher so far? Let us apperceive in the animadversion area below.


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