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Rumor Roundup: Latest Account & Leaks On The Red Hydrogen One — Holographic Display, Bifold Sim & More

For the unaware, RED is a aggregation that specializes in high-end cameras and added recording devices. RED's cameras are acclimated to shoot some of Hollywood's better films and TV shows. Their modular designs accomplish them ideal for the user who does a lot of bond and analogous (and has a wallet to aback their assignment up) — their WEAPON 8K VV starts at $79,500. When RED appear they'd be venturing into the apple of smartphones, they were met with confusion, primarily. People weren't abashed as to whether or not RED would accomplish a acceptable product, as they consistently had in the past. They weren't alike really... more

For the unaware, RED is a aggregation that specializes in high-end cameras and added recording devices. RED's cameras are used to shoot some of Hollywood's better films and TV shows. Their modular designs accomplish them ideal for the user who does a lot of bond and analogous (and has a wallet to aback their assignment up) — their WEAPON 8K VV starts at $79,500.

When RED announced they'd be venturing into the apple of smartphones, they were met with confusion, primarily. Bodies weren't abashed as to whether or not RED would accomplish a acceptable product, as they consistently had in the past. They weren't alike absolutely abashed about the $1,195 (aluminum finish) and $1,595 (titanium finish) bulk tags — this is RED, afterwards all. What bodies were abashed about is why access the smartphone game, and why now? Well, some capacity about RED's Hydrogen One are absolutely absurd if they about-face out to be alike bisected as accurate as RED touts.

Something absorbing about the leaks surrounding the RED Hydrogen One is that RED themselves accept controlled the breeze of advice apropos it. They've boring been absolution capacity back its advertisement — some of them banal (like the processor), but some are absolute absurd (like the display). After added ado, let's dive into aggregate surrounding the RED Hydrogen One.

MKBHD's Hands-On with the RED Hydrogen One prototype.

Rumored Spec Sheet

OS Version: Unknown
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 835x
RAM: Unknown
Battery: 4,500 mAH
Storage: Unknown
Display Type: 4V "holographic"
Screen Size: 5.7 inches
Resolution: 2560x1440
Dimensions: Unknown
Rear Camera Resolution: Unknown
Front Camera Resolution: Unknown
Connections: USB-C, 3.5 mm headphone jack
Dual SIM: Yes
Micro SD slot: Yes

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Processor: Snapdragon 835x

Yes, you're not seeing things — a Snapdragon 835x. That processor, as you may know, doesn't abide absolutely yet. Qualcomm's 835 was a admired for aftermost year's flagships, and the Galaxy S9 will reportedly get a Snapdragon 845. Still that doesn't beggarly that the 835x is carefully inferior to its big brother. It'll acceptable accept some tweaks in it that advice abutment absolutely what RED is activity for with the Hydrogen One.

Display: 1440p, 4V Approach (Holographic)

Man, this display! According to a blog column on January 22, the Hydrogen One will be able to about-face amid two affectation modes. The aboriginal is the 1440p "2D mode," which is the aforementioned as a accustomed phone, with "fantastic blush and brightness," according to RED.

The additional mode, however, is a "4V approach (holographic)" that appearance a "better than 3D" image. What absolutely that agency is unclear, but allegedly it absolutely is a afterimage to behold. You'll be able to allotment your 4V agreeable as well, and RED will advertise accordant amusing media platforms soon.

So far, anybody that has apparent it gasps, swears or aloof grins. I ambition we had recorded all the reactions. Priceless.

Multi-Component Modular System

We've apparent or heard of modular phones from the brand of Motorola and Google, but RED is demography addition able at it. Using their "pogo pin system" that provides ability and data, RED is assured that they can redefine the stigmas surrounding modular devices.

Additionally, the modules will be "stackable," so the already-teased array bore and cinema-grade camera bore will be able to alive in harmony.

Dual SIM/Micro SD Slot

Also of agenda (from the January 22 post) is that the additional SIM aperture doubles as a micro SD slot. So basically, you can accept two SIM cards in countries area that's a accustomed practice, or you can use one SIM and ample the added aperture with added storage.

Pricing & Availability

In the blog column on January 22, RED appear that the Hydrogen One would accept an official address date of "sometime in the summer," due to the bulk of time it takes for carriers to accredit the phone for launch. This additionally agency that apart pre-orders will "ship afore that."

In the antecedent announcement, RED said that the Hydrogen One would amount $1,195 for the aluminum model, and $1,595 for the Titanium — you can absolutely pre-order them now. It's odd that they were up advanced about their appraisement afore absolution any specs about the phone, and alike added odd that they accustomed pre-orders afore affliction annihilation other than the display. Perhaps strangest of all is that droves of bodies still pre-ordered this alien article after abundant added advice than the RED name.


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