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This Mod Gives You Custom Figure Packs & Added On The Pixel Launcher

Google's launchers are some of the best able home awning apps out there, but they abridgement the adeptness to customize. With the old Google Now Launcher, we had Xposed GEL Settings to add options for tweaking the layout, but that activity was alone back the Pixel Launcher came out. Now, a new basis mod will accord us some key customization settings for Google's latest launcher. In abounding ways, this is like Xposed GEL Settings for the Pixel Launcher. It's not absolutely as feature-rich, but it lets you aces a custom figure pack, administer icons to alone apps, change app labels, and alike set custom widget... more

Google's launchers are some of the best able home awning apps out there, but they abridgement the adeptness to customize. With the old Google Now Launcher, we had Xposed GEL Settings to add options for tweaking the layout, but that activity was alone back the Pixel Launcher came out. Now, a new base mod will accord us some key customization settings for Google's latest launcher.

In abounding ways, this is like Xposed GEL Settings for the Pixel Launcher. It's not absolutely as feature-rich, but it lets you aces a custom figure pack, administer icons to alone apps, change app labels, and alike set custom accoutrement sizes. We've absolutely got to duke it to developer Kieron Quinn for creating such an alarming app, because with these added settings and Google's polish, the Pixel Launcher is now about perfect.


  • rooted Android device
  • "Unknown Sources" enabled
  • Pixel Launcher installed

Note: If you accept a Pixel accessory already, aloof accomplish abiding you're rooted.

Step 1: Install Pixel Launcher Mods

The new app is abundantly alleged Pixel Launcher Mods. It's not on the Play Store, but you can grab the latest adaptation from the afterward link. Once you've downloaded the APK, barrage it from your notification tray or with any book browser, again columnist "Install" back prompted.

After that, accessible Pixel Launcher Mods and tap "Grant" on the Superuser admission request. You may additionally appetite to adumbrate its advancing notification — if so, aloof long-press the notification, again attenuate the about-face or baddest "Block." From there, you'll be accessible to alpha modding your home screen.

Step 2: Administer an Figure Pack

To administer a new figure backpack to your home screen, accessible Pixel Launcher Mods and baddest "Apply Figure Pack." From there, aloof accomplish abiding you accept an figure backpack app installed, again baddest it from this list. Note that abounding users are accepting issues with this affection now, but if all abroad fails, you can still administer icons on a per-app base (more on that next).

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Step 3: Change Alone App Icons

If you appetite to mix and bout figure packs, or if the "Apply Figure Packs" ambience 1 isn't alive for you, alpha by borer "Edit Icons & Labels." From here, baddest an app, again tap its figure on the popup menu. Next, accept "Icon Backpack Icon," again baddest your figure backpack and tap "Use (icon pack's) Picker." From there, acquisition an adapted figure and baddest it, again columnist "Apply" on the alert in Pixel Launcher Mods.

Step 4: Change App Names

The aforementioned card depicted in Step 3 lets you change the names of your apps. Aloof baddest the app from the "Edit Icons & Labels" menu, but instead of borer the icon, tap the name acreage and address in a new name. From there, aloof tap "Apply," again the app will accept a new name wherever it appears on your home screen.

Step 5: Acclimatize Accoutrement Sizes

The aftermost alarming affection added by Pixel Launcher Mods is the adeptness to resize widgets. This can absolutely appear in accessible back you appetite to compress a assertive accoutrement to fit it on a awash home awning page, or if you appetite to aggrandize a 4x1 accoutrement to bigger fit a 5x5 home awning grid.

To try this out, you'll charge to accept the accoutrement added about to your home awning already. But be accurate — if you're accretion a accoutrement and there's not abundant room, it will abolish any adjoining widgets automatically. In that case, it's best to accept the accoutrement you're accretion on a home awning by itself temporarily.

Other than that, aloof arch to "Resize Widgets" in the app's capital menu, again baddest your accoutrement from the list. From there, use the controls to acclimatize the accoutrement amplitude and height.

As you can see below, this affection works flawlessly. I acquisition it absolutely accessible for 4x1 widgets, which is a accepted admeasurement from years accomplished back home awning grids were alone 4x4, but looks out of abode on today's 5x5 home screens.

Play Music's absence accoutrement admeasurement is 4x1 (left), but it looks a lot bigger back sized to 5x1 (right) on a newer device.

Step 6: Tweak App Settings

All of these changes booty aftereffect on the fly, but if you acquaintance any issues, you may appetite to booty a quick cruise to the "Options" card central the Pixel Launcher Mods app. In here, there are two settings account noting: "Overwrite Adaptive Icons," which prevents conflicts with figure packs on newer phones, and "Apply icons back app updates," which is enabled by absence and prevents a bug from occurring.

Overall, I anticipate this is an alarming app. In aloof a few minutes, I was able to accord my Pixel XL a complete makeover with Galaxy S8-style icons and perfectly-sized widgets. If you're absorbed in accomplishing the adverse of that, analysis out our adviser on axis your Galaxy S8 into a Pixel at the articulation below.


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