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3 Accessible Accomplish Apple-pie Up Your Home Awning With Nova Launcher

One of the standout appearance of Nova Launcher is its all-inclusive customization options. Not alone does it includes abundant tweaks to adapt the aesthetics of your home screen, but it alike has affluence of appearance that abate clutter. One breadth of our accessory that has a aerial abeyant for ataxia is our home screen. Not every user takes the time to absolutely personalize their home screen, but abounding will admit that a apple-pie home awning is one admirable of praise. While home screens are an able way to bound admission our admired apps, if not controlled, they can become a chaotic blend that offers... moreSee Also: hack hike

One of the standout appearance of Nova Launcher is its all-inclusive customization options. Not alone does it includes abundant tweaks to adapt the aesthetics of your home screen, but it alike has affluence of appearance that abate clutter. One breadth of our accessory that has a aerial abeyant for ataxia is our home screen.

Not every user takes the time to absolutely personalize their home screen, but abounding will admit that a apple-pie home awning is one admirable of praise. While home screens are an able way to bound admission our admired apps, if not controlled, they can become a chaotic blend that offers little efficiency. Nova Launcher recognizes this bind and offers several accoutrement to abetment in a apple-pie home screen.

1. Use Gestures to Replace Icons

Gestures action an another adjustment for ablution apps and shortcuts. Typically, assuming a action is faster than selecting an icon, abnormally if the app needs to amid first. Abounding association use gestures as a fast way to cull up assertive information, but we can booty things a footfall added if the ambition is a apple-pie home screen.

Assign a frequently acclimated app to anniversary one of the eleven gestures accessible to Nova Launcher. Because you're application gestures, there is no charge to abode the app on the home awning (or in your app drawer, for that matter). Replacing icons with gestures serves a bifold purpose — to finer barrage the app anniversary time, you charge an able bulk of amplitude to accomplish the gesture, which will force you to accumulate your home awning clear.

Gestures additionally accept the added advantage of actuality able to admission the app from any home screen. Really, it's a win-win, so to apprentice added about Nova's action capabilities, analysis out the afterward guide:

2. Put Widgets in Your Dock

Recently, TelsaCoil (Nova's developer) alien the adeptness to put the chase accoutrement in your dock. This affection was developed to actor the Google Pixel 2's adapted launcher, but as usual, TelsaCoil wasn't annoyed with aloof that. When the affection was assuredly added to the abiding adaptation of Nova Launcher, the functionality continued to any accoutrement of the user's allotment — not aloof the chase bar.

As continued as it's a 4 x 1 widget, the accoutrement can be placed either beneath the row of docked icons or above, depending on your preference. Now, if you appetite to add a quick chase bar to conduct searches, you can do that. However, if you appetite to appearance your admired sports team's array in this area instead, you can do that as well. Really, the alone absolute is your acuteness here.

This affection eliminates ataxia by abbreviation the charge for a deeply bunched home awning or assorted home screens in adjustment to authority a widget. To apprentice added about it, hit up the afterward link:

3. Use Adaptive Icons for a Apple-pie Look

App icons appear in all shapes and colors. By default, Nova will adapt the apps so that anniversary figure is the aforementioned size. However, the appearance of the icons will abide in ataxia as developers actualize their icons absolute of added developers.

The Android aggregation accustomed this affair and implemented a affection accepted as Adaptive Icons, which alters all icons to bout a compatible shape. Unfortunately, this affection is alone accessible to Android 7.0 Nougat and newer versions, which alone 27% of users currently accept admission to. Fortunately, Nova piggybacked on Android's addition and included the affection in their home awning app, appropriately aperture it up to earlier devices.

While Adaptive Icons doesn't annihilate concrete clutter, it does abate the visual ataxia of an asymmetric home screen. Home screens should both aerate amplitude and accept a compatible attending in which no one figure stands out unless contrarily intended. While figure packs offers a abeyant band-aid to this problem, adaptive icons acquiesce users to accumulate the assorted colors of their apps' absence icons while acclimation the shapes, acceptance for a added affable examination experience.

With these tips, you can activate to use Nova Launcher as a apparatus to advice you accomplish the absolute home screen, one you'd be appreciative of announcement online for all to see. What do you anticipate of these three tools? Is your home awning in charge of a makeover? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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