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Get Android P's Aggregate Slider On Any Phone & Ascendancy Media Aggregate By Default

With the contempo barrage of the Android P developer preview, abounding are clamoring to get their easily on some of the new features. Unfortunately for best Android users, Android P will not access on their accessory until 2019. The acceptable account is you can add one of Android P's better UI changes to your phone today with a simple app. In Android P, the aggregate slider has afflicted from a accumbent drop-down at the top of the awning to a vertical bar forth the appropriate centermost of the display. While the change isn't advocate from a account perspective, it does add a beginning new artful to your phone's... more

With the contempo barrage of the Android P developer preview, abounding are clamoring to get their easily on some of the new features. Unfortunately for best Android users, Android P will not access on their accessory until 2019. The acceptable account is you can add one of Android P's better UI changes to your phone today with a simple app.

In Android P, the aggregate slider has afflicted from a accumbent drop-down at the top of the awning to a vertical bar forth the adapted centermost of the display. While the change isn't advocate from a account perspective, it does add a beginning new artful to your phone's software. If you're absorbed in implementing the new attending on your device, all you charge is a phone active Android 4.1 or above.

(1) Pixel 2 XL Active Android P. (2) Xperia XZ2 with Android P Aggregate Slider app.

Step 1: Download Android P Aggregate Slider

To add the Android P aggregate slider, grab the app below. It does amount 99 cents, but for the different functionality it brings, it's able-bodied account the price. Afterwards installation, it is all-important to acquire a few permissions so that the app can ascendancy your Do Not Disturb settings.

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Step 2: Replace Your Absence Aggregate Dialog with Android P's

Step 3: Adapt Your Slider's Appearance

The absence aggregate slider in the app looks agnate to what you acquisition in the Android P developer preview. If that is the attending you're after, you don't charge to abuse the blush or accuracy at all. On the added hand, if you appetite to adapt the blush to bout your phone's affair or wallpaper, you can do all of that aural the app.

To change the color, aboriginal tap on "Volume Slider Back Color" to change the accomplishments blush for your aggregate slider. Next, tap on "Slider Icon Color" to accept the emphasis blush for the icons in your aggregate slider. There are a cardinal of preset colors, but you can additionally accept a custom blush if you prefer.

Step 4: Ascendancy Media Aggregate by Default

On launch, the app is set to contextually ascertain the adapted aggregate slider to control. If you would like to set the slider to ascendancy media playback aggregate by absence like Android P does, tap on "Default Slider" and accept "Media." It is account acquainted that some of the added options accept a few bugs with assertive devices. While the media and auto options assignment abundant on the Galaxy S9+, on the Xperia XZ2, the arrangement aggregate slider ancestor up in accession to the Android P slider back application these defaults.

(1) Changing the absence slider. (2) Bug on Sony Xperia XZ2, banal aggregate slider is additionally engaged.

Overall, the Android P Aggregate Slider app offers a simple way to get a new attending for your aggregate slider, aggressive by the Android P developer preview. There are still a few bugs on accurate phones, but the developer of the app is always blame updates. It seems that this app will alone advance as time goes on.

Considering that Android P is acceptable over a year abroad for best Android users, it's account a attempt to get some new acidity on your phone today. If you do try out the app, let us apperceive how it works for your accessory in the comments below!


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