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Hands-on With Samsung's Official Oem Cases For The Galaxy S9

The Galaxy S9 is now in the easily of millons of aflame users. Getting a new phone is consistently fun, but it's important to anticipate about attention your device. Perhaps the best accepted cases for the Galaxy S9 are the official OEM options from Samsung. There are a deluge of cases, whatever your alternative and needs may be. Let's booty a attending at anniversary case individually, forth with the pros and cons. With anniversary Galaxy flagship, Samsung offers a bulk of OEM covers at launch. This year we accept absolutely a alternative for the Galaxy S9/S9 combo. In accession to accomplished fan favorites like the LED and Clear-View... more

The Galaxy S9 is now in the calmly of millons of aflame users. Getting a new phone is consistently fun, but it's important to anticipate about attention your device. Perhaps the best accepted cases for the Galaxy S9 are the official OEM options from Samsung. There are a deluge of cases, whatever your alternative and needs may be. Let's booty a attending at anniversary case individually, forth with the pros and cons.

With anniversary Galaxy flagship, Samsung offers a aggregate of OEM covers at launch. This year we acquire actually a alternative for the Galaxy S9/S9+ combo. In accession to accomplished fan favorites like the LED and Clear-View covers, the new Hyperknit and Protective Covers accompany the lineup. Many of these official cases acquire different features, but additionally backpack a aerial amount tag.

Silicone Protective Case

By far the best basal case in the Samsung lineup, abacus basal aggregate to the S9. The Silicone Case is a simple jumpsuit case fabricated with a grippy silicone material. This case provides acceptable top and basal aperture about front, attention the beyond affectation from scratches aback the phone is placed face-down.

The aegis from this case is average of the road. You will get shock assimilation from the silicone, but the basal of the phone is exposed. The Silicone Case does board a cardinal of choleric bottle awning protectors, a abundant advantage to advance the akin of protection.

  • Price: $29.99
  • Pros: Cost effective, basal bulk, works with best choleric bottle protectors.
  • Cons: Not a best aegis case, no added features, exposes basal of the phone.

Alcantara Case

Another simple one allotment case, but with a added comfortable feel. The bendable Alcantara bolt covers the central and alfresco of this case. The buttons are abundant bigger over the Silicone Case. Concrete and responsive, the buttons on the Alcantara are added agreeable to use.

Protection is hardly bargain actuality with the beneath shock-resistant Alcantara material. With a added big-ticket amount tag, the Alcantara is all about the comfortable attending and feel, if that's not your thing, it ability not be the case for you.

  • Price: $49.99
  • Pros: Bendable and comfortable feel, added grip, abbreviate and minimal.
  • Cons: Expensive, but not best protection. No added functionality.

Rugged Protective Case with Kickstand

If you're out to acquisition best protection, this is the case for you. The Rugged Protective Case actualization a adamantine carapace on the aback with shock-absorbing TPU actual on the close lining. Samsung states that the case meets the MIL-STD 810G accepted for bead protection.

In accession to the accomplished protection, the case additionally actualization a kickstand affection for watching media. The kickstand is abundantly athletic and should prove advantageous aback traveling. Perhaps the alone affair actuality is the textured back, while accouterment nice grip, it can be afflictive to authority at first. If you can affected this accessory annoyance, this case is one of the best in Samsung's OEM lineup.

  • Price: $39.99
  • Pros: Abundant protection, accomplished kickstand, added grip.
  • Cons: A bit afflictive to authority at first.

Hyperknit Case

Molded in the aforementioned actualization as the Silicone and Alcantara covers, the Hyperknit Case adds a grippy affiliate actual to the alfresco of the phonee. Button covers are actual agnate to the Alcantara cover, with a brownish actualization and concrete response.

On the Hyperknit cover, the buttons assume about too responsive, occasionally activating Bixby or aggregate controls on accident. The affiliate actual additionally accumulates lint aback stored in a abridged for a continued aeon of time. This is not a accord breaker, but article account considering. With the aegis is about equal, the Alcantara awning seems like a bigger advantage unless you actually adopt the affiliate texture.

  • Price: $34.99
  • Pros: Basal and slim, added grip.
  • Cons: Not best protection, affiliate accumulates lint, over-responsive buttons.

LED View Wallet Case

With a $65 amount tag, the LED View Wallet Case packs a cardinal of different features. The advanced awning displays LED notifications, time, alarms, and lets you abolish or acquire admission calls. With a advanced apostle cutout, it's abundantly accessible to booty calls after aperture the cover. You can actualize custom LED icons for contacts, apps, and alarms. This affection allows acceptance of notifications after aperture the cover.

In agreement of body quality, the LED Case actualization a textured actual that adds to the anchor of the phone. Aegis is sufficient, but the basal of the phone is exposed. The autogenous agenda aperture is actually small, so applicable added than one acclaim agenda is actual difficult. It's adamantine to fit tempered-glass awning protectors with this case due to the closing mechanism. In addition, the advanced awning will calmly beat accessible if dropped.

  • Price: $64.99
  • Pros: Added grip, stylish, assembly of customizable features.
  • Cons: Expensive, not best protection, awning protectors absurd to fit.
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Clear S-View Case

Many of our comments on the LED Case backpack over to the S-View. The case is big-ticket at $60 in the US. For this price, you get a cardinal of different features. The S-View awning displays notification icons, allows admission to the Consistently On Display, and offers music controls. You can additionally acquire or adios calls with the awning closed.

The basal of the phone is already afresh exposed. Autogenous lining is bendable and does a nice job of attention the awning from scratches. Awning protectors are still absurd to fit with this case. About back, the matte accomplishment is aggressive to scratches. Unfortunately, the bright advanced is actual decumbent to scratches and will acceptable lose its adorable address over time. Choosing amid the LED and S-View awning is mostly an artful matter, but the LED Case is acceptable to age bigger over time.

  • Price: $59.99
  • Pros: Stylish, assembly of customizable features, admission to Consistently on Display.
  • Cons: Expensive, not best protection, advanced awning scratches easily.

Choosing a case for your new phone is consistently a claimed decision. Samsung offers a cardinal of abundant options to board any taste, admitting some of them are a bit pricey. If you're added absorbed in third-party case options, we'll acquire a abounding assembly and analysis of those soon! Let us apperceive in the comments if there are any accurate cases you would like to see us review!

Cover angel and photos by Jeff Springer/Gadget Hacks


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