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How To Access The Cardinal Of Aggregate Accomplish On Your Galaxy S9

By default, the Galaxy S9 and S9 alone accept 15 media aggregate accomplish — in added words, there are alone 15 increments amid bashful and abounding volume. That's usually accomplished if you're application your phone's speakers, but if you're cutting headphones, added fine-tuned controls would be helpful. In the past, you could access this to as abounding as 150 aggregate accomplish by installing Samsung's own SoundAssistant app. But for some reason, Samsung has fabricated this app bare to Galaxy S9 users on the Play Store. We're cerebration this is a acting glitch, but nonetheless, we pulled the SoundAssistant APK, so you can... more

By default, the Galaxy S9 and S9+ alone accept 15 media aggregate accomplish — in added words, there are alone 15 increments amid bashful and abounding volume. That's usually accomplished if you're application your phone's speakers, but if you're cutting headphones, added fine-tuned controls would be helpful.

In the past, you could access this to as abounding as 150 aggregate accomplish by installing Samsung's own SoundAssistant app. But for some reason, Samsung has fabricated this app bare to Galaxy S9 users on the Play Store. We're cerebration this is a acting glitch, but nonetheless, we pulled the SoundAssistant APK, so you can sideload the app and add added aggregate accomplish to your S9 — no basis needed.

Step 1: Install SoundAssistant

As I mentioned, this is an official first-party Samsung app advised accurately for tweaking audio settings on Galaxy phones, but it's not currently accessible to download on the Play Store if you're application a Galaxy S9. We're acquisitive this changes anon and Samsung makes it accessible to the S9 again, so if you appetite to double-check, you can try the SoundAssistant Play Store advertisement here.

If that link's still broken, no action — you can sideload the APK book to install the app. To do that, tap the articulation beneath from your Galaxy S9 or S9+, again hit "Save" back prompted. From there, accessible the APK by borer the File Downloaded notification or by application any book browser app, again columnist "Install" back prompted.

Note: If you're application Chrome or addition browser abreast from Samsung Internet to download the aloft file, you'll be prompted to accredit Unknown Sources for that app. To do that, aloof tap "Settings" on the popup afterwards aperture the APK, again accredit the about-face abutting to "Allow from this source."

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Step 2: Access Media Aggregate Steps

Next, if you haven't already done so, you'll apparently appetite to accomplish your aggregate rocker ascendancy media aggregate by default, as this abuse alone adds added accomplish to your media aggregate controls.

From SoundAssistant's capital menu, alpha by borer the "Advanced" option. There are affluence added audio controls in actuality and they're account experimenting with, but the alone one that pertains to this adviser is the "Change footfall volume" slider. Use this slider to access the cardinal of media aggregate accomplish — the lower you set the slider, the added aggregate accomplish there will be.

It's a little unintuitive, but anticipate of it this way. Imagine there are 150 accomplish for your media aggregate control. By default, anniversary time you columnist your aggregate rocker, it adjusts the media aggregate by 10 steps, acceptation if you columnist it 15 times it will run the area amid 0 and 150.

However, if you set the "Change footfall volume" slider to 1 in SoundAssistant, it will alone acclimatize the aggregate by 1 footfall anniversary time, acceptation you'd accept to columnist the aggregate button 150 times to go from 0 to 150. The aforementioned holds accurate for the added increments, so a "2" ambience equates to 75 steps, a "5" ambience gives you 30 steps, and so on.

With SoundAssistant, you can really get some fine-tuned aggregate controls on your Galaxy S9. How abounding aggregate accomplish did you go with? Let us apperceive in the animadversion area below.


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