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How To Get All Of Your Abstracts Assimilate Your New Android Phone

Setting up a new Android phone can be a pain. Although Google has some automatic features, it does not restore everything. When it comes to appointment assertive types of abstracts like files and SMS logs, it's alike trickier. By afterward our steps, you can be abiding that you all your abstracts will chase you to your new device. We acerb acclaim that you bifold analysis both phones to accomplish abiding that all abstracts from the old phone fabricated it to the new one. Unless you are apprenticed for time (such as if you are affairs the antecedent phone), don't branch displace the old one until you apperceive all your abstracts has... more

We acerb acclaim that you bifold analysis both phones to accomplish abiding that all abstracts from the old phone fabricated it to the new one. Unless you are apprenticed for time (such as if you are affairs the antecedent phone), don't branch displace the old one until you apperceive all your abstracts has transferred.

Step 1: Accomplish a Account of What You Charge to Move

When aboriginal advancing to alteration over your data, you should breach bottomward all the altered types of claimed abstracts you will charge for the new device. Aback listed, you can analysis off items already they are transferred and can be abiding to not balloon anything. For your convenience, we created one for you. While this account isn't a one-size-fits-all, they are the accepted items that users appetite to retain:

  • Apps (and their login information)
  • Wi-Fi passwords
  • Call history
  • System settings
  • Local files (such as music)
  • Photos/Videos
  • Home awning layout

Step 2: Restore Application Google

When aboriginal ambience up a phone, Android will action to restore your abstracts from either NFC or from the cloud. While NFC is easier as it alone requires you to physically blow anniversary phone area their NFC dent is (which is commonly on the aback cover), it doesn't consistently assignment (if you accept my luck, it never works).

Therefore, the added reliable restore adjustment is billow storage. With billow storage, all your abstracts from Google-based software (such as Google developed apps) will be restored. In contempo years, Google has broadcast this to accommodate your Settings configurations and your Wi-Fi passwords, and several third-party apps will additionally cull abstracts from this backup.

Google's advancement account is alone accessible for accessories active Android Marshmallow or higher, acceptation this footfall will alone assignment if your old phone is active at atomic Android 6.0. To amount out what adaptation of Android your old accessory is using, analysis out the afterward guide.

Using your old Android device, accessible up Settings and baddest "Backup & reset." On the abutting page, you should see an advantage alleged "Back up my data." Baddest this advantage and verify that this toggle is activated. If not, baddest the toggle to accredit it.

If this affection was disabled, it will booty Android some time to aback up your data. Additionally, Google doesn't acquiesce you to manually advancement your data. Therefore, afore restoring, it is acceptable convenance to verify how contempo your abstracts is.

To see your advancement files, accessible up the Google Drive app on your old Android accessory and baddest the hamburger agenda in the top-left bend of your display. Accept the "Backup" advantage (next to the cloud-shaped figure with an advancement adverse arrow in the middle) to see all accessible backups. These will accommodate not alone your accepted phones but accomplished phones as able-bodied (although Google activate the action of deleting them for phones not acclimated in two weeks).

Not alone is the date of advancement displayed beneath the phone's archetypal name, but aback you baddest the backup, Google will appearance all of its contents. Aback you baddest App data, you can alike appearance which apps (and their data) are included with this file.

Once you verify that your old abstracts has been backed up to Google Drive, accept the advantage "Restore from backup" on your new phone and chase the admonition provided.

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Step 3: Restore Your Home Screen

After abating your apps, go advanced and accomplishment the antecedent bureaucracy action on your new Android device. The abutting affair you'll apparently apprehension is the ataxia of your home screen. Unfortunately, Google doesn't save this adjustment in best cases, but third-party apps do.

We contempo advised the top home awning launchers accessible on the Play Store, with anniversary one alms an advantage to aback up your adjustment and settings options. Back Nova Launcher was our winner, we'll articulation out a tutorial on how to both aback up your home awning on your old phone and how to restore it on the new one.

As a ancillary note, your widgets won't restore with Nova Launcher's apology process. While their position will be retained, anniversary one will charge to be alone bureaucracy first. Luckily, best widgets can be bureaucracy by artlessly borer the bare widget. However, for those which don't absorb the data, you may accept to annul the accoutrement and accommodate it.

Step 4: Restore Your Argument Letters & Alarm History

For some of us, the distinct best important allotment of abstracts we charge to be adequate is our argument messages. Back Google doesn't accept a accurate addition to Apple's iMessage, our letters are alone accessible locally on our accessories and will not automatically alteration (unless you use a cloud-based third-party agent such as WhatsApp). Therefore, in adjustment to alteration SMS and MMS history, we charge to aback up our SMS logs to the billow first. And for that, we charge abetment from a third-party app.

With SMS Advancement & Restore, you can actualize a adored archetype of all your argument letters (including account messages). One of the advantages of SMS Advancement & Restore over added agnate apps is its versatility aback it comes to extenuative locations. SMS Advancement & Restore allows you to save this advancement archetype locally, in your email, or on billow casework such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Despite the name, this app additionally allows you to save your alarm history as well. You can agenda automated advancement and manually initiate.

After installing the app on your old phone and acceding the requested permissions, arch to the ancillary agenda and accept "Back up now," afresh accredit the aboriginal two toggles. By default, the advancement area will be your Google Drive, the chargeless billow account accessible to all Android users, which is ideal as your new accessory will additionally accept this app.

After abetment up your letters and alarm history, move to the new phone and install SMS Advancement & Restore over there as well. Again, arch to the ancillary agenda by borer the hamburger figure in the top-left, but this time baddest "Restore."

The abutting folio will account abeyant locations for your advancement file. Back we acclimated Google Drive, baddest the agnate button. Already selected, the app will chase your billow accumulator and acquisition the best contempo advancement book accessible (even if you placed the book in a folder). Already it finds the file, both the "Messages" and "Phone calls" toggles should be enabled. Verify the date of anniversary backup. If this isn't the best contempo file, use "select addition backup" to locate the book in Google Drive. However, if this is the appropriate file, accept "Restore" to activate the action of appointment your data.

A popup will arise allegorical you that due to changes in Android, SMS Advancement & Restore charge become the absence SMS app in adjustment for your letters to transfer. Accept "Yes" to accomplish it the absence app. Afterwards apology is finished, SMS Advancement & Restore will admonish to change your absence SMS app aback to whatever it ahead was in adjustment to appearance your admission messages.

Step 5: Restore Your Photos & Videos

Previously, any photos and videos taken with your smartphone were locally stored and absent unless you transferred them application a micro SD agenda or your computer. However, acknowledgment to Google Photos, photos and videos are now a lot easier to retrieve.

You old phone should accept Google Photos pre-installed, but if not, you can use to grab it. If you've never acclimated Google Photos before, the app will alert you to acquiesce automated advancement of photos and videos taken with this device. Accomplish abiding the toggle about-face is enabled on this prompt, afresh columnist "Done." Already enabled, as continued as Wi-Fi is on, your media will be backed up to the billow and retrievable on any device.

By default, Google Photos won't aback up media from folders alfresco the camera's capital binder and will instead ask you advanced if you appetite to accredit advancement whenever it detects new images or videos. You can additionally manually accept folders.

Tap the hamburger agenda button in the top-left bend and baddest "Device Folders." On the abutting folio will be a account of folders absolute either images or videos which can be uploaded to Google Photos' servers as a backup. Aback you see a baby beyond out billow figure in the bottom-right bend of the folder, this indicates this binder isn't currently backed up. To aback it up, baddest the binder and accredit to the toggle abutting to "Back up & sync."

Again, you may accept to delay until all of your photos accept been backed up to the cloud, but you can analysis their advance by branch to the binder in catechism an attractive for that billow figure — if it's abounding in instead of beyond out, you're acceptable to go.

Once everything's been backed up, aloof accessible the Google Photos app on your new accessory (it comes pre-installed), afresh all your photos and videos will be displayed in a scrollable account on the capital screen. From there, you can admission and administer your files as if they were locally stored on your device.

Step 6: Alteration Local Files Wirelessly

Even afterwards abating all the above categories of your data, there are some apps and files which don't accept the advantage to be stored in the cloud. Either the app doesn't abutment billow accumulator or the files (such as some videos) are too ample for billow accumulator (without advantageous a fee).

In adjustment to move these, you can either use a computer and the USB cable to aboriginal alteration the abstracts from your old phone to the computer, and afresh from the computer to the new phone. However, there is a abundant easier way, and it is wireless. To begin, grab an app alleged MiXplorer from the articulation beneath — but back it's not on the Play Store, you'll charge to be set up for sideloading apps to install it.

MiXplorer is a book administrator that includes chargeless wireless book transfer. As continued as both phones accept the app open, alteration is appealing simple. To begin, accessible the app on the new phone and tap the agenda button in the top-right bend of your display. Accept "Servers" and baddest "Start TCP Server."

One the old phone, accessible the app and cross to the files you ambition to transfer. Long-press one of the files until a dejected accomplishments surrounds it. You can now additionally baddest any added book as able-bodied with a simple blow which additionally adds the dejected background. Already all the files you appetite to alteration accept been selected, tap the agenda button again, but this time accept "Send to." Afterwards a additional of scanning, your new phone should arise — baddest it and your files will activate transferring.

MiXplorer can alteration any files locally stored on your device, acceptance you to move any book you may accept absent beforehand. Personally, I accept been application this book administrator to absorb my video bold ringtones on anniversary new phone I use.

With these steps, you can be abiding that all your abstracts is transferred and you will lose annihilation with your new phone. All that's larboard to do is to verify that all abstracts was transferred afore branch resetting the old phone.


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