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How To Remap The Bixby Button On Your Galaxy S9 — No Basis Needed

Since its introduction, the Bixby button has been a big point of altercation amid Galaxy fans. Many appearance the committed button as a ashen opportunity, which they altercate could be put to bigger use if Samsung would let them use it for added commands. Thanks to an alarming app, you'll be able to remap the Bixby button on your Galaxy S9 to accomplish about any function. While there are a cardinal of apps out there that acquiesce you to adapt your Galaxy's Bixby button, bxActions has accurate to be amid the best abiding and automatic apps to use. It's additionally adapted on a adequately approved basis, and has been... more

Since its introduction, the Bixby button has been a big point of altercation amid Galaxy fans. Many appearance the committed button as a ashen opportunity, which they altercate could be put to bigger use if Samsung would let them use it for added commands. Thanks to an alarming app, you'll be able to remap the Bixby button on your Galaxy S9 to accomplish about any function.

While there are a cardinal of apps out there that acquiesce you to adapt your Galaxy's Bixby button, bxActions has accurate to be amid the best abiding and automatic apps to use. It's additionally adapted on a adequately approved basis, and has been optimized for use on Samsung accessories active on Android Oreo, which makes it a absolute fit for your S9 or S9+. So if you're agog to canal Bixby, accord this app a try.

Before We Begin

There are a few things you should apperceive about bxActions begin. First, accomplish abiding that Bixby is absolutely enabled on your accessory — the app won't action at all if you accept it disabled. Battery activity is addition agency to consider, as the app works by active a account in the accomplishments to consistently clue for acceptance of the Bixby button.

Finally, approaching firmware updates may eventually block bxActions from alive on the Galaxy S9. User reports accept accepted that the app works to remap the Bixby button on the firmware that ships with best variants of the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but this could change at any moment.

Step 1: Install bxActions

bxActions is chargeless to download from the Google Play Store, so either arch on over there and chase for it by name, or use the articulation beneath to grab the app and adapt your S9's Bixby button to bigger clothing your needs.

Step 2: Admission Acceptance Access

With bxActions auspiciously installed, accessible the app and tap "Next" on the acceptable page. Before you can use it, you'll charge to admission assorted permissions to get it to absolutely work. So tap on "Get beginning app" to accredit it to admission your acceptance abstracts and get the brawl rolling.

Selecting "Get beginning app" will automatically alteration you to the "Usage Abstracts Access" folio aural your device's settings, so tap on the "bxActions" tab, again baddest "Allow acceptance tracking" to toggle it on.

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Step 3: Accredit the Accessibility Plugin

After acceding bxActions permission to adviser your usage, you'll be taken aback to the antecedent bureaucracy awning automatically. Tap the additional toggle to accredit the Accessibility plugin, again annal bottomward and baddest "bxActions - Bixby button." From there, tap the toggle at the top of the screen, again columnist "OK" on the popup. After that, tap on your aback button to arch aback to the bxActions app, again baddest "Done."

Step 4: Accredit the Service

bxActions gives you an advantage to added optimize its achievement by acceding it added permissions via ADB commands. Already done, the app will be able to analyze amid continued and abbreviate presses, and accord it the adeptness to anon ambush commands as against to connected tracking via the acceptance access. Tapping on on "Please alleviate permissions application a PC" reveals the instructions for this step.

Please agenda that active ADB commands to admission bxActions added permissions it absolutely optional, and we've begin that the app runs altogether accomplished after it. If you appetite to accomplish this step, however, do so carefully, and be abiding to analysis out our adviser if you charge to besom up on the subject.

Step 5: Accept a New Action for Your Bixby Button

The Bixby button on your S9 is now accessible for remapping. Tap on "Actions" aural the capital folio to get started, again baddest "Bixby" already you're inside. From there, tap on "Standard action" to advance to the "Choose action" page.

The "Choose action" folio contains a account of all the accessible commands you can accredit to your phone's Bixby button. Even if you autonomous to get the chargeless version, you still accept a bulk of options to accept from. These functions accommodate axis the button to either a home or aback button, or authoritative it accessible your camera app, accompany up your adeptness menu, toggle do not afflict on or off, and so abundant more.

Purchasing the exceptional adaptation for $2.99 unlocks added features, which includes the added adeptness to remap both aggregate buttons for added commands, and accomplish accomplishments — such as axis on your flashlight or ablution Google Now — beeline from the lock screen, as able-bodied as remapping buttons to booty screenshots.

Step 6: Use Your Custom Button

With a remapped Bixby button, you'll now accept the adeptness to bound barrage your admired app with a columnist of a button, and you've now added a band of customization to your S9 or S9+ to absolutely accomplish it your own. Which command did you use to alter your Bixby button? As always, don't alternate to bell in by announcement in the animadversion area below.


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