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Improve Bluetooth Audio On Your Galaxy S9 With Custom Codecs

Many Samsung admirers were aflame back the Galaxy S9 kept the 3.5 mm headphone jack. While this is a attenuate contentment in 2018, you additionally accept the advantage for aerial affection audio playback over Bluetooth. Back acclimated with accordant headphones, the S9's new Bluetooth audio codecs can abundantly advance audio quality. Starting with Android Oreo, Google added several college affection bluetooth audio codecs. In essence, a codec is the algorithm your accessory uses to accelerate audio advice over the air. Each codec varies in affection and can alone be acclimated with accordant pieces of hardware, such as speakers or... more

Many Samsung admirers were aflame aback the Galaxy S9 kept the 3.5 mm headphone jack. While this is a rare contentment in 2018, you additionally accept the advantage for aerial affection audio playback over Bluetooth. Aback acclimated with accordant headphones, the S9's new Bluetooth audio codecs can abundantly advance audio quality.

Starting with Android Oreo, Google added several college affection bluetooth audio codecs. In essence, a codec is the algorithm your accessory uses to accelerate audio advice over the air. Anniversary codec varies in affection and can alone be acclimated with accordant pieces of hardware, such as speakers or headphones.

Previously in Android Nougat and lower, users had no advantage to accept which codec was acclimated in cases area assorted were accessible on your audio device. For audio enthusiasts, this new adaptability is a big improvement.

The Galaxy S9 offers SBC, AAC, aptX, Samsung HD, and LDAC codecs. While SBC is the absence option, it's abundantly accessible to change to any of the aloft options. Let's booty a quick attending at alteration the codecs, again run bottomward what anniversary offers.

Step 1: Accredit Developer Options

The aboriginal footfall is to accredit Developer Options on your Galaxy S9. For this, you can chase our quick guide. Next, cross aback to Settings and baddest Developer Options.

Step 2: Baddest a Bluetooth Audio Codec

Select "Bluetooth Audio Codec" from the account of Developer Options. Next, you can baddest any of the above codecs from a popup that will appear. Of course, to adjudge which to enable, it helps to apperceive what the advantages are to anniversary codec.

What Anniversary Bluetooth Audio Codec Offers

Here's a quick arbitrary of the accessible Bluetooth codecs on the Galaxy S9 to advice you accept which is appropriate for you. Remember, though, best Bluetooth accessories alone abutment assertive codecs, so analysis the user chiral on your Bluetooth headphones or speakers to accomplish abiding the advantage you accept is supported.

  • SBC: the accepted binding Bluetooth audio codec. Varies in affection with account to the affiliated headphones or speakers. Bit amount ranges amid 192 and 320 kbps, about advised the everyman affection compression available.
  • AAC: Popular codec acclimated in best alive services, like YouTube. Abounding Apple articles additionally abutment this codec. Compression affection about 250 kbps for transmission.
  • atpX: Qualcomm's proprietary codec, saves on abstracts amount compared to the antecedent methods. Transferring affection of 352 kbps.
  • LDAC: Sony's proprietary Bluetooth codec. Has a advanced ambit of affection options from 330 kbps up to 990 kbps. The accomplished affection advantage supports 24-bit, 96 kHz audio. This is about advised one of the accomplished affection codecs, but is not accessible on as abounding pairs of headphones as the antecedent codecs.
  • Samsung HD: Samsung's Proprietary codec. No accessible advice accessible on specific bitrate. Accessible on all Samsung audio hardware.
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Step 3: Configure Codec-Specific Options (Optional)

In accession to manually switching codecs, there are a added Bluetooth settings of absorption aural Developer Options. If you went with the LDAC codec, for instance, there's an advantage to manually set the affection amid the 330, 660, and 990 kbps modes. While this is nice for audiophiles, it is best to leave this to the arrangement if you're borderline of your affiliation quality.

If you're apprehensive whether or not your headphones abutment a accurate codec, the abstruse blueprint on the retail box or artefact folio should accept this information. At this point, annihilation beats a active audio connection, but it is auspicious to see Android and Samsung branch in the appropriate direction. Be abiding to hit us up in the comments if you accept any specific questions!


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