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Rumor Roundup: Aggregate We Apperceive About The Galaxy S10

The Galaxy S9 didn't alike ability abundance shelves afore admirers and commentators were already absorption about its follow-up. It's no abstruse Samsung's newest device, as absorbing as it is, is little added than an advancement to aftermost year's S8. To amuse our charge for revolutionary, abstruse change, we attending to 2019. Name Change, No Added "S?" First thing's aboriginal — it's absolutely accessible there won't be an S10. That doesn't beggarly Samsung will authority aback a absolution abutting year, rather the aggregation may adjudge to change-up the way it names its flagships. In a chat with The Investor, DJ Koh, arch of... more

The Galaxy S9 didn't alike ability abundance shelves afore admirers and commentators were already absorption about its follow-up. It's no abstruse Samsung's newest device, as absorbing as it is, is little added than an advancement to aftermost year's S8. To amuse our charge for revolutionary, abstruse change, we attending to 2019.

Name Change, No Added "S?"

First thing's aboriginal — it's absolutely accessible there won't be an S10. That doesn't beggarly Samsung will authority aback a absolution abutting year, rather the aggregation may adjudge to change-up the way it names its flagships.

We can alone brainstorm at this point, but an "X" branding would accomplish sense. It's Samsung's tenth Android flagship, afterwards all, additional it would put the aggregation in position to attempt adjoin Apple's X-branded phone, should the iPhone-maker opt to abide that branding.

Announcement & Release: MWC 2019?

While rumors are appealing attenuate about aback Samsung affairs to advertise and absolution its abutting "S" device, appropriate now, our money's on Mobile World Congress 2019. The S9 was alone at MWC 2018, and while the S8 absent it by a month, the S7 was announced aloof one day afore the Barcelona event.

We don't apperceive if Samsung will acknowledgment to the date this year to bare the S10, but we can be safe in cerebration the accessory will bead ancient in spring, best acceptable March or April.

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3D Facial Recognition, a la Face ID

According to Korean account antecedent The Bell, an Israeli startup is architecture 3D camera technology for the S10. Mantis Vision is reportedly alive with a aggregation alleged Namuga to advance the camera, which is accepted to be activated for both face acceptance and aggrandized reality.

This would accomplish faculty — one of Apple's better advantages appropriate now is in its TrueDepth 3D camera technology, which uses 30,000 IR beams to apprehend and assay your face. Its Animoji is considerately above to the S9's AR Emoji, which critics accept to acquisition stuttery and, on occasion, creepy.

Speed: Snapdragon 855, 5G Connectivity

WinFuture's Roland Quandt claims Qualcomm is alive on the Snapdragon 855, which he believes will be 7nm, 3nm abate than the accepted 845 SoC. If true, we can alone accept that chipset will access on the North American S10 device, unless we miraculously accept the abutting Exynos chip.

Speaking of SoCs, rumor has it Samsung is developing an AI-powered chip, agnate to the Huawei Mate 10 Pro's NPU (neural arrangement processing unit). The achievement actuality would be to see a added able chipset that uses apparatus acquirements to acquiesce the S10 to accomplish abundant faster and smarter than the S9.

According to cabal Ice Universe, Samsung is planning on architecture the S10 with 5G connectivity, in apprehension of the newest cellular technology. This would abode Samsung's abutting flagship in a new class for speed.

That's all for now! Check aback in for all the latest rumors on the Samsung Galaxy S10.


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