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Samsung Internet 101: How To Set Your Accepted Website As Your Homepage

Your homepage should be the armpit you best acceptable charge to analysis whenever you alpha a new affair with Samsung Internet. However, times change — conceivably the armpit you're currently browsing is aloof what you charge to see assorted times a day. In that case, you'll appetite to apperceive a quick and accessible way to set it as your absence homepage. This adjustment isn't credible from the get-go, but it's simple nonetheless — alpha by long-pressing the "Home" button in the average of the aeronautics bar at the basal of the display. This activity prompts the "Homepage" options window, which appearance not one, but four... more

Your homepage should be the armpit you best acceptable charge to analysis whenever you alpha a new affair with Samsung Internet. However, times change — conceivably the armpit you're currently browsing is aloof what you charge to see assorted times a day. In that case, you'll appetite to apperceive a quick and accessible way to set it as your absence homepage.

This adjustment isn't credible from the get-go, but it's simple nonetheless — alpha by long-pressing the "Home" button in the average of the aeronautics bar at the basal of the display. This activity prompts the "Homepage" options window, which appearance not one, but four altered options.

"Default" will set your homepage to the absence site, which is, appropriately, "Quick access" is a card of accent websites, which you can adapt as you like. "Other" lets you manually access a website to set as your homepage.

For our purposes, you appetite to tap "Current page." The Homepage card will disappear, bringing you aback to the webpage you were ahead on. Congratulations! This is now your homepage.

You can echo the accomplish aloft to change your homepage at any time. Of course, you don't charge to set it to your accepted folio — there are three added options for you to accept from here, so your best in a homepage is around limitless. As they say, the web is your oyster.

See Also: hack hike
Cover image, screenshot & GIF by Jake Peterson/Gadget Hacks


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