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Should You Advancement To A Galaxy S9 From Your Agenda 8?

When the Nintendo 3DS XL came out, I traded in my approved sized Nintendo 3DS for one — but I concluded up antisocial it. The XL aloof acquainted big and unwieldy, and because the screens were beyond (with the aforementioned resolution), it concluded up attractive blurrier than the approved 3DS. This, to a beneath astringent extent, is the altercation for the Galaxy S9 adjoin the Note 8. The capital aberration amid these arguments is that the 3DS XL was about a archetype of the 3DS, alone larger. Alternatively, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy S9 are not copies of one addition — however, they are absolutely similar. While this isn't my only... more

When the Nintendo 3DS XL came out, I traded in my approved sized Nintendo 3DS for one — but I concluded up antisocial it. The XL aloof acquainted big and unwieldy, and because the screens were beyond (with the aforementioned resolution), it concluded up attractive blurrier than the approved 3DS. This, to a beneath astringent extent, is the altercation for the Galaxy S9 adjoin the Note 8.

The capital aberration amid these arguments is that the 3DS XL was about a archetype of the 3DS, alone larger. Alternatively, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy S9 are not copies of one addition — however, they are absolutely similar. While this isn't my alone altercation for authoritative the switch, I anticipate it's one that a lot of users don't accede generally enough.

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Looking at the specs, you'll see aloof how agnate these phones are. They accept the aforementioned 1440p display, a headphone jack, wireless charging — alike the advanced cameras are about identical on paper. Still though, specs rarely acquaint the accomplished story, so let's dig in.

Why the Note 8 Is Still Great

Unlike a allegory adjoin the Galaxy S9 involving phones like the S7 Edge or S8, the Note 8 absolutely does some things better than the S9. For one, its 3,300 mAh array is beyond than the S9's 3,000 mAh — but it does accept to ability a beyond screen, so the aberration isn't massive. It additionally has 6 GB of RAM to the S9's 4, which apparently shouldn't affair the boilerplate user, but it absolutely can't hurt. Most chiefly though, Note 8 users accept admission to the S Pen, commodity that a Galaxy S phone will acceptable never get.

Why the Galaxy S9 Is Worth the Upgrade

For one, the Galaxy S9's capricious breach camera is a afterimage to catch and should draft the Note 8's out of the water. Powering it is the Snapdragon 845, the aboriginal phone to accept it, in fact. While the Note 8's Snapdragon 835 isn't a bad processor, the 845 is acutely superior. Addition Note-able affection is the stereo speakers housed in the Galaxy S9.

Final Thoughts

I assumption this commodity boils bottomward to one question: Do you adulation your Note 8? The accessory is alone a few months old, and it's still absolutely one of the top bristles on the market. The S Pen is a affection that alone Notes have, and your Snapdragon 835 isn't old abundant to bang to the barrier aloof yet.

However, if you don't adulation your Note 8, or if you're on a carrier advancement plan like T-Mobile's JUMP, don't be abashed to let it go. It's a massive phone that doesn't fit in everyone's easily comfortably, and you may now feel like affairs it was a mistake. Perhaps you never use your S Pen, and hell, maybe you appetite a bluff screen. Yes, the two phones accept the aforementioned resolution, but because the Note 8 has added awning absolute estate, it has about 40 beneath Pixels Per Inch.

If you feel this way, don't be abashed to advertise your Note 8 to a acquaintance or ancestors member. Sure, accepting this Galaxy S9 will amount you a bit of money in the abbreviate term, but can you absolutely put a amount on happiness?

How do you feel about the Note 8 vs. Galaxy S9 debate? Are you planning on authoritative the switch? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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