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This Samsung Galaxy Dialer Cipher Lets You Analysis Anniversary Sensor On Your Phone

With the S9 and S9 aloft us, you maybe apprehensive if it's time to retire your crumbling Galaxy and either advertise it or do a trade-in to get Samsung's latest flagship. Before you do, however, it's important to accomplish abiding that all its apparatus — best conspicuously the sensors — are alive absolutely in adjustment to abstain abeyant headaches. Fortunately, Samsung has a abstruse affection that lets best Galaxy owners analysis out their device's components. And best of all, this hidden analytic approach can be accessed artlessly by inputting a abstruse code, authoritative it acutely accessible to analysis if your Galaxy's sensors are... more

With the S9 and S9+ aloft us, you maybe apprehensive if it's time to retire your crumbling Galaxy and either advertise it or do a trade-in to get Samsung's latest flagship. Before you do, however, it's important to accomplish abiding that all its apparatus — best conspicuously the sensors — are alive absolutely in adjustment to abstain abeyant headaches.

Fortunately, Samsung has a abstruse affection that lets best Galaxy owners analysis out their device's components. And best of all, this hidden analytic approach can be accessed artlessly by inputting a abstruse code, authoritative it acutely accessible to analysis if your Galaxy's sensors are active as they should.

Accessing the Abstruse Analytic Menu

Before we get started, it's account acquainted that this affection may not be accessible on your device. Some carriers like Verizon and Sprint are accepted to block the code-based analytic approach on their Samsung smartphones and tablets. Though newer phones from Sprint, such as the Galaxy S6, assume to accept this functionality restored.

With that out of the way, it's time to get started, so accessible your Samsung's phone app. From there, admission *#0*# application the punch pad and the phone will anon go into its abstruse analytic mode. The action is automatic, so there's no charge to tap on the blooming alarm button to ascribe the command. If you admission the cipher and annihilation happens, the affection is disabled on your device.

Now, tap on the "Sensor" button to admission the analytic page. This will crop a analysis folio for a array of sensors — namely the accelerometer, adjacency sensor, barometer, ablaze sensor, gyroscope, alluring sensor, HRM, and fingerprint scanner. Let's go over all of them in added detail.


The accelerometer detects the acclimatization of your phone and measures its beeline dispatch of movement. To analysis if it's alive properly, tap on either "Image Test" to analysis for landscape-to-portrait transitions, or "Graph" to see how able-bodied the sensor detects movement by afraid your accessory up and down.

Proximity Sensor

The adjacency sensor is amenable for putting your awning to beddy-bye whenever your phone is adjoin your face during phone calls (to anticipate accidental touches). Testing for this affection is accessible and involves artlessly accoutrement the top of your phone with your hand. If the sensor works, the awning will about-face blooming every time you awning it and backslide aback to white already you abolish your hand.


This sensor primarily keeps clue of altitude, which contributes to added authentic GPS readings. Testing for this action is aboveboard — baddest "Barometer Selftest" to alpha an automated analysis which will instantly let you apperceive if it's activity as it should.

Light Sensor

The ablaze sensor detects ambient light. To analysis for its functionality, artlessly tap on "Light Sensor" to begin. Now, betrayal your phone to ablaze of capricious brightness, and three levels should annals in turn. These levels alpha from "Level 1" for dim lighting, all the way up to "Level 3" for acutely bright.


The gyroscope measures your phone's rotations and works in affiliation with the accelerometer to acrylic a added absolute account of accepted movement. There are two capital means to analysis your handset's gyroscope — you can accomplish a chiral analysis by borer on either "Display" or "Graph," and circle your phone about while account the agnate after-effects in either numbers or beeline blueprint form.

The additional capital analysis is automated — you can accomplish by borer on "Gyro Selftest," which will crop a aftereffect of either canyon or abort for both the x and y axis.

Magnetic Sensor

You can analysis for the functionality of your phone's alluring sensor in two ways. Selecting "Selftest" will run an automated analysis to see if your accessory passes or fails. To accomplish a chiral test, tap on "Power Noise Test," again run a allurement about your phone. On the S8, for example, the alluring sensor is amid forth the top-left bend of the phone, as apparent by spikes on the blueprint aback a allurement is abutting to it.

See Also: hack facebook messenger

Heart Amount Adviser (HRM)

The HRM area contains a alternation of tests for your smartphone's affection amount monitor, which can be performed in two ways. To manually analysis the sensor, tap on the "Start" button aural the "HRM" tab to go to the "HRM Test" page. From there, artlessly abode your feel on the sensor to see if it auspiciously reads your affection rate.

To run an automated analytic test, baddest "HRM EOL," again abode your phone on a collapsed apparent and accumulate it absolutely still. This is actual important, as any movements will baffle with the analysis and aftereffect in assorted basic failures.

Fingerprint Sensor

To analysis out your device's fingerprint sensor, tap on "Normal Scan" to get started. The analysis itself is automated and checks for anniversary component's functionality. If you'd like to acquisition out the sensor's firmware version, artlessly tap on "Sensor Info" to appearance it.

Exiting Out of Analysis Mode

After you've accomplished testing our your phone's sensors, you're chargeless to avenue out of HwModuleTest Mode. To get out of analytic mode, tap on the aback button alert accompany you aback to the dialer page, again avenue from there as you commonly would.


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