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Chrome 101: How To Accomplish Sites Stop Allurement To Appearance Notifications

As the go-to browser for millions worldwide, Chrome makes web surfing a breeze with its simple interface and Google integration. But abounding websites are starting to ask if they can accelerate you notifications, and this can arrest your browsing. Thankfully, you can absolutely attenuate these prompts if you prefer. That's not to say these prompts are useless. For instance, you could acquiesce Facebook to accelerate you notifications, again uninstall the Facebook app after accident abundant functionality back the adaptable armpit would acquaint you of new messages. This was abundantly what Google had in apperception back they added... more

As the go-to browser for millions worldwide, Chrome makes web surfing a breeze with its simple interface and Google integration. But abounding websites are starting to ask if they can accelerate you notifications, and this can arrest your browsing. Thankfully, you can absolutely attenuate these prompts if you prefer.

That's not to say these prompts are useless. For instance, you could acquiesce Facebook to accelerate you notifications, again uninstall the Facebook app after accident abundant functionality back the adaptable armpit would acquaint you of new messages. This was abundantly what Google had in apperception back they added this affection to Chrome, but websites are starting to corruption it. Fortunately, disabling this affection on your Android accessory is appealing easy.

To about-face off annoying notification prompts and stop notifications from actualization alike while you're not application your browser, accessible Chrome and tap the card button to the appropriate of the abode bar. Tap on "Settings" from the card that appears, again baddest "Site Settings" on the afterward page.

Within "Site Settings," baddest "Notifications," again tap on the toggle at the top of the folio to attenuate the feature. This will block notifications from any armpit you've accustomed in the past, and it will additionally anticipate any added sites from allurement for permission to accelerate you notifications.

See Also: hack facebook messenger


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