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Ads Demography Over Your Lock Screen? Here's How To Fix It

Android has gotten decidedly bigger at administration advancing ads over the years. Things accept gotten to the point to area these nuisances are abundantly a non-issue for best of us. However, there are still a few ad-laden apps that abatement through the cracks — decidedly the affectionate that assail your lock awning with ads. In an accomplishment to catch bottomward on this coarse practice, Google afresh placed a ban on apps that affection lock awning ads, but alone for apps that weren't accurately marketed as actuality lock awning replacements. This has led to several doubtable apps still littering the Play Store for... more

Android has gotten decidedly bigger at administration advancing ads over the years. Things accept gotten to the point to area these nuisances are abundantly a non-issue for best of us. However, there are still a few ad-laden apps that abatement through the cracks — decidedly the affectionate that assail your lock awning with ads.

In an accomplishment to catch bottomward on this coarse practice, Google afresh placed a ban on apps that affection lock awning ads, but alone for apps that weren't accurately marketed as actuality lock awning replacements. This has led to several doubtable apps still littering the Play Store for anyone to install.

If you do abatement casualty to one of these adumbral apps, the band-aid is to artlessly uninstall the app. Unfortunately, accomplishing this may be easier said than done if you've afresh downloaded abundant apps and can't be abiding which one is demography over your lock screen. The methods categorical beneath will advice you get to the basal of things.

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Method 1: Analysis Your Download History

The best aboveboard way to clue bottomward the botheration app is to actualization your download history on the Play Store. So, by demography a cue from Sherlock Holmes, you'll charge to amend your accomplish and amount out the apps you installed that accompany with the ads' actualization on your lock screen.

To do so, accessible the Play Store app on your device, again either tap on the hamburger button or bash alongside from the larboard ancillary of the awning to cull up the menu. Baddest "My Apps & Games" aural the menu, again tap on the "Installed" tab forth the top of the afterward page.

From there, tap on the array button to the appropriate that's set to "Alphabetical" by default, and accept "Last Used" first, as abounding of adumbral apps that affection exceptionable lock awning apps tend to run always in the background. Additionally, you can can baddest "Last Updated" from the sort prompt, and attending through a account of afresh adapted apps to coursing bottomward the app that's causing the problem.

Whichever way you've absitively to array out your list, baddest any doubtable apps and uninstall them as you commonly would, again go aback to your lock awning to see if the ads persist. Rinse and echo until the botheration is solved.

Method 2: Analysis Your System Settings

If you're clumsy to boldness the affair application the adjustment categorical above, you'll accept to resort to added desperate measures to get rid of the lock awning ads for good. This adjustment will advice you analysis for any aberrant permissions aural your phone's settings. So accessible your phone's settings, tap on "Apps," again baddest "Special access" on the afterward page.

It's account acquainted that for some Android accessories such as the Galaxy S9, you'll charge to cull up a card aural "Apps" in adjustment to get to the "Special Access" page, so tap on the three-dot card button to acknowledge the card prompt.

Now, tap on "Draw over added apps" or "Apps that can arise on top," again tap on any apprehensive apps. Depending on your device, you may be taken to addition folio to admission the app's permission toggle, or the toggle will already be present and amid to the appropriate of the app aural the "Draw over added apps" page.

At any rate, hit the toggle to abjure its permission, again go aback to the lock awning to see if the botheration persists. Go through all the doubtable apps independent aural the Draw over added apps folio alone until the ads on your lock awning assuredly disappear.

Once you've begin the botheration app, you can opt to abolish it absolutely as accent in the anchor method, or accumulate it with the "Draw over added apps" permission assuredly revoked. Which adjustment did the job for you? Be abiding to allotment your thoughts by announcement in the animadversion area below.


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