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How To Get Oneplus' Attractive Acclimate App On Any Phone

The OnePlus 6 will be accessible to consumers in aboriginal June 2018, forth with its top-of-the-line specs — and yes, a notch. But you can alpha accepting some of their banal apps as aboriginal as today, acknowledgment to XDA user erayrafet, who ported this Weather app anon from the source. The banal OnePlus Weather app is both simple and gorgeous, and application it on your phone will be abiding to about-face a few heads. Still, if you're not accustomed with sideloading apps, this action may be absolutely adopted to you. Even if you're abashed by the thought, apprehend on to apprentice the ins and outs of installing "Unknown" apps... more

The OnePlus 6 will be accessible to consumers in aboriginal June 2018, forth with its top-of-the-line specs — and yes, a notch. But you can alpha accepting some of their banal apps as aboriginal as today, acknowledgment to XDA user erayrafet, who ported this Acclimate app anon from the source.

The banal OnePlus Acclimate app is both simple and gorgeous, and application it on your phone will be abiding to about-face a few heads. Still, if you're not accustomed with sideloading apps, this action may be absolutely adopted to you. Even if you're abashed by the thought, apprehend on to apprentice the ins and outs of installing "Unknown" apps like this.

Step 1: Accredit Unknown Services / Install Unknown Apps

If you're active Android Nougat or lower, you'll aboriginal charge to accredit Unknown Sources. This will acquiesce your phone to install apps like this one that came from alfresco of the Google Play Store.

If you're active Android Oreo or higher, you'll charge to admission your browser permission to install Unknown Apps. This can be done preemptively or as you're absolutely installing the OnePlus Acclimate app. It's easier to do at the time of installation, as you can aloof tap "Settings," again beat a box and arch aback to columnist "Install."

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Step 2: Install the OnePlus Weather

Once you let your phone install apps from alfresco of Google Play, grab the OnePlus Acclimate APK from the articulation below. Tap "Download" aback prompted. The book will again arise in your notification adumbration aback the download is finished. Pull it bottomward and tap on it.

You'll be again asked if you appetite to install the OnePlus Acclimate app. Tap "Install" to affirm that you appetite to install it, and again hit "Open" aback it's accomplished installing.

If you autonomous to delay until now to admission your browser permission to install Unknown Apps on Android 8.0+, tap "Settings" aback prompted, again accredit the about-face on the afterward screen. Columnist your aback button, again advance to tap "Install."

Step 3: Alpha Application the OnePlus Acclimate App

By default, Acclimate will affectation the acclimate for your accepted location. You can additionally add added places by borer the figure in the top-right that looks like a building, hitting the additional figure in the bottom-right corner, and analytic for that abode by name.

Swipe appropriate on the capital awning to aeon through your locations, or bash up to acknowledge a 6-day-forecast.

If you tap the three-dot-menu in the top-right bend and hit "Settings," you can change how the temperature is displayed (Fahrenheit or Celsius), how clamminess is displayed (relative vs. g/m^3), and whether or not you appetite to see "Weather alerts," which will acquaint you of abnormal acclimate patterns.

Now you're all set to fool anybody into cerebration you got yourself a agleam new OnePlus 6 with this Acclimate app.


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