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How To Install Android P Beta On Your Capital Phone

Earlier this year, we got our aboriginal aftertaste of Android P in the anatomy of Developer Preview 1. As with all accomplished Android previews, DP1 was bound to Google accessories — but at Google I/O 2018, Google appear that Developer Preview 2 would be attainable to added devices, including the Essential PH-1. Essential owners can try the latest firmware from Google appropriate now and get an absolute attending at what's to appear already Android P becomes a abiding release. Android P Beta includes some changes, both beneath the awning and visually, so we animate you to try it out. However, this is a beta, so this shouldn't... more

Earlier this year, we got our aboriginal aftertaste of Android P in the anatomy of Developer Preview 1. As with all accomplished Android previews, DP1 was bound to Google accessories — but at Google I/O 2018, Google arise that Developer Preview 2 would be attainable to added devices, including the Capital PH-1.

Essential owners can try the latest firmware from Google adapted now and get an absolute attending at what's to arise already Android P becomes a abiding release. Android P Beta includes some changes, both beneath the awning and visually, so we animate you to try it out. However, this is a beta, so this shouldn't be installed on your Capital if it's your circadian disciplinarian unless you like active on the edge.

While Capital does accommodate instructions on their website for installing Android P Beta, I begin no luck with them, and they larboard me balked for two canicule as I approved to amount it out. If you run into issues with Essential's instructions like I did, here's a answerable way to get Android P installed on your phone:

Step 1: Download ADB & Fastboot on Your PC

In adjustment to install Android P on the Capital Phone, your best bet is to use ADB commands. This requires installing the adapted software on your computer. You'll additionally charge Fastboot.

  • Instructions: How to Install ADB & Fastboot on Mac, Linux & Windows

Step 2: Download the OTA File

On your computer, appointment Essential's Android P Developer Preview webpage application the articulation listed below. Already there, acquire the "Download and Beam the Android P Developer Preview," afresh ample in the requested information.

After hitting the "Submit" button, you will be taken to a new folio with two downloads available. You'll appetite to download the aboriginal one labeled "Download (OTA)." Already downloaded, move the ZIP book to the platform-tools binder central of your ADB accession directory.

For Windows users, this can usually be begin at C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools, admitting it will adapt if you acclimated a basal ADB installer instead of the abounding Android SDK. If you're borderline of the folder's location, or if you're on a Mac or Linux machine, use your computer's chase action to acquisition the platform-tools folder.

After you've affected the ZIP book into the platform-tools folder, accumulate the charlatan window open, as this will advice with the abutting step.

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Step 3: Accessible a Command Alert or Terminal Window

With the platform-tools binder still accessible in your computer's book browser, archetype the folder's abounding area from the abode bar at the top of the window.

Next, accessible a command alert or terminal window. On Windows, columnist the Windows button on your keyboard, afresh blazon in "cmd" and hit access to do so. On Linux or Mac, accessible "Terminal" from your Applications folder.

Once you've got the command window open, you'll charge to change directories to the platform-tools binder afore you can accelerate ADB or Fastboot commands to beam Android P. To do that, blazon "cd" (without the quotes) followed by a space, afresh adhesive in the book area for your platform-tools binder and hit enter:

No amount which operating arrangement you are using, leave the command alert or Terminal open, as you will charge it for best of the accomplish below.

Step 4: Accredit 'OEM Unlocking' & 'USB Debugging'

To administer the new update, you charge to alleviate the bootloader on your device. To do so, you'll charge to accomplish abiding your computer can acquaint with your phone, so USB debugging will charge to be enabled in Developer options, and "OEM unlocking" will charge to be checked. If you already acquire "Developer options" unlocked, you can get it to it from "System" in your settings.

If you don't see "Developer options" in "System," cross to "About phone" in "System," acquisition the "Build number" entry, and tap it seven times until a acknowledgment bulletin says "You are now a developer." The "Developer options" should arise in "System" now.

Once in the "Developer options," annal bottomward to "OEM Unlocking," and accomplish abiding it's toggled on. Next, accredit "USB debugging," and aback a popup emerges, tap "OK."

Step 5: Get ADB Up & Running

Connect your Capital PH-1 to your computer application the included USB cable. Next, arch aback to your command alert or terminal window and ascribe the afterward command:

adb devices

At this point, you should see a popup on your Capital phone allurement if you'd like to acquiesce this computer to connect. Tick the box abutting to "Always acquiesce from this computer" on this message, afresh columnist "OK."

If you performed all the accomplish up to this point correctly, you should see an array of numbers and belletrist followed by the chat "device." If you see "Unauthorized," that agency you didn't "Allow USB debugging." If that's the case, abstract and reconnect the USB cable, afresh echo this step.

Step 6: Alleviate Your Bootloader

Now it's time to absolutely alleviate your PH-1's bootloader. This will acquiesce you to manually beam firmware (such as this Android P update) on the device, but be acquainted that it will automatically clean all absolute abstracts on your phone. If you're acquire with that and you acquire the important abstracts backed up, blazon the afterward command into the command alert or terminal window, afresh hit enter:

adb reboot bootloader

Your phone will restart, absolute a new awning with several curve of text. Next, input:

fastboot aflame unlock

Using the aggregate rocker on your phone, cross to "Yes," afresh affirm application the ability button.

Step 7: Install Android P

Once your phone completes the task, restart it (if it didn't automatically). Check to accomplish abiding ADB commands can be beatific application the "adb devices" command again, afresh input:

adb reboot recovery

You will see a new awning with an Android amulet laying down. Hold the ability button and tap aggregate up to see the accretion card options. Use the aggregate buttons to cross to "Apply amend from ADB" and columnist the ability button to confirm.

Two curve of argument will arise acknowledging your accessory is accessible to acquire sideloaded firmware. Aback on your computer, blazon "adb sideload" (without the quotes) into the command prompt, afresh add a distinct space, but don't hit access aloof yet.

Instead, annoyance and bead the OTA ZIP you downloaded in Footfall 2 into the command alert window. This will abide the abounding book name and area anon afterwards the "adb sideload" command you aloof typed.

Once the command looks agnate to what's depicted below, go advanced and columnist access to alpha installing Android P.

adb sideload <file location> <file>

A allotment cardinal will appearance up in the command alert window. Already it alcove 100%, aloof restart your phone and Android P will installed on your device!

Android P is abstraction to be a cogent update. There are some beheld changes, security improvements, and new gestures that adapt how you collaborate with your device. With Android P Beta, you can adore these appearance aboriginal as the blow of the Android association waits for the final build. Aren't you animated you are one of the 100,000 owners of an Capital PH-1?


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