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100+ Abstruse Dialer Codes For Oneplus Phones

There's absolutely added to the dialer awning on your OnePlus than meets the eye. Besides its accessible purpose of calling people, there's a all-inclusive arrangement of abstruse codes that you can ascribe to troubleshoot your device, in accession to absolute important information, authoritative bearding phone calls, and so abundant more. OnePlus has coded in abundant abstruse analytic modes that can be accessed from the Phone app's punch pad to aid in assembly band affection ascendancy and after-sales troubleshooting. In accession to these, accepted GSM-based carriers like T-Mobile additionally appear with their actual own abstruse codes to... more

There's absolutely added to the dialer awning on your OnePlus than meets the eye. Besides its accessible purpose of calling people, there's a all-inclusive arrangement of abstruse codes that you can ascribe to troubleshoot your device, in accession to absolute important information, authoritative bearding phone calls, and so abundant more.

OnePlus has coded in abundant abstruse analytic modes that can be accessed from the Phone app's punch pad to aid in assembly bandage affection ascendancy and after-sales troubleshooting. In accession to these, accepted GSM-based carriers like T-Mobile additionally appear with their actual own abstruse codes to bigger admission their services.

The dialer codes beneath accept all been activated on the latest firmware versions for the OnePlus 5T and 6. However, some of the codes provided may alone assignment with specific models, not to acknowledgment altered wireless providers, so your after-effects will alter depending on what archetypal or carrier you have.

Tips for Reading These Codes Below

Note that these dialer codes assignment in assorted ways. Best OEM-specific dialer codes will be activated automatically already you ascribe the aftermost chiffre or symbol, while some codes will crave you to hit the blooming "Call" button to activate.

Besides those, some codes crave a phone cardinal to work, so if you see an XXXXXXXXXX in any of the codes below, you'll charge to admission a ten-digit phone cardinal in adjustment to actuate them.

View Firmware Adaptation & Software Details

Either ascribe *#1234# to instantly appearance your device's firmware version/build number, or *#6776# to accessible the "Software version" folio for your OnePlus device.

*#1234# OR *#*#1234#*#* ....Check firmware/build number
*#6776# OR *#*#1111#*#*.....View abounding software details
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* .......Check firmware versions for PDA, Phone, H/W, and RFCallDate

Of course, you can appearance the aforementioned exact advice by branch to the "About Phone" folio in Settings, but inputting either of these codes saves you the added accomplish of abyssal through menus.

Access Engineer Mode

OnePlus afresh fabricated annual as austere security apropos grew about its canning of a abstruse analytic apparatus on its accessories which could potentially acquiesce hackers to accretion base admission to its handsets. The aggregation dedicated its accommodation to leave the app intact, however, acquainted that failsafes like USB debugging and the charge for ADB commands are abundant to anticipate any third parties from accepting base access.

The app in catechism — EngineerMode — is a analytic apparatus that's primarily acclimated for ensuring software apparatus action as they should while still in the assembly line, but can additionally be accessed to troubleshoot your OnePlus handset beneath the advice of afterwards sales support. To admission Engineer mode, ascribe *#36446337#.


Upon inputting the code, you'll be taken to a "FactoryMode" folio absolute assorted tests and settings that you can access. Notable options accommodate the adeptness to instantly admission "FastBoot Mode" after the charge to shut bottomward your device, forth with the advantage to instantly clean all abstracts on your accessory by hitting "All Clear."

In accession to the analysis approach listed above, you additionally accept the advantage of examination software or accouterments versions and added advice for alone apparatus and appearance by inputting the afterward codes:

*#268# ............View Qualcommm settings
*#888# ............View accouterments PCB adaptation & agnate QR code
*#9090# ...........Diagnostic configuration
*#*#2222#*#* ......FTA HW Version
*#*#2663#*#* ......Touch awning version
*#*#3264#*#* ......RAM version
*#12580*369# ......Software and accouterments information
*#*#232337#*# .....Shows Bluetooth accessory address
*#*#232338#*#* ....Shows WiFi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* ...GPS

Enter Engineering Manual Analysis Mode

Another aspect of EngineerMode, Manual Analysis Approach is a alternation of accouterments and software tests. To admission this mode, admission *#808# on your phone's punch pad.


There's about 81 abstracted tests that your can run, alignment from automatic "Production line" tests that accord you a glimpse of the affection ascendancy testing that goes into anniversary device, to added accepted accouterments tests such as touchscreen functionality. In all, Manual Analysis Approach is a abundant way to run affection on your OnePlus handset to accomplish abiding that aggregate works as it should.

In accession to the analysis approach listed above, you additionally accept the advantage of automatically testing for alone apparatus and appearance by inputting the afterward codes:

*#99# ...........Toggle always-on affectation on or off
*#800# ..........Log analysis settings
*#801# ..........Engineering about-face analysis mode
*#802# ..........GPS TTFF (Time-To-First-Fix) analysis mode
*#803# ..........Engineering Wi-Fi setting
*#804# ..........Automatic abstract analysis mode
*#805# ..........Engineering bluetooth analysis mode
*#806# ..........Engineering crumbling analysis mode
*#807# ..........Engineering automatic analysis mode
*#809# ..........Enter engineering mic answer analysis mode
*#814# ..........Automatically searches for accessible TDSCDMA carriers
*#824# ..........Automatically searches for accessible WCDMA carriers
*#834# ..........Automatically searches for accessible LTE carriers
*#844# ..........Automatically searches for accessible GSM carriers
*#900# ..........Test photograph RGB (Red, Green, & Blue tint)
*#*#0*#*#** .....LCD affectation test
*#*#0283#*#* ....Packet loopback
*#*#0289#*#* ....Melody test
*#*#0588#*#* ....Proximity sensor test
*#*#0673#*#* ....Melody test
*#*#0842#*#* ....Test for beating and backLight functionality
*#*#1575#*#* ....Advanced GPS testing
*#*#2664#*#* ....Touch awning test
*#*#7668#*#* ....Checks for root
*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test

Check Your IMEI Number

The IMEI, or All-embracing Mobile Equipment Identity, is a 15-digit cardinal that's a abnormally assigned to every handset, abundant like a fingerprint for cellular phones. It's actual important to apperceive your device's IMEI, as it lets you attenuate it and cede the phone abortive for calling and texting in the accident that it gets absent or stolen.

Besides the accepted *#06#, you can additionally ascribe *#66# to go to the "Check & Encrypt IMEI" folio which shows added IMEIs apparent as encrypted, admitting there's no options accessible to change from one IMEI to another.

*#06# .....Show IMEI & MEID
*#66# .....Show & Encrypt IMEI & MEID

Retrieving your handset's IMEI with the advice of these dialer codes is way faster than activity to "About Phone" folio aural its settings, or attractive for the aboriginal packaging that you may accept discarded. As such, we acclaim abstraction this simple command for those moments breadth you'll charge to bound retrieve your device's IMEI for troubleshooting or advertence purposes.

Reset Your OnePlus Device

OnePlus lets you instantly clean all abstracts and restore your accessory to branch settings by inputting a array of dialer codes, depending on how abundant advice you appetite to preserve. For instance, you can admission *#*#7780#*#* to abolish your Google annual and all the apps you've installed, forth with all abstracts associated with them, but accumulate all added files like photos and added media files.

*#8778# ...............Resets device, can be canceled
*#*#7780#*#* ..........Erases Google account, third-party apps, & all associated data. Can be canceled
*#*#947322243#*#* .....Instant Abstracts Wipe, BEWARE!!! Get out by booting into fastboot
*2767*3855# ...........Completely wipes accessory & reinstalls firmware

Be authentic of what cipher you ascribe however, as *#*#947322243#*#* will instantly reboot your accessory in alertness for a branch abstracts clean and reset, as against to *#8778# and *#*#7780#*#* that can be calmly canceled by hitting the aback button.

Secret Codes for the Acclimate App

OnePlus handsets appear accepted with their actual own Acclimate app which calmly ranks amid the best apps accessible today acknowledgment to its attractive architecture and acutely convenient interface. Not surprisingly, the app has several dialer codes of its own to advice you admission and abuse assorted settings:

*#*#1288#*#* ......Allows you to baddest from a annual of cities or add new ones
*#*#33344#*#* .....Weather breadth selection
*#*#3345678#*#* ...Weather advantage setting
*#*#55688#*#* .....Weather app abounding screen

These codes gives you burning admission to abundant settings — from ambience a primary burghal or abacus new ones, to switching amid Celsius or Fahrenheit for temperature and clamminess readings, or enabling acclimate alerts to accumulate you up to date with any approaching weather-related emergencies.

Unknown Codes

If the arduous bulk of dialer codes we've accent so far weren't boundless abundant for you, OnePlus has a ton of added codes accessible for testing software and accouterments components. Unfortunately, these codes may alone be aloof for OnePlus itself, as it's adamantine to actuate their purpose.

While you're chargeless to ascribe the codes and see for yourself, we acclaim not alteration any of the settings — abnormally the ones in Chinese — to abstain accidentally damaging your device.

*#818# ................Automatic chase (unknown function, in Chinese)
*#838# ................Automatic chase (unknown function, in Chinese)
*#8000# ...............Start logging and dump
*#8011# ...............Unknown, shows "Config success"
*#8888# ...............Unknown, shows no book charge to delete
*#*#438#*#* ...........Tuner Ascendancy Manual App, accompanying to processor testing, some options in Chinese
*#*#818#*#* ...........Automatic chase (unknown function, in Chinese)
*#*#838#*#* ...........Automatic chase (unknown function, in Chinese)
*#*#5646#*#* ..........Asks for a QR code
*#*#9877#*#* ..........OP Push, shows some options in Chinese
*#*#9900#*#* ..........Unknown bureaucracy astrologer menu
*#*#20169#*#* .........Chinese menu, alien function
*#*#2884936#*#* .......Unknown function
*#*#2432546#*#* .......Unknown function
*#*#426377962#*#* .....Unknown function
*#*#3439#*#* ..........Shows a acknowledgment notification that says “French custom edition"
*#*#9339#*#* ..........Shows a acknowledgment notification that says “Indian edition”
*#*#3392#*#* ..........Shows a acknowledgment notification that says “Normal edition”

Make Bearding Calls

Thanks to FCC's authorization acute all US carriers to accord consumers the advantage of blocking their advice from assuming up on accession ID screens, you accept the abandon to make bearding phone calls artlessly by inputting a abbreviate cipher afore the recipient's number. Already dialed, your almsman will accept your alarm as usual, but with your name and/or phone cardinal absolutely blocked off.

All Carriers:               *67XXXXXXXXXX
T-Mobile (Alternative):     #31#XXXXXXXXXX

To do so, admission *67 appropriate afore dialing the cardinal of accession you appetite to reach, again hit the alarm button as you commonly would. All they will see on their end already the alarm goes through is "unknown," "private," or article similar. Aloof buck in apperception that the affairs of your alarm accepting answered go bottomward decidedly due to the prevalence of bearding spam and business calls.

Show Your Cardinal on Accession ID

In the adverse end of the spectrum, if you've instructed your carrier to block your accession ID on all approachable calls, you may acquisition the charge to acknowledge your character in some cases. To do this on a call-by-call basis, you'll charge to admission *82 afore the recipient's number.

All Carriers:               *82XXXXXXXXXX
T-Mobile (Alternative):     *31#XXXXXXXXXX

This advantage is ideal for authoritative your attendance known, abnormally if you're aggravating to ability an important acquaintance in an emergency or business opportunity, as able-bodied as contacting bodies who are accepted to block alien callers. Again, T-Mobile has an accession cipher available.

Directory Assistance

A accepted agenda abetment annual with a alive operator, 411 is accessible for all aloft carriers and can be accessed artlessly by inputting the three-digit cardinal and hitting the alarm button. The annual is abundant for award the phone number, address, or basal advice for a business, forth with directions, and so abundant more. 411 is abnormally advantageous if you can't admission your go-to apps due to poor internet service.


Bear in mind, however, that the annual isn't free, and accuse $1.99 for anniversary alarm made, so use the annual wisely. Fortunately, T-Mobile and AT&T will accord you some elbowroom — the aloft gives you three chargeless 411 calls, while the closing gives you two. We acclaim application Yelp, Google Maps, or acceptable old Google aback attractive up information, and extenuative 411 as a aftermost resort.

If you'd like to apprentice added about 411 and the bulk and casework for anniversary carrier, be abiding to arch over to the abutment pages for AT&T or T-Mobile to advice avoid off awful surprises already your bill arrives.

Call Chump Service

One of the best important three-digit numbers at your auctioning is 611, which instantly takes your to your carrier's chump annual bandage and saves you the altercation of hunting for their business numbers aloof to end up jumping admitting hoops. Best of all, the cardinal is chargeless to call.

Calling 611 will usually booty you through an automatic phone arrangement which can affix you to wireless chump annual in capricious departments like abstruse abutment or billing. Amuse agenda that not all of the departments can be accomplished about the alarm or 24/7, so appointment AT&T and T-Mobile to see what hours assorted casework are available.


Get Bounded Cartage Information

If you've hit an breadth with poor cellular service, consistent in inaccurate cartage advice on either Google Maps, Waze, or some added app that has alive cartage updates, accord 511 a try. This is cardinal provides bounded cartage altitude and updates in real-time, and it should assignment on all carriers.


This service, however, can alter from accompaniment to state, aback carriers are codicillary on them to apparatus it into their databases to accommodate authentic bounded cartage conditions. As an example, Sprint's 511 arrangement won't assignment in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, but does in all added states additional DC.

View Your Balance

If you'd like to analysis your bill on your OnePlus accessory on the fly, you can admission either *225# for AT&T or #225# if you're on T-Mobile. Afterwards agreement the call, you'll either be greeted by a exact recording annual your annual (AT&T), or a acknowledgment notification summarizing your accepted bill forth with the aftermost acquittal you fabricated (T-Mobile).

*225# .....Check your antithesis on AT&T
#225# .....View your antithesis and aftermost acquittal on T-Mobile

View Your Abstracts Usage

AT&T and T-Mobile both let you instantly analysis your abstracts acceptance on your OnePlus accessory in real-time with the use of dialer codes. To do so, artlessly admission either *3282# of you're application AT&T, or #932# if you're on T-Mobile.

AT&T:       *3282#
T-Mobile:   #932#

After calling one of the codes listed above, based on what carrier you have, you'll either accept a exact readout, or a notification annual your absolute internet acceptance for the ages so far.

Forward Phone Calls to Accession Number

As far as alarm forwarding goes, there's not abundant to go on in agreement of dialer codes if you're on AT&T besides these codes:

*21*XXXXXXXXXX# .....Activate actual forwarding to a number
#21#.................Turn off actual forwarding

You accept a lot added options for alarm forwarding, however, if you're on T-Mobile, and can use the afterward codes for all your forwarding needs. Appointment T-Mobile's website if you'd like added capacity on the codes provided below.

**21*XXXXXXXXXX# .......Turn on actual forwarding to a number
##21# ..................Turn off actual forwarding

**61*XXXXXXXXXX*SS# ....Change alarm forwarding time adjournment (Replace SS with 5, 10, 15, or 30 for seconds)
**61*XXXXXXXXXX# .......Turn on alarm forwarding if no acknowledgment to a number
##61# ..................Turn off forwarding if no reply

**62*XXXXXXXXXX# .......Turn on alarm forwarding aback not reachable
 ##62# .................Turn off alarm forwarding aback not reachable

**67*XXXXXXXXXX# .......Turn on alarm forwarding aback busy
##67# ..................Turn off alarm forwarding aback busy

##004# .................Cancel alarm forwarding

Alternate Way of Calling Emergency Services

Unbeknownst to many, there's accession way of calling for emergency casework besides 911, and it's aloof as simple. 112 is not aloof the name for a 90s R&B band, it's additionally the primary agency of extensive emergency casework in countries aural the European Union. And aback your OnePlus is GSM-based, you can absolutely punch 112 in the US and be redirected to 911, behindhand of whether you're on AT&T or T-Mobile.


Call Emergency Services

Of course, what's the point of dialing 112 aback you can aloof alarm 911. Granted, it's not actual "secret," but it's the best important cardinal to apperceive in an emergency. As a attestation to its importance, this cardinal will assignment behindhand of which carrier you have, and may alike save your activity in a acute emergency.


Carrier-Specific Services

Believe it or not, all the annual codes we've abundant aloft are aloof the tip of the iceberg, as anniversary carrier comes with its own specific set of codes that you can use, in accession to all of the ones we've listed above. Accumulate in apperception that some of these codes are plan-specific, such as T-Mobile's codes for prepaid plans, so your after-effects may may vary.

See Also: hack telegram


The afterward abbreviate codes were sourced from AT&T's website.

*225# ......Check bill balance
*646# ......View your minutes
*729 .......Pay your bill
*3282# .....View your abstracts and messages
*#08 .......Voice connect


The afterward dialer codes were aggregate from T-Mobile's website.


*#9999# ....Check the software adaptation (Motorola and Samsung)
*#0000# ....Check the software adaptation on Nokia phones
#225# ......Check your antithesis and aftermost acquittal (225 = BAL)
#263# ......Turn "Binge On" off (263 = BOF)
#264# ......Check "Binge On" cachet (264 = BNG)
#266# ......Turn "Binge On" aback on (266 = BON)
#326# ......Check your Family Allowance acceptance (326 = FAM)
#646# ......Check your minute acceptance (646 = MIN)
#674# ......Check your bulletin acceptance (674 = MSG)
#686# ......View your phone cardinal (686 = NUM)
#763# ......Turn off all-embracing abstracts adrift (763 = ROF)
#766# ......Turn on all-embracing abstracts adrift (766 = RON)
#793# ......Reset voicemail countersign to aftermost 4 digits of phone cardinal (793 = PWD)
#796# ......Toggle voicemail countersign off/on (796 = PWO)
#932# ......Check abstracts used, abstracts plan, and cessation date. (932 = WEB)
#8294 ......Find a cab annual for $1.75 per use (8294 = TAXI)


*43# .......Turn on alarm waiting
#43# .......Turn off alarm waiting


*233 .......Call the Refill Center (233 = ADD)
#225# ......Check your annual plan timeframe (225 = BAL)
#263# ......Turn "Binge On" off (263 = BOF)
#264# ......Check "Binge On" cachet (264 = BNG)
#266# ......Turn "Binge On" aback on (266 = BON)
#932# ......Check your web acceptance (932 = WEB)
#999# ......Check your annual antithesis and account remaining


#632# ......Turn off Scam Block (632 = OFB)
#634# ......Turn off Scam ID
#662# ......Turn on Scam Block (662 = ONB)
#664# ......Turn on Scam ID (664 = ONI)
#787# ......Show Scam Block cachet (787 = STS)


*72XXXXXXXXXX ..Activate actual alarm forwarding. Example: *72 (206) 111-1111
*42DN ..........Activate no acknowledgment codicillary alarm forwarding
*67DN ..........Activate Calling Bandage Identification Restriction (CLIR) for approachable call
*73 ............Deactivate and abolish actual alarm forwarding
*82DN ..........Deactivate Actuate Calling Bandage Identification Restriction (CLIR) for approachable call
*93 ............Deactivate no acknowledgment codicillary alarm forwarding

With the arduous bulk of OnePlus codes that we've provided, we wouldn't be afraid if we've disregarded a cipher or two, or included some that may not assignment for your OnePlus device. So please, let us apperceive in the animadversion area beneath if you've begin any added codes or if one of the aloft codes isn't alive for you.

Cover photo and screenshots by Amboy Manalo/Gadget Hacks


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