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All The Latest Oneplus 6 News, Leaks & Rumors

Aftermost year, OnePlus appear not one but two accomplished flagship accessories with the OnePlus 5 and 5T. While the 5T appear eventually than expected, it brought some advantageous upgrades, such as a abreast bezel-less affectation and a much-needed camera enhancement. With 2018 able-bodied underway, the OnePlus 6 is now on deck. While the belief of absolution a aftereffect to your aftermost above smartphone afterwards aloof four months is debatable, we still appetite to acquisition all the rumors we can about the latest from OnePlus. From photos leaks to upgraded Snapdragon chips, you'll acquisition aggregate you charge to apperceive about the OnePlus 6... more

Last year, OnePlus appear not one but two accomplished flagship accessories with the OnePlus 5 and 5T. While the 5T appear eventually than expected, it brought some advantageous upgrades, such as a abreast bezel-less affectation and a much-needed camera enhancement. With 2018 able-bodied underway, the OnePlus 6 is now on deck.

While the belief of absolution a aftereffect to your aftermost aloft smartphone afterwards aloof four months is debatable, we still appetite to acquisition all the rumors we can about the latest from OnePlus. From photos leaks to upgraded Snapdragon chips, you'll acquisition aggregate you charge to apperceive about the OnePlus 6 appropriate here.

Quarter 2 Launch, Possibly March 2018

According to a antecedent abutting to GizmoChina, OnePlus is attractive to barrage the OnePlus 6 ancient abutting month. Details are a little attenuate here, however, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau did confirm to CNET that the aggregation expects to absolution its abutting accessory in the additional division of this year.

Smaller Bezels, Hello Notch?

A photo leak on February 27 showed off what could possibly be the OnePlus 6's chassis. BGR claims the photos originated with a column on Weibo. While that column was allegedly deleted, the photos ashore the internet, with writers and consumers apprehensive if this was our aboriginal attending at the abutting OnePlus phone.

The photo to the appropriate shows off a actual ample display, one that extends actual abutting to all edges of the device. Interestingly, it appears the phone has a notch, affiliated to the cutouts begin on the Essential Phone or iPhone X.

Android 8.1 Oreo, OxygenOS 5.1

If the phone in the leaks is legitimate, again the OnePlus 6 will be active Android 8.1 out of the box. Abounding phones still accept not accustomed an Android 8.0 update, so it will be a acceptable afterimage to see the 6 active the best abreast adaptation of Oreo (which, by then, will apparently be abaft Android 9.0).

Of course, OnePlus accessories appear with OxygenOS, which is OnePlus' Android skin. As far as banknote go, it's adequately unobtrusive, so don't apprehend Samsung-level of arrest here.

New Camera System

There's not a lot out there yet about the OnePlus 6's cameras. However, based on the leaked photos, it does attending like OnePlus has taken a folio from Apple and Samsung, flipping their bifold cameras into a vertical position.

Whether this accession is based on action or anatomy is yet to be seen. But they will accept to attempt with some absorbing tech that's already out there, such as the bifold breach camera arrangement begin on the Galaxy S9.

Fast Phone: Snapdragon 845 Processor Likely

It goes after any rumors that the OnePlus 6 is accepted to be packing the latest and greatest processor from Qualcomm. Afterwards all, the Galaxy S9 and Xperia XZ2 both affection the 845 SoC, so why shouldn't the OnePlus 6? Lau himself told CNET "Of course, there's no added choice."

That agency we can apprehend the 6 to be absolutely the accelerated phone. The XZ2's processor is clocked at 2.7 GHz, while the S9 is alike faster at 2.8 GHz.

We don't accept abundant advice on the OnePlus 6's RAM, but we're abiding it will accept a lot of it. The OnePlus 5 and 5T maxed out at a whopping 8 GB of RAM. Alike if OnePlus doesn't add added RAM to its abutting phone, which it could, it will accept added than abundant RAM to boss in the bazaar (the S9, for example, maxes out at 6 GB).

Stereo Speakers

The 6 could be OnePlus' aboriginal smartphone to affection stereo speakers. Based on the leaked photo of the advanced of the OnePlus 6, the receiver looks added like a apostle than a abode to accept to phone calls. If that's the case, presumably, OnePlus will abode a additional apostle on the basal of the phone.

It would alone be in their best absorption to do so, as abounding OEMs accept started packing their smartphones with at atomic one front-facing speaker.

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Wireless Charging, Finally?

This one is alone based on the leaked photo above. OnePlus has never fabricated a phone accordant with wireless charging. While we can't vouch for the actual in that leaked photo, it's safe to say it isn't aluminum. If the OnePlus 6 is fabricated out of glass, the aggregation has an accomplished befalling to accommodate wireless charging.


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