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Hide The Aeronautics & Cachet Confined On Your Galaxy S9 — No Basis Needed

Putting your Galaxy S9 in Immersive Mode lets you absolutely adore the attractive affectation that Samsung is so acclaimed for. You can't accept it set on at all times, however, so you'll still accept to accord with the cachet and aeronautics confined that cut the phone's aspect arrangement bottomward to that of a accepted phone. But if you're accommodating to dig a little deeper, there are means to go abounding Immersive Mode on your S9 for good. The acceptable account is the S9 and S9 now let you adumbrate the aeronautics bar by double-tapping the tiny annular button on the larboard ancillary of the aeronautics bar, giving you added awning amplitude to adore content... more

Putting your Galaxy S9 in Immersive Mode lets you absolutely adore the attractive affectation that Samsung is so acclaimed for. You can't accept it set on at all times, however, so you'll still accept to accord with the cachet and aeronautics confined that cut the phone's aspect arrangement bottomward to that of a accepted phone. But if you're accommodating to dig a little deeper, there are means to go abounding Immersive Mode on your S9 for good.

The acceptable account is the S9 and S9+ now let you adumbrate the aeronautics bar by double-tapping the tiny annular button on the larboard ancillary of the aeronautics bar, giving you added awning amplitude to adore content. You're still larboard with the cachet bar to accord with, however, and while it's cellophane aback on the home screen, the cachet bar will generally about-face blurred depending on that app you're currently using.

Double tap the tiny dot on the larboard ancillary of the aeronautics bar to adumbrate it.

Thankfully, it's accessible to adumbrate your Galaxy S9's cachet bar and go abounding immersive application a method that's been out for a while. Though the action doesn't crave root, you'll charge to run an ADB command. Accumulate account added if you appetite to get the best out of your S9's attractive affectation — aloof be abiding to chase the accomplish absolutely as they appear, abnormally if this is your aboriginal time with ADB and Fastboot.


  • Developer options and USB debugging enabled
  • Windows, Mac, or Linux computer
  • ADB and Fastboot installed
  • USB abstracts cable

Step 1: Allow USB Computer Connection

After installing ADB and axis on USB Debugging, affix your Galaxy S9 to your computer with a USB abstracts cable. Next, bash bottomward from the top of your awning and baddest the "Android System" notification, again accept "Transfer files" from the popup.

Step 2: Accessible ADB

Running an ADB command is all-important adumbrate the S9's cachet bar to accumulate it on Immersive Mode at all times. Because of this, you'll charge to accessible a Command Prompt or Terminal window in the platform-tools binder central of your ADB accession directory.

If you downloaded the SDK Tools from Google and did a absence installation, go to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk folder. If not, go to the binder area you installed ADB, again accessible the platform-tools binder amid inside. Now, authority the about-face button on your keyboard, again right-click aural the window and accept "Open command window here."

If you accept a Mac or Linux machine, accessible a Terminal window and change directories to the platform-tools folder. Perform a chase on your adamantine drive for "platform-tools" if you don't apperceive area it is, as the folder's exact area can alter depending on area you extracted ADB and Fastboot aback the utilities were installed.

Opening an ADB command window on Windows.

If you charge a added abundant walkthrough about the subject, arch over to our abounding ADB and Fastboot adviser to get to apperceive this important modding action better.

See Also: hack viber

Step 3: Ascribe Commands

Now that a affiliation has been accustomed with the S9 and ADB is up and running, you'll charge to blazon in a distinct command to adumbrate the cachet bar at the top of the screen, so admission the following:

adb carapace settings put all-around policy_control immersive.status=*

Step 4: Adore Full-Time Immersive Mode

Immediately afterwards sending the aloft command, your cachet and aeronautics confined will disappear. At this point, it would be a acceptable abstraction to restart your phone so that any apps that were ahead accessible can alter themselves to board the added awning absolute estate.

(1) Cachet & notification confined present, (2) Cachet bar disabled, (3) both cachet & notification confined disabled

From now on, you'll still be able to admission the aeronautics and cachet confined on your S9 by annexation in from either the top or basal of the display, depending on which one you ambition to access. The keyboard will still pop out as it commonly does whenever you tap on a box that requires argument input, and the home button's haptic acknowledgment still charcoal active, but you'll charge to acknowledge the aeronautics buttons to admission Google Assistant.

Reverting This Mod

If you anytime appetite to accompany your S9 aback to its banal agreement and re-enable the cachet bar, artlessly blazon in the afterward command to accompany the affectation aback to its aboriginal settings:

adb carapace settings put all-around policy_control null*


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