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22 Appearance You Apparently Disregarded On Your Samsung Galaxy

TouchWiz ability not be the Android bark of best for hardcore aficionados, but the Galaxy's OS still has a ton of abundant appearance up its sleeve that advice accommodate one of the best agreeable smartphone adventures out there. Many of these are almost hidden and disregarded appearance that you may not be acquainted of. If these appearance leave you abrading your arch apprehensive how you absent them, you're not alone. The acceptable account is that all the tips appear beeline from TouchWiz, AKA Samsung Experience, so they don't crave any appropriate mods or apps. As such, these tips should assignment on a best Galaxy... more

TouchWiz adeptness not be the Android bark of best for hardcore aficionados, but the Galaxy's OS still has a ton of abundant actualization up its sleeve that advice accommodate one of the best agreeable smartphone adventures out there. Many of these are about hidden and disregarded actualization that you may not be acquainted of.

If these actualization leave you abrading your arch apprehensive how you absent them, you're not alone. The acceptable account is that all the tips arise beeline from TouchWiz, AKA Samsung Experience, so they don't crave any appropriate mods or apps. As such, these tips should assignment on a best Galaxy devices, from the S6 to the S9+. While we focused on Nougat and Oreo, some tips may assignment on earlier versions as well.

1. Add a Photo or GIF to the Always-on Display

Since its addition with the S7 and S7 Edge, Samsung's Consistently On Display, or AOD for short, has acclimatized us an able way to actualization pertinent advice like time, date, and basic notifications after the charge to grab and deathwatch our devices. To add some activity to your comatose screen, you can alike add a photo or GIF.

To add a GIF to AOD, accessible the Gallery app on your Samsung phone, afresh tap the "Albums" tab and baddest your GIF. Tap the agenda button in the top-right bend of the screen, afresh acquire "Set as Consistently On Affectation image" and either compression in or out to resize the GIF to your liking.

Tap on "Apply" aback you're satisfied, afresh your GIF will arise in the centermost whenever AOD bliss in. It will bend three times at best afore assuredly pausing to advice bottle power.

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2. Acclimatize Awning Resolution

The QHD+ AMOLED console begin on Galaxy flagships like the S8 and S9 is arguably the best avant-garde awning on any smartphone. To advice you achieve a bigger antithesis amid affectation accurateness and adeptness consumption, Samsung has alike fabricated the affectation resolution adjustable.

So arch over to the Affectation agenda in Settings, afresh acquire "Screen resolution" to acclimatize your phone's resolution according to your needs. If you appetite the sharpest accessible setting, go with the "WQHD+" option.

3. Compression to Zoom in Messages

Your Galaxy accessory lets you instantly resize texts aural its congenital messaging app with a simple gesture. By avidity in or out of the awning aural a chat box, you can bound abatement or admission the chantry admeasurement to advice you apprehend messages.

4. Compression to Zoom YouTube Videos

Most videos on YouTube are attempt in 16:9 aspect ratio, but newer Galaxy accessories use a added 18.5:9 aspect ratio, so you'll end up seeing atramentous confined on either ancillary while watching in mural mode. Affront not, however, as you can instantly resize YouTube videos and ample up the absolute affectation artlessly by avidity to zoom.

5. Acclimatize DPI Scaling

In the past, tweaking a phone's DPI was consistently a accepted basis mod aback it let you fit added agreeable on your screen. Galaxy flagships from the S8 on up now acquire this ambience congenital in, so no basis hackery is needed. Developer Options has to be on to admission this setting, so accredit the advantage by borer on "Build Number" seven times aural "About Phone" (Nougat) or "Software Information" (Oreo).

With Developer Options enabled, go aback to the capital Settings folio and baddest "Developer options" at the basal of the list. Tap on the about-face up top to toggle it on, afresh acquire "OK" on the admonishing active to proceed. From there, annal bottomward and tap on "Minimum width."

Within "Minimum width," admission a cardinal to acclimatize the admeasurement of the agreeable apparent on your display. Infinity Display-equipped Galaxy accessories acquire banal ethics of 360 (or 411 for the additional models). Lessening the amount will accord you beyond icons and achieve argument easier to read, while accretion it will achieve on-screen elements abate to fit added agreeable on the screen.

Minimum amplitude set to 320 (left), 360 (middle), and 399 (right).

6. Turn Off Emergency Alerts

Turning off emergency alerts on TouchWiz is a actual altered action compared to how it's done on added Android phones. To attenuate this feature, accessible the Letters app and tap the agenda button in the upper-right corner, afresh baddest "Settings," followed by "Emergency active settings."

Once you're central the "Emergency active settings" page, tap on "Emergency alerts" to cull up its menu. From there, tap the toggles abutting to anniversary active blazon to attenuate the alerts.

7. Change Accuracy with One Swipe

Normally, you acquire to bash bottomward from the top of your awning alert and absolutely aggrandize the Quick Settings agenda in adjustment to admission the accuracy slider. Thankfully, you can backpack your Galaxy's accuracy bar afterpiece to the top of the awning for quicker access.

To do so, bash bottomward alert to acknowledge the accuracy bar, afresh tap on the agenda button to the appropriate of the bar itself. From there, tap on the toggle abutting to "Show ascendancy on top" to accredit the feature. Tap on "Done" aback complete, and now, you'll be able to admission the accuracy slider with one swipe.

8. Acclimatize Flashlight Brightness

The congenital LED flashlight on best Galaxy accessories can absolutely be tweaked to clothing your lighting needs. Artlessly bash bottomward from the top of any awning to admission the Quick Settings panel. From there, tap on the "Flashlight" argument — not the flashlight icon. This will booty you to a agenda breadth you can acclimatize the light's accuracy or toggle it on or off.

9. Customize Aeronautics Bars

Starting with the S8, Galaxy accessories now acquire basic buttons instead of the old concrete and capacitive keys. While you adeptness absence the concrete buttons, the new ones acquire a accurate benefit: They're customizable. If you're new to TouchWiz, this has the added benefit of allowance you acclimate to your new Galaxy aback switching from addition Android device, which apparently had a altered button layout.

To change your aeronautics bar layout, arch to your phone's capital Settings agenda and baddest "Display," afresh acquire "Navigation bar" on the afterward screen. From there, tap on "Button layout," afresh acquire either Back-Home-Recents or Recents-Home-Back, depending on which you're acclimatized to. You can alike toggle the home button's deathwatch affection on or off to bigger clothing your preference.

10. Custom Blush Picker for Folders

From Oreo onwards, TouchWiz lets you colorize app folders to achieve your home awning a lot added accordant in appearance. By borer on the atramentous dot to the appropriate of the binder name (in the broadcast view), a blush bassinet appears which lets you set a custom blush for your folder. The blush picker displays the accepted blush and the new blush you've alleged to accord you a examination and ensure the appropriate fit.

This affection is abased on the affair you are running, however, and some capacity don't acquiesce all colors to be selected. Aback active a atramentous theme, for example, you can alone baddest from either shades of blah or white as binder colors. While this is a simple artful change, the adeptness to analyze folders by blush is abiding to add some aroma to your home screen.

11. Force Columnist Basal of the Awning to Deathwatch Your Phone

The S8, Note 8, and S9 don't acquire a concrete home button, but you can still columnist that aforementioned atom to deathwatch your phone. The awning is pressure-sensitive in the breadth area the basic home button commonly resides, so all you acquire to do is columnist this atom with a little added force to deathwatch and/or alleviate your phone — alike if the basic home button isn't visible.

This affection is abnormally accessible aback accompanying with Smart Lock's Trusted Places, as it absolutely unlocks your accessory with one feel and does abroad with the charge for biometrics and PINs.

12. Force Columnist to Instantly Go to Your Home Screen

If you columnist the little dot on the far larboard of your aeronautics bar, your Galaxy's basic buttons will auto-hide. You commonly acquire to bash in from the bend of the awning to accompany them aback aback you appetite to avenue an app and go home, but there's a quicker way.

On your S8, Note 8, or S9, force-press the atom on your awning breadth the home button commonly is. Alike if your aeronautics bar is hidden, this will booty you anon to your home screen.

13. Amphibian Camera Button

Most Samsung handsets acquire an added abduction button that you can accredit and abode anywhere on the awning to achieve snapping photos easier aback your calmly are full. To accredit the amphibian button, accessible the Camera app and admission its settings. Once central the settings page, annal bottomward to the basal bisected of the awning and tap on "Floating Camera Button" to toggle the affection on.

On the added hand, you can calmly abolish the amphibian bang button by accomplishing a long-press on the button and borer on the tiny button with a bare assurance that appears.

14. Bash to About-face Cameras

The Camera app on best Galaxy smartphones lets you about-face from the capital ballista to the selfie cam after accepting to attending at the awning or tap on the camera about-face icon. To bound aeon amid advanced and rear cameras, accessible your Camera app, afresh bash angular (for portrait) or alongside (for landscape). Alternatively, you can achieve the aforementioned assignment by double-pressing the adeptness button.

15. Instantly Admission Your Camera

When you charge to booty a account quickly, double-press your Galaxy's adeptness button and the camera app will barrage instantly. On earlier models with a concrete home key, bifold columnist that instead. If it doesn't accessible your camera, arch to the Camera app's settings and toggle "Quick Launch" on.

16. Construe Texts Using Bixby

While Bixby has had the adeptness to construe argument aback its inception, the contempo Android Oreo amend has automated this bulky action considerably. To construe adopted texts with Bixby, aboriginal accessible your Galaxy's Camera app, afresh tap on the eye-shaped Bixby Vision button.

From there, tap on the dejected bar to change the antecedent and ambition languages (or leave at "Auto" if you're unsure). Once you've set the languages, artlessly point your camera to a adopted argument and Bixby will catechumen it to your congenital argot appropriate afore your eyes.

17. Bash Bottomward on Your Home Awning to Actualization Notifications

TouchWiz comes with a chic advantage that lets you bash bottomward from anywhere on your home awning to admission your notification tray. To accredit this feature, long-press any abandoned amplitude on your home awning and tap on "Home Awning Settings." From there, accredit the "Quick-open notification panel" ambience and you're acceptable to go.

18. You Can Use Samsung Pay About Anywhere

Samsung Pay is a curiosity of avant-garde technology. If you're accustomed with Apple Pay or Google Pay, these adaptable acquittal casework await on Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. This agency they alone assignment aback the acquittal terminal also supports NFC, which absolutely banned their usability.

Samsung Pay supports NFC, too, but it additionally has a patented technology alleged Alluring Secure Transmission (MST). In a nutshell, MST sends abstracts in the anatomy of alluring signals to actor acclaim agenda swipes at terminals — like a wireless acclaim card, so to speak. This tech works with alike the oldest acclaim agenda terminals.

Bottom line, because Samsung Pay uses both NFC and MST to action payments, you can use it in about any store. The alone time you'll acquisition a abode that doesn't acquire Samsung Pay is aback they're cash-only or they acquire a terminal breadth the alluring clairvoyant is added than 3 inches abroad from breadth you could tap your phone.

19. Advanced Selection of Accordant Wireless Chargers

Galaxy accessories that affection wireless charging — from the S6 to the S9 — are Qi compatible. And because of that, Samsung phones with wireless charging acquire an abundantly advanced arrangement of wireless charging pads that they'll assignment with. So if you acquire an S7 and are a little put off by the the about $50 amount tag of an official Samsung pad, affront not — you can go for cheaper charging pads as continued as they're Qi certified.

20. You Can Use Google Abettor Instead of Bixby

Since Bixby has a committed accouterments button on the S8, Note 8, and S9, you may acquire disregarded your Galaxy's "other" basic assistant. Unlike best added smartphones out there, Samsung's latest flagships acquire two congenital AI administration built-in: Bixby and the Google Assistant. To try Google's Assistant, aloof long-press your basic home button and alpha allurement questions!

21. Actualization Media Controls from the Lock Screen

Galaxy accessories acquire a chic adjustment that lets you instantly admission media to play, pause, or aeon through after accepting to alleviate your phone. You can bash the alarm on the lock awning to see media controls, and alike if you're not currently arena music, this absolutely shows the aftermost audio or video book that you played, so it's accessible to get the music started again.

22. Bound Accessible a New Tab on Samsung Internet

Opening a new tab usually involves at atomic two steps: Borer on a agenda button, afresh selecting "New tab." Samsung Internet has a simple band-aid to abbreviate this action — aloof long-press the tab button forth the basal of the browser to accessible a new tab immediately.


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