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Nova Launcher Receives Adapted Google Now Page

One of the bigger additions in the banal Android launcher is the Google Now page. Residing to the larboard of the home screen, this folio presents a host of advice based on the user's interests, which Google bases on analyzed data. Recently, the Google Now folio architecture accustomed a makeover which Nova Launcher users can now enjoy. The user interface changes the blueprint from one continued folio to assorted pages adapt by tabs. The absence folio is the feed, which displays accessories that Google believes adjust with the user's absorption based on antecedent searches, YouTube watch history, and added data... more

One of the bigger additions in the banal Android launcher is the Google Now page. Residing to the larboard of the home screen, this folio presents a host of advice based on the user's interests, which Google bases on analyzed data. Recently, the Google Now folio architecture accustomed a makeover which Nova Launcher users can now enjoy.

The user interface changes the blueprint from one continued folio to assorted pages adapt by tabs. The absence folio is the feed, which displays accessories that Google believes adjust with the user's absorption based on antecedent searches, YouTube watch history, and added abstracts calm by Google.

Before the amend (left) and afterwards (right).

Unlike the antecedent architecture layout, the admeasurement of the images acclimated in the commodity will vary, so they can now be displayed to absorb a cogent allocation of the amplitude of the display. They can additionally appearance up in baby squares, placed to the appropriate of the commodity headlines.

Additionally, accompanying accessories will be commutual together, application the aforementioned card. The affiliated agreeable will affectation beneath the capital article, which can be circling through by annexation left.

Unlike the antecedent layout, cards aren't disposable application a swipe. The alone way to abolish a agenda is to use the vertical adumbration in the high appropriate of the card, again accept the advantage "Hide this story."

For added cards, users can baddest the figure to the appropriate of the chase bar up top. The Upcoming tab will be displayed which includes cards absolute added claimed advice such as drive times, banal information, and packages. By affective user advice to this tab, Google helps hides its capacity from adventitious eyes.

Once switched to the Upcoming tab, a agenda will affectation forth the basal which allows for added navigation. To acknowledgment to the feed, baddest the home icon. To conduct a Google Search, accept the accumulative bottle icon.

The fourth figure (the one to the larboard of the hamburger menu) will accompany up a new tab alleged Recent, which allotment to a antecedent chase conducted aural the Google app. Each chase performed aural the app will actualize a agenda announcement the chase after-effects which can be acclimated to acknowledgment to the search. Beneath the cards is the bulk of time back the chase was aftermost conducted.

Upcoming (left) and Recent (right).

While this amend adds little in the way of new functionality, the new methods of acclimation cards advance aeronautics and access chump usage. Adding the Upcoming additionally helps action one of the capital issues I've had with Google Now, which is how it displays clandestine information. What do you anticipate of the new update? Do you like the new attending or adopt the old one? Let us apperceive in the animadversion below.

See Also: hack imo


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