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Showing posts from September, 2018

How To Actuate Developer Options On Your Galaxy Agenda 9

Just because Developer Options is hidden by absence doesn't beggarly you shouldn't alleviate it. While for rooters its account are obvious, alike for the boilerplate user it opens the aperture for accoutrement which enhance your experience. From action acceleration to convalescent gaming graphics, Developer Options has article for everyone. Right now, you ability be apprehensive why it's hidden. The acumen is that if you don't apperceive what you are doing, you can accomplish austere changes to your Galaxy Note 9 which may crave a branch displace to undo. However, don't let this alarm you off from unlocking it. Unlocking Developer... more

Samsung's Cool Account Affable Galaxy J3 & J7 Advancing Apart On September 14

Earlier this year, Samsung appear the Galaxy J3 and J7 to baddest markets. These two accessories are the latest in the J series, Samsung's super-budget alternation that tries to carbon what it agency to be a account phone. Now, starting September 14th, you will be able to get them GSM unlocked. As an apart device, you no best charge to anguish about carrier bloatware. You additionally are not angry to one network, accepting the adeptness to move your phone to addition GSM arrangement of your allotment by switching SIM cards. This additionally lets you biking across easily, application prepaid cards which are abundant cheaper than... more

How To About-face Your Galaxy Agenda 9 Into A Google Pixel

Samsung Experience isn't for everyone. While it's a far cry from the TouchWiz days, it is still too abundant of a bark for Android purists. But you shouldn't let that dissuade you from a able accessory that checks about all added boxes — there are means to accomplish the Galaxy Note 9's software attending and feel about absolutely like stock. To be clear, you can't abolish Samsung Experience. While Galaxy Note 9 variants with Exynos chips ability account from Project Treble, we actuality in the US application Snapdragon SoCs will absurd see any development in custom ROMs added than those based on Samsung Experience... more

Get The New Pocophone Launcher On Any Android Phone

Xiaomi fabricated a new phone with their architect set on acrimonious up some ex OnePlus users. As a result, the Pocophone F1, or aloof Poco in some markets, is absolutely clashing best added Xiaomi phones. While you can't buy the F1 in food in the US, you can get its home awning app on about any phone appropriate now. This new launcher isn't like the MIUI of old — it's a lot like Xiaomi's booty on the Pixel Launcher. You bash up from the basal to admission your app drawer, which absolutely has tabs that are automatically busy with assertive categories of apps. Xiaomi appear a beta adaptation of this launcher on... more

Get The New Pocophone Launcher On Your Android Phone — No Basis Needed

Xiaomi fabricated a new phone with their architect set on acrimonious up some ex OnePlus users. As a result, the Pocophone F1, or aloof Poco in some markets, is absolutely clashing best added Xiaomi phones. While you can't buy the F1 in food in the US, you can get its home awning app on about any phone appropriate now. This new launcher isn't like the MIUI of old — it's a lot like Xiaomi's booty on the Pixel Launcher. You bash up from the basal to admission your app drawer, which absolutely has tabs that are automatically busy with assertive categories of apps. Xiaomi appear a beta adaptation of this launcher on... more

How To Analysis If Your Apps Are Targeting Oreo

Starting November 1, 2018, Google will crave that all new apps and updates to absolute apps ambition Android 8.0 Oreo or higher. This move agency the developers abaft abounding of your admired apps are now scrambling to get their software modernized, while others are because abandoning anachronous apps altogether. Many apps accept already been adapted to ambition Oreo, so they'll booty advantage of all the new accoutrement offered on accessories active Android 8.0 or higher. To be clear, this doesn't beggarly your apps won't assignment on earlier Android versions, aloof that they'll assignment bigger if you're active a newer... more

Hands-on With The World's Aboriginal Android Phone — What A Aberration A Decade Makes

These days, it seems new phones get appear every added week. We've developed acclimatized to glossing over the specs, attractive at some columnist renders, again affective on to analysis out the abutting phone. If you had done this in September 2008, you ability accept disregarded what would become one of the best important phones of all time. The HTC Dream, bigger accepted as the T-Mobile G1 in the US, alien us all to what has now become the most-used operating arrangement in the apple — alike topping desktop stalwarts like Windows and macOS. The aboriginal Android phone. The aboriginal absolute adversary for Apple's iPhone released... more

Blackberry Key2 Le — $250 In Accumulation Comes At A Cost

When BlackBerry aboriginal appear the KEY2 aback in June, the better ache we heard was about the price. It was reasonable criticism, as BlackBerry was allurement a lot of its consumers at $650. Knowing this, BlackBerry went back, fabricated some downgrades, and cut the price, creating the KEY2 LE. The BlackBerry KEY2 LE is a scaled bottomward adaptation of the KEY2. To cut $250 off the amount tag, BlackBerry had to baptize bottomward several aspects of the phone. Fortunately, they didn't calibration bottomward the amount specs too abundant to arrest all-embracing performance. The aftereffect is a KEY2 that will apparently accomplish its way into the hands... more

The Aboriginal Android Phone Debuted 10 Years Ago This Ages — What A Aberration A Decade Makes

These days, it seems new phones get appear every added week. We've developed acclimatized to glossing over the specs, attractive at some columnist renders, again affective on to analysis out the abutting phone. If you had done this in September 2008, you ability accept disregarded what would become one of the best important phones of all time. The HTC Dream, bigger accepted as the T-Mobile G1 in the US, alien us all to what has now become the most-used operating arrangement in the apple — alike topping desktop stalwarts like Windows and macOS. The aboriginal Android phone. The aboriginal absolute adversary for Apple's iPhone released... more

5 Accessible Means To Acceleration Up A Backward Android Phone

All phones (yes, iPhones too) apathetic bottomward over time. As your accessory gets bogged bottomward by assorted apps and you activate to run out of storage, it's aloof an inevitability. That doesn't accomplish it any beneath arresting ... I mean, is there annihilation added annoying than a apathetic phone? My answer: No. Of advance not. It's the distinct best annoying affair ever. It can be difficult to analyze absolutely why your accessory isn't active as it should — it could be any aggregate of factors, from defective accouterments to an afflict of accomplishments processes. While it's accurate that Android acclimated to be a slog, these days, acknowledgment to... more