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Blackberry Key2 Le — $250 In Accumulation Comes At A Cost

When BlackBerry aboriginal appear the KEY2 aback in June, the better ache we heard was about the price. It was reasonable criticism, as BlackBerry was allurement a lot of its consumers at $650. Knowing this, BlackBerry went back, fabricated some downgrades, and cut the price, creating the KEY2 LE. The BlackBerry KEY2 LE is a scaled bottomward adaptation of the KEY2. To cut $250 off the amount tag, BlackBerry had to baptize bottomward several aspects of the phone. Fortunately, they didn't calibration bottomward the amount specs too abundant to arrest all-embracing performance. The aftereffect is a KEY2 that will apparently accomplish its way into the hands... more

When BlackBerry aboriginal appear the KEY2 aback in June, the better ache we heard was about the price. It was reasonable criticism, as BlackBerry was allurement a lot of its consumers at $650. Knowing this, BlackBerry went back, fabricated some downgrades, and cut the price, creating the KEY2 LE.

The BlackBerry KEY2 LE is a scaled bottomward adaptation of the KEY2. To cut $250 off the amount tag, BlackBerry had to baptize bottomward several aspects of the phone. Fortunately, they didn't calibration bottomward the amount specs too abundant to arrest all-embracing performance. The aftereffect is a KEY2 that will apparently accomplish its way into the calmly of far added bodies than the approved adaptation anytime could.


  • OS: Android 8.1 Oreo
  • CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
  • GPU: Adreno 509
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Display: 4.5" 1620 x 1080 IPS LCD
  • Storage: 32 or 64 GB (expandable via microSD)
  • Rear Camera: 13 MP + 5 MP
  • Front Camera: 8 MP
  • Audio: Bottom-firing address speakers, no headphone jack
  • Water Resistance: N/A
  • Battery: 3,000 mAh
  • Biometrics: Fingerprint scanner (front)
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What BlackBerry Didn't Change

Let's alpha with what agitated over. BlackBerry kept the aforementioned affectation as the KEY2, the 4.5-inch IPS LCD panel. While on cardboard this seems appealing small, it isn't as baby it appears in person. Its abate admeasurement was additionally all-important to accommodate the standout affection of the KEY2 LE, the keyboard.

The concrete keyboard is mostly the aforementioned as its brother, although TCL (who bogus the hardware) diminished the keys by 10%. However, with such ample keys on the KEY2, best shouldn't alike apprehension the differences. The advanced camera is additionally the aforementioned as well. BlackBerry managed to backpack over the 8 MP selfie camera able of cutting up to 1080p video.

The Key2 (left), the Key2 LE (right).

More importantly, the KEY2 LE retains BlackBerry software, the added best important affection of the phone. The KEY2 LE runs the aforementioned adaptation of Android, 8.1 Oreo, forth with all the changes activate in the approved version, such as DTEK security, the Privacy Shade, and BlackBerry Hub.

Additionally, the new "Speed Key" which acquiesce you to barrage an app accredit to alone keys alike while in addition app acknowledgment as well. Also, the "Convenience Key" and its able profiles acknowledgment as well.

What Has Changed

Here's area things get a little harder to absorb with the KEY2 LE. BlackBerry afflicted bristles above aspects of the KEY2 back absolution the KEY2 LE, and four of those are downgrades.

1. SoC & RAM

Typically, back a architect makes a lite adaptation of a phone, the aboriginal decline is to the SoC, and the KEY2 LE is no exception. Despite application a newer chipset in the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636, the KEY2 LE's processor can best be declared as an under-clocked Snapdragon 660 (the processor acclimated in the aboriginal KEY2). The SoC is additionally commutual with a slower GPU, but the aboriginal KEY2's GPU wasn't annihilation appropriate to activate with.

The RAM takes a hit, too, bottomward from 6 GB to 4. While Android operates able-bodied on 4 GB, the OS strives on college amounts of RAM. By no agency will this badly affect the KEY2 LE's performance, but it will absolute the cardinal of apps you can accept active in the background.

2. Array & Storage

With a beneath power-hungry SoC comes a abate battery. Array accommodation decreased by a little over 14% to 3,000 mAh. However, the KEY2 had allowance to added in this department, as the approved adaptation calmly lasted added than a day (sometimes two depending on your usage).

Internal accumulator additionally decreases, starting at 32 GB instead of the KEY2's 64 GB abject model. You can still get the KEY2 LE in 64 GB, however, but the amount will acceleration by $50.

3. Downgraded Rear Cameras

The cameras took the better hit, activity from bifold 12 MP to a 13 MP and 5 MP sensor. While this may assume like a dealbreaker, the KEY2's aboriginal cameras weren't all that abundant to activate with. BlackBerry attempted to accomplish them serviceable, but it acutely wasn't their focus, so aloof like the KEY 2, don't buy the LE if you appetite (or need) a absurd camera.

4. Fewer Gestures

One of the chic appearance of the KEY2 was the adeptness to use the concrete keyboard as a trackpad. You could annal up and bottomward to cross web pages, and larboard and appropriate if there was added agreeable horizontally. Unfortunately, this was sacrificed in the name of price. The trackpad had bound abutment in the aboriginal place, but was a accessibility back you could use it. Fortunately, the amplitude bar that doubles as a fingerprint scanner was able to remain.

5. New Colors

With this new LE archetypal not be marketed to action users, BlackBerry absitively to accept some fun with the colors. The KEY2 LE will accept three new colors: Slate, Champagne, and Atomic. Each is fun, and they're all added standout colors than the acceptable atramentous and argent of the KEY2.

Price & Availability

The BlackBerry KEY2 LE will be accessible in September. The 32 GB archetypal will retail for $399, with the 64 GB archetypal accretion to $449. Again, this is $250 in accumulation for a phone that's amazing at security, different, and has absurd array life. If you were absorbed in the KEY2 but didn't like the price, this is the phone for you.

The Key2 LE isn't aloof a downgrade. Application artificial genitalia central of metal, BlackBerry was able to abate the weight of the phone by a few ounces. It additionally included a new affection area the phone reads your agenda and recommends what array allotment you should leave the day with based on how active your day looks. Baby things, but accessible changes.

What do you anticipate about the new BlackBerry KEY2 LE? Do you like the addition of the lite version? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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