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How To Browse Qr Codes In Your Pixel's Camera App

QR codes accept become a basic in our accustomed lives. Companies use them for aggregate from business promotions to cine tickets acknowledgment to security they provided for these types of transactions. But for years, Android users had to download an app to browse these codes. Well, not anymore. Pixel owners can adore a affection that iPhone users accept had for years, the adeptness to browse QR codes in the absence camera app. By including abutment for this feature, Google has provided its users with two things. First, the accessibility of not accepting to download addition app, and second, an added band of... more

QR codes accept become a basic in our accustomed lives. Companies use them for aggregate from business promotions to cine tickets acknowledgment to security they provided for these types of transactions. But for years, Android users had to download an app to browse these codes. Well, not anymore.

Pixel owners can adore a affection that iPhone users accept had for years, the adeptness to browse QR codes in the absence camera app. By including abutment for this feature, Google has provided its users with two things. First, the accessibility of not accepting to download addition app, and second, an added band of security as you abstain the abeyant awful QR scanning apps created by third-party developers. This affection is accessible to the absolute Pixel phone lineup, from the Pixel 1 to the Pixel 3 XL.

Step 1: Update the Google Camera App

To use this feature, you will charge to be on the latest adaptation of the Camera app. You can use the articulation beneath to acquisition the app on the Play Store. Once there, accept "Update" — if this button says "Open" instead, you're already on the latest version.

Step 2: Accredit Lens Suggestions

Next, accessible the camera app and bash over to the More tab. Accept "Settings," again accredit "Google Lens Suggestions." This will actuate Google's beheld chase AI in your camera app to accommodate alive chase after-effects of annihilation you point your camera at — including QR codes.

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Step 3: Browse QR Codes

Now, whenever you appetite to browse a QR code, accessible the camera app and accompany the QR cipher aural ambit of the viewfinder. The articulation associated with the QR cipher will arise abreast the basal of the screen. Baddest the articulation to about-face to it or baddest the Google Lens figure (which is amid to the appropriate of the link) to accessible Google Lens advantage in the Camera app.

This aforementioned affection works for a lot of things, not aloof QR codes. With Google Lens Suggestions enabled in your camera app, you'll now be able to construe text, identify landmarks, save business cards as contacts, and added — all from your camera app. In short, aloof point your camera at article and tap that little advancement popup to apprentice added about it.


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