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How To About-face Your Galaxy S10 Into A Google Pixel

While the Galaxy S10 is a admirable phone, its software isn't for everyone. One UI makes huge strides against accident the blend accepted as TouchWiz, but for purists, it's still not absolutely on par with banal Android. Fortunately, the adorableness of Android is you can change this with a few apps. Without rooting, you can absolutely transform the attending and feel of the Galaxy S10, S10 , and S10e. While these changes won't abolish One UI, they will accord your phone a beheld and anatomic makeover to area best areas are about identical to the Pixel 3. By applying these changes, purists who don't apperception an... more

While the Galaxy S10 is a admirable phone, its software isn't for everyone. One UI makes huge strides against accident the blend accepted as TouchWiz, but for purists, it's still not absolutely on par with banal Android. Fortunately, the adorableness of Android is you can change this with a few apps.

Without rooting, you can absolutely transform the attending and feel of the Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e. While these changes won't abolish One UI, they will accord your phone a beheld and anatomic makeover to area best areas are about identical to the Pixel 3. By applying these changes, purists who don't apperception an amiss band-aid get to adore the ability of the Galaxy S10 after sacrificing the software experience.

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Step 1: Replace the Home Screen

The bigger change you can accomplish after acclaim is application a third-party launcher. Back bodies accuse about the attending and feel of their phone, they're usually accusatory about the home awning and how the icons look, whether the launcher uses an app drawer, and so on.

While there are a deluge of options on the Play Store that let you manually bout the attending and architecture of the home awning on Pixel devices, the abutting one out the box is Defenseless Launcher. To set it up, install the app from the articulation below, afresh columnist your home button, accept "Rootless Launcher," and hit "Always." Changing your home awning is absolutely that simple!

Rootless Launcher has about identical options to the banal launcher on Pixel with alone a few additions. It includes the new "At a Glance" widget, which lets you see accessible agenda contest and acclimate throughout the day. You can alike get the chip Google Discover augment on the leftmost home screen, but to accredit this feature, you'll accept to sideload the "pixelbridge.apk" book from the developer's site, afresh accredit "Display Google app" in Defenseless Launcher's settings.

Step 2: Get Banal Android's Quick Settings Panel

With the home awning changed, our abutting ambition is the Quick Settings. While Samsung's Quick Setting card isn't the affliction design, it's a axial card that looks annihilation like banal Android.

Power Shade is an app developed by Trey Dev which transforms any phone's Quick Settings into banal Android's, but with some improvements. Already enabled, your Quick Settings card will attending identical to the Pixel's. You can grab the app here, but for a abounding walkthrough, don't absence the adviser affiliated out below.

  • More Info: Get Android Pie's Quick Settings & Notification Shade on Any Phone

Step 3: Accomplish the Bixby Button Accessible Google Assistant

Bixby. Love it or abhorrence it, Samsung is bent to advance their articulation abettor assimilate their customers, and that includes the committed Bixby button. While disabling this button will already accompany you afterpiece to banal Android, there's a bigger way to challenge the Pixel here.

With newer Pixels, Google included its own hardware-based adjustment of accessing their articulation assistant, accepted as Active Edge. While the Galaxy S10 won't let you clasp your phone to accessible the assistant, you can do the abutting best thing: use the Bixby button to barrage Google Assistant.

The easiest way to do this is to accomplish abiding Bixby is updated, afresh install Google Assistant. Accessible Bixby and baddest "Quick commands" from the overflow menu, afresh tap the + button. Blazon "Google" into the field, columnist "Add a command," afresh blazon "Launch Assistant." Head aback to Bixby's capital screen, accept "Settings" from the menu, go to "Bixby key," afresh baddest "Double columnist to accessible Bixby." Finally, accredit "Use distinct press" and set it to run your "Google" command.

Now, back you columnist the Bixby key, Google Abettor will accessible and alpha alert for a command. You'll still accept admission to Bixby articulation controls by double-pressing the key, but the basic abettor acquaintance is now a lot added like it is on the Pixel.

If you're accepting agitation with this part, we wrote a abounding adviser account every footfall in the process. Head to the articulation beneath to get boxlike away.

  • More Info: The Easiest Way to Accomplish the Bixby Key Accessible Google Assistant

Step 4: Get Google Camera

As the bigger Android OEM, Samsung has absitively to use its bazaar allotment to body an ecosystem. They accept abounding apps that action bombastic casework to their Google counterparts. As you ability accept guessed, Google's Pixel phones don't accommodate these apps, and instead, appear with the Google adaptation of these apps.

Perhaps the distinct best Google app is the Google Camera, which is commonly a Pixel exclusive. However, there's a ported adaptation of this camera app that works on any phone and can accord you bigger angel affection than the banal Samsung Camera.

Known as GCam, this ported adaptation includes best of the apparatus acquirements enhancements that accept fabricated the Pixel's camera legendary. Aloof agenda that the Galaxy S10 doesn't accommodate Google's Pixel Beheld Core, the accouterments basic which does all the angel processing on Pixels.

You can acquisition GCam for the Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e on XDA, forth with a footfall by footfall tutorial on how to sideload it, so analysis out the articulation beneath to get started.

Step 5: Get Google Phone

Similar to GCam, addition Google app about aloof for Pixel phones is the Phone app. You won't be able to acquisition this on the Play Store, but already again, the modding association was able to avoid this brake and actualize a ported adaptation that works on the S10.

Installing this ported adaptation is added aboveboard than the GCam app — aloof see our accepted sideloading adviser if you charge help. However, be acquainted that you charge to set it as the absence phone app back you're done. So accessible Settings and accept "Apps," afresh tap the card button in the top-right bend and accept "Defaults apps." Baddest "Calling app" and accept the "Phone" app (the one with the dejected icon).

Step 6: Get Alike Added Banal Google Apps

Besides the apps that you charge to sideload, best of the Pixel's absence apps can be begin on the Play Store. Abounding are already preinstalled on your S10, but to accomplishment off the Pixel-ization of your Galaxy, here's a account of the actual key Pixel apps.

Android Messages


  • Play Store Link: Gboard (free)

Google Calendar

Google Photos

Google Wallpapers


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