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10 Razer Phone Appearance & Settings You Charge To Apperceive About

Razer aloof appear their aboriginal flagship Android smartphone, appropriately called the Razer Phone. While adaptable gaming admirers are abiding to adore the Razer Phone, the buttery-smooth 120 Hz affectation makes this an ambrosial advantage for anyone in the bazaar for a new phone. If you've aloof best up the Razer Phone or it's affronted your interest, actuality are ten alarming tips to hit the arena running. Whether you're an able on Android or a newcomer, anniversary new phone brings some different appearance that crave a bit of tweaking. We're activity to booty a attending at a few old favorites, in accession to the new display... more

Razer aloof appear their aboriginal flagship Android smartphone, appropriately called the Razer Phone. While adaptable gaming admirers are abiding to adore the Razer Phone, the buttery-smooth 120 Hz affectation makes this an ambrosial advantage for anyone in the bazaar for a new phone. If you've aloof best up the Razer Phone or it's affronted your interest, actuality are ten alarming tips to hit the arena running.

Whether you're an able on Android or a newcomer, anniversary new phone brings some different appearance that crave a bit of tweaking. We're activity to booty a attending at a few old favorites, in accession to the new affectation and gaming appearance that are specific to the Razer Phone.

1. Set Up Multiple Fingerprints

The Razer Phone is different with its side-mounted fingerprint sensor. This non-standard adjustment leads to a accommodation about which fingers to use with the scanner. The deride is an accessible best for right-handed users, but which added fingers should you try?

We've begin that ambience up the larboard basis feel is actual helpful. Aback acrimonious up the phone with your larboard hand, the larboard basis feel artlessly apparel over the larboard bend of the phone, about comatose altogether on the scanner.

2. Accept Your Affectation Brace Rate

Most Android phones address with a built-in 60 Hz brace bulk for the display. Razer kicked things up a cleft by alms the aboriginal 120 Hz affectation on a smartphone. Unfortunately, the Razer Phone doesn't address with the 120 Hz brace bulk enabled out of the box. The absence brace bulk is set to 90 Hz, so you'll charge to change this if you appetite to adore ballsy smoothness.

To change the brace rate, arch to Settings –> Affectation –> Brace Rate. You can admission the bulk up to 120 or bang it bottomward for 60 if you appetite to save a bit of array life. In our use appropriately far, there isn't abundant to advance that active at 120 Hz decidedly degrades array life, so we acclaim allotment 120 Hz actuality to get the abounding account of your display.

3. Accredit Bifold Tap to Deathwatch & Ambient Display

One of the best means to collaborate with your lock awning notifications is through the use of bifold tap gestures or ambient affectation functionality. The Razer Phone appearance both of these options. You can accept to accredit one, or both! Artlessly arch to Settings –> Display and toggle on "Ambient Display" and "Tap to wake."

4. Create a Custom Agenda for Night Light

Night Ablaze is an accomplished affection for attention your eyes aback account agreeable from your phone at night. The dejected ablaze emitted by a smartphone affectation can agitate your circadian emphasis by tricking your academician into cerebration it's still daytime. To abate this problem, Night Ablaze allows you to abate the dejected ablaze emitted, bearing the aftereffect of a added chicken hue on your display.

The Razer Phone allows you to adapt both the agenda for Night Ablaze and the blush temperature that the affectation will about-face to at night. To set up your custom Night Light, arch to Settings –> Affectation –> Night Light. Next, tap on "Turn On Automatically" and accept "Custom Schedule." This will acquiesce you to specify aback the affection is enabled. If you'd additionally like a custom blush temperature, tap on "Color Profiles" to analysis out the accessible options.

5. Adapt Bold Booster Settings

Gaming is absolutely advanced and centermost on the Razer Phone, so naturally, you would apprehend a few options to adapt your gaming experience. Arch to Settings –> Bold Booster to get started.

From here, you accept a few options. If you would like to accomplished tune your gaming settings for anniversary alone game, you can do this with custom profiles. This advantage allows you to set a custom CPU speed, anatomy rate, and resolution for anniversary game. Razer alike included a acceptable slider in anniversary card to let users accept whether achievement or array activity is best important in their gaming session.

If achievement is your capital affair all the time, you can additionally about-face all specs to the best by allotment "Performance" from the options at the top menu.

6. Get a Custom Wallpaper

A new wallpaper is about like accepting a new phone, so you'll absolutely appetite to bang article glossy on your new Razer. Two of our admired wallpaper apps are Backdrops and Wallzy. Both of these apps action chargeless and paid options, with a ample cardinal of wallpapers to clothing all tastes. Perhaps the best allotment is that both action basal wallpapers that will fit with any customization arrangement or figure backpack you choose.

7. Grab a Custom Figure Pack

The Razer Phone ships with Nova Launcher Prime out of the box, one of the premiere third-party launchers accessible on the Play Store. This allows an absurd bulk of customization for your desktop, dock, and app drawer. Aback we blaze up Nova on our phones, the aboriginal stop is consistently a agleam custom figure pack.

There are a deluge of abundant figure packs on the Play Store, but two of our accepted favorites are Pix Up and Minimalist. Both packs action a cardinal of themed icons and accomplished basal wallpapers to acclaim them as well. To administer your custom figure pack, artlessly arch to Nova Launcher's settings by long-pressing any abandoned amplitude on your home awning and allotment "Settings." From there, aloof tap on "Look & Feel," afresh baddest "Icon Theme."

8. Accept a Desktop Filigree Admeasurement in Nova Launcher

In accession to the custom figure pack, Nova additionally affords the advantage to adapt your desktop filigree to fit your needs. If you like to charge a ton of icons on your aboriginal page, you can now do so! Minimalist designs can additionally be accomplished with abate filigree sizes.

Once again, arch to Nova's settings menu, but this time baddest "Desktop grid." From here, you can adapt the cardinal of rows and columns in your grid. The best cardinal of apps on the desktop is 144 (12 x 12 grid), but that should be affluence for anyone.

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9. About-face on Notification Dots or Badges in Nova Launcher

Interacting with notifications is addition breadth area Nova comes in handy. Notifications badges appear accepted in Nova, admitting abounding Android OEMs accept to omit them. If you like the attending of the new notification dots in Android Oreo, you can alike accredit this affection on your Razer phone!

Return aback to Nova's settings, tap on "Notification Badges," afresh "Choose a style." The three accessible options are Dynamic Badges, Dots, or Numeric Badges. If you appetite contextual advice on your notifications, Dynamic Badges is a solid choice, but we like the artful artlessness of Dots. After allotment your style, you can additionally abuse the admeasurement and position of the badge.

10. Adapt Night Mode in Nova Launcher

If you like aphotic capacity in apps, you'll adulation Nova's Night Mode feature. With Night Mode, you can get a aphotic accomplishments for your Nova Launcher settings, app drawer, drawer icon, and alike the chase bar! There is an advantage to set up Night Mode on a custom agenda (similar to Night Light), or leave it on all the time. We accept called to accredit the affection all the time because it looks so candied with the Razer-green emphasis color.

To admission Night Mode, arch aback to Nova's settings menu, tap on "Night Mode", and accept your settings. It's account acquainted that if you're application the absence launcher style, the "Drawer icon" options won't do anything, as the Pixel-style app drawer does not affection a drawer icon.

Those are our top ten tips for ambience up your new Razer Phone beginning out of the box! With the abundant customization options afforded by Nova, you'll never get apathetic with your circadian setup. Let us apperceive in the comments beneath if you accept added customization tips to share. Also, feel chargeless to allotment your customized home awning bureaucracy with us!


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