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All The Best New Appearance Advancing In The Galaxy S8 Oreo Update

Samsung afresh formed out the Android Oreo Beta Affairs for the Galaxy S8 and S8 in North America and internationally. We showed you how to accept your accessory in the beta affairs and acquaint a abounding account of changes you can apprehend with the update. Now that we've had some time to use Oreo on our Galaxy S8, we're accessible to attending at these new appearance in detail. When Samsung upgrades their phones with a new Android version, we consistently apprehend a few surprises on top of the changes Google implemented in the abject code. With the Oreo beta on the Galaxy S8, we were not disappointed. Samsung has revamped... more

Samsung afresh formed out the Android Oreo Beta Affairs for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ in North America and internationally. We showed you how to accept your accessory in the beta affairs and acquaint a abounding annual of changes you can apprehend with the update. Now that we've had some time to use Oreo on our Galaxy S8, we're attainable to attending at these new appearance in detail.

When Samsung upgrades their phones with a new Android version, we consistently apprehend a few surprises on top of the changes Google implemented in the abject code. With the Oreo beta on the Galaxy S8, we were not disappointed. Samsung has revamped their accomplished keyboard, added new bend lighting effects, and a abounding color-picker for folders.

1. Samsung Keyboard Gets Big Improvements

The Samsung keyboard gets some big improvements in the Oreo Beta. From a annual perspective, the keyboard has acquired four audible aerial adverse modes and resizing options. The aerial adverse modes acquiesce the user to admit altered genitalia of the keyboard added easily. Resizing makes it easier for you to blazon calmly and bash to blazon becomes easier and added accurate.

For amusing media and messaging lovers, the new adaptation additionally brings built-in GIF support, Emoji 5.0, and an calmly attainable clipboard from aural the keyboard.

2. Notification Channels & Pin/Snooze Functionality

With the advertisement of Android Oreo, Google abundant a new adjustment for demography diminutive ascendancy of your notifications. Complex messaging and amusing media apps generally accept altered types of notifications they advance to you on a circadian basis, and now you can change settings for anniversary of them.

One key archetype is Twitter, area you may accept notifications for absolute messages, mentions, quotes, new augment activity, likes, and more. Abounding bodies appetite to accept a notification in the console for anniversary of these categories, but generally appetite to adapt the blazon of active they receive. This is area notification channels can help.

3. New Bend Lighting Effects

Edge lighting is a ambrosial simple thing, but it looks alarming in practice. With Oreo, new bend lighting options appear to the S8 and S8+, including a candied multi-color effect. You additionally accept the advantage to abuse the amplitude and accuracy of your bend lighting aftereffect to see how affecting and attainable the notifications are.

4. App Shortcuts

Android Oreo brings abutment for long-press shortcuts for apps on the home screen. This affection allows up to 5 contextual shortcuts aural anniversary app, attainable by long-pressing on the app icon. Apps will charge to be adapted to add abutment for this new feature, but abounding already have.

For YouTube, users can jump beeline to their Subscriptions folio or analysis out what's trending. In accepted amusing media apps, such as Twitter clients, you can barrage anon into basic a new tweet, absolute message, or search.

5. Adumbrate Albums in Gallery

If you accept assertive photo albums you appetite to adumbrate from prying eyes, you can now do so on the Galaxy S8. The banal Gallery app now appearance the advantage to adumbrate as abounding albums as you like. It is annual acquainted that this is not a decidedly defended adjustment of ambuscade albums — for this, you still appetite to use article like Samsung's Defended Folder, which is countersign protected.

6. Custom Color-Picker for Folders

Within binder options on the home screen, you can now use a color-picker to admission a custom blush for your folder. The color-picker displays the accepted blush and the new blush you've called to accomplish abiding that you would like to advance with the changes.

This affection is abased on the affair you are currently running, and some capacity do not acquiesce all colors to be selected. For instance, back active a atramentous theme, you may alone be able to accept shades of blah or white for binder colors. While this is a simple artful change, the adeptness to analyze folders by blush is welcome.

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7. Revamped 'About Phone' Card & Settings Search

Samsung has revamped the About Phone card aural the phone's capital Settings list. Back aperture the menu, you now see your phone number, archetypal number, consecutive number, and IMEI in a added attainable fashion.

Another baby change aural Settings is the chase history with timestamps. Back searching, you will now see a annual of your antecedent keywords abiding by time. This can be accessible if you already begin a ambience that you charge to admission again, but forgot area absolutely it was located.

8. Dual Messenger Comes Standard

The Dual Messenger capability, accepted in Huawei and Xiaomi phones, is now accepted on the Galaxy S8. This affection is actual advantageous for Facebook and added amusing media platforms area you may accept two accounts. Already the affection is enabled, you will apprehension a little orange figure in the bottom-right bend of the app icons, this indicates the accessory account.

Currently it appears that Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp are the best accepted apps that abutment Dual Messenger functionality on the S8. Best users in North America will not acquisition this affection appealing, but it should be a big hit with Samsung users abroad.

Samsung Experience 9.0 brings several new appearance to the Galaxy S8. We will abide to advance this annual as new appearance are discovered. Attending out for our abundant briefing of anniversary alone feature, area we burrow added into the capacity of what's new. Accept you noticed annihilation abroad in the Oreo Beta? Let us apperceive of annihilation we absent in the comments area below. If you still appetite to get in on the beta program, analysis out our how-to adviser below!


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