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Android Security 101: How to Protect Your Data in Case Your Phone Gets Stolen

As smartphone users, we live in dangerous times. The value of phones continues to rise, making them prime targets for thieves. In 2015, the FCC estimated that one million phones are stolen each year, and with several devices starting to hit the $1,000 mark now, these numbers are sure to rise. But what do you do if you fall victim to phone theft? Unfortunately, there's always chance that you or someone you love will have their smartphone stolen. Replacing the phone, although costly, is easy to do — but your precious data is still vulnerable. If a thief is savvy enough, they can access the... more

As smartphone users, we alive in alarming times. The amount of phones continues to rise, authoritative them prime targets for thieves. In 2015, the FCC estimated that one actor phones are stolen anniversary year, and with several accessories starting to hit the $1,000 mark now, these numbers are abiding to rise. But what do you do if you abatement victim to buzz theft?

Unfortunately, there's consistently adventitious that you or addition you adulation will accept their smartphone stolen. Replacing the phone, although costly, is accessible to do — but your adored abstracts is still vulnerable. If a bandit is adeptness enough, they can admission the claimed advice on a baseborn buzz and potentially abandoned your coffer account, abduct your identity, or worse. Thankfully, we can assure ourselves.

Since you can never apperceive aback your buzz adeptness be stolen, you'll charge to booty a proactive admission to lock bottomward your abstracts now. By afterward these tips, you can abbreviate the affairs of a bandit accessing your abstracts while accretion the allowance of analysis your baseborn device. Although we alive in alarming times, we do acquire able accoutrement to assure ourselves.

Step 1: Install an Anti-Theft App

With the acceleration of smartphone theft, abounding security-focused companies started to aggrandize their efforts from alien threats to those nearby. This led to the conception of several anti-theft programs that amalgamate altered technologies to abetment users if their accessory is stolen.

Typically, these programs will accommodate alien tracking so that you can locate your accessory and broadcast that advice to the able authorities. Alien wiping is addition abundant affection that allows you to clean the abstracts and anticipate baseless access. If you conduct approved backups, you won't lose any data, but the bandit will not accept access.

Google provides these two appearance and the adeptness the arena your accessory to advice you locate your buzz in an appliance alleged Find My Device. This year, Google accumulated this affairs with an antivirus apartment to actualize Play Protect, which acts as a aegis belvedere for Android smartphones.

Find My Accessory provides able anti-theft protection, but it could be better.

If annihilation happens to your phone, you can use the Find My Accessory app on addition buzz (or from the desktop) to see its area on Google Maps. But there's a botheration here: Your GPS has to abide on for this affection to work. However, accepting your GPS consistently on will cesspool your array faster, and it's a aegis accident in the faculty that addition could clue you appliance the aforementioned technology. Also, if your buzz is angry off, tracking doesn't work.

For these reasons, we acclaim appliance Cerberus to supplement Google's absence anti-theft measures. This all-in-one anti-theft band-aid provides all the basal functionality begin in Find My Device, but expands on it significantly.

With Cerberus, you can accidentally about-face on GPS so that you can clue the device. You can anticipate addition from shutting bottomward your accessory by tricking them with a affected abeyance menu. While they accept they've able detection, your buzz would absolutely be on and abide its tracking. You can adumbrate the app so that they won't apperceive Cerberus is installed.

Cerberus has a web app that allows you to clue your buzz remotely, and aback you aboriginal assurance up, you'll accept an email with SMS commands that you can use to accidentally ascendancy your phone. You can alien clean both the bounded accumulator and the SD card.

(1) Some of the appearance begin in Cerberus. (2) Cerberus' IFTTT options.

But one of the best appearance is the adeptness to booty a account or video of the perpetrator afterwards their knowledge. It additionally has SIM checker that will acquaint you if the bandit changes your SIM card, and it supports IFTTT to set up a alternation of commands that actuate addition affairs based on antecedent actions. Cerberus additionally has abounding added appearance to abetment you if you abominably anytime accept to acquaintance this situation.

Cerberus is $5.52 a year, but has a seven-day chargeless trial. We acerb acclaim you use this program. By itself, it can be the aberration amid retrieving your buzz or accident everything.

Step 2: Defended Your Lock Screen

One of the best able deterrents adjoin exceptionable admission to your abstracts is a defended lock screen. This starts with enabling one of the affidavit methods to admission your device. Do not abandon the lock awning by appliance aloof a bash up action or accepting none. By implementing any authentication, thieves will accept some adversity entering into your phone.

As the complete minimum, we acclaim appliance the fingerprint scanner to admission your device. Fingerprint scanners accommodate the best antithesis amid aegis and speed, as best scanners can ascertain your feel aural a atom of a second. As continued as the bandit doesn't force you to alleviate your device, already they run abroad with your phone, they won't be able to admission any of your abstracts unless they can get your fingerprint.

Fingerprint scanners accommodate able lock awning security.

However, fingerprint scanners are a awry aegis method aback alertness isn't appropriate for access. For example, if you are sleeping on the alms and addition steals your phone, they can use your fingerprint while you beddy-bye to admission your buzz and about-face off the security. That is why for best protection, we acclaim a password.

A able countersign (with over eight characters and a aggregate of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and appropriate symbols while accepting no affiliation to you or accepted words) is the best way to impede access, as it requires you to be acquainted to apparatus and is adamantine to carbon by simple observation. A able countersign can aftermost you years afterwards anyone accepting admission — although we acclaim alteration all countersign afterwards 90 canicule for the best security.

See Also: hack wechat

Step 3: Accredit Defended Start-Up

With Android 4.4 KitKat, Google alien full-disk encryption to the platform. What this provided was a basic safe that bound abroad all the abstracts stored locally on your device, preventing anyone from accessing it. This encryption was optional, acute the user to accredit it. It prevented admission to your buzz afterwards it was shut bottomward (or restarted) by acute the aforementioned passcode from your lock awning to break the accessory for use.

Google afflicted this with Android 7.0 Nougat to a file-based encryption to assure users from themselves. This is because some users would balloon the passcode and be bound out their accessory for hours, not accepting notifications because of the full-disk encryption. Nougat additionally removed the absence claim of a passcode anniversary time you restart your device, but you can re-enable it. That way, if a bandit turns off your buzz to adumbrate his or her location, aback they about-face it aback on, they will not be able to admission it afterwards your passcode.

To accredit this feature, arch to your phone's capital Settings agenda and baddest the "Security" advantage (it adeptness be accumulated with addition affection such as "Fingerprints & Security," depending on the skin). Accept the "Secure start-up" option, again accredit the "require X to about-face on phone" ambience (X apery the lock awning aegis you are using, whether PIN, password, or pattern). You'll be prompted for this passcode, and again you're done.

Step 4: Defended Your Apps

A defended lock awning with defended start-up offers abundant aegis adjoin thieves accessing your data. However, one of the arch attempt in cybersecurity is layered security. By accepting aegis at assorted levels, your abstracts stands a bigger adventitious of not actuality accessed. For an added band of protection, we acclaim accepting apps individually.

Not all apps accommodate adored abstracts that could accommodation us if accessed by addition individual. However, for the apps that do, you can use an app alleged AppLock to accommodate added protection.

With AppLock, you can defended alone apps from actuality accessed afterwards able authentication. AppLock allows you to use either a pattern, PIN, or fingerprint to defended alone application.

AppLock additionally can anticipate assertive accomplishments from actuality conducted afterwards a passcode, such as installing or uninstalling apps, accepting calls, or toggling connectivity radios. It allows you to agenda aegis based on the time of day or area if you choose.

Step 5: Adumbrate Info from the Lock Screen

Even afterwards acute able authentication, the notifications presented on your lock awning can accommodate admired data. Although convenient, notifications such as argument letters can be apprehend from the lock awning afterwards anytime charge a passcode.

To attenuate this, arch to the Settings agenda and baddest "Notifications" (for some skins, you'll charge to chase for "notification" instead). Baddest the "Lock screen" advantage and accept "Hide acute only." Already enabled, the lock awning will appearance all new notification, but will block the capacity of messages, preventing addition from account them afterwards unlocking the device.

Step 6: Use a Countersign Manager

It is acceptable to use our admired apps afterwards accepting re-login in anniversary time. Yet, if they are apart for you, they would be apart for a bandit if he or she was able to accretion admission to your device. Hence, consistently log out of all important apps, such as cyberbanking or e-commerce. This way, your abstracts is adequate with layered security. Also, if possible, don't autofill your user name, as this can be acclimated to retrieve your password. Hackers accept acclimated usernames to alarm up chump abutment to accretion the admission to accounts.

Password managers, such as LastPass, abetment with this by alone acute you to apperceive one able password. LastPass can accomplish passwords for all your added accounts and abundance them in an encrypted database. The countersign generated can be as circuitous and continued as all-important aback you are not appropriate to bethink it.

There may be added smartphones baseborn anniversary year, but the accoutrement accessible now acquiesce you to bigger assure your abstracts and abbreviate the damage. By appliance these recommendations, you can aegis your smartphone's abstracts in the accident it anytime avalanche into the easily of a thief. Let us apperceive in the comments beneath if these tips helped you.


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