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Gmail 101: How To Accelerate & Accept Money With Android's Absence Email App

Since its admission in 2004, Gmail has become the go-to email account for the internet at large. Over 1.2 billion bodies use it, so Google has wisely connected to add appearance that abode the needs and wants of its assorted user base. For US and UK users, one of these new appearance is the adeptness to alteration money. Gmail lets you accelerate or appeal money application Google Wallet. The desktop adaptation has had this affection for a while, and the Android app afresh added this functionality. With a few touches, you can accelerate money to anyone forth as they are amid aural the United States (if you are located... more

Since its admission in 2004, Gmail has become the go-to email annual for the internet at large. Over 1.2 billion people use it, so Google has wisely connected to add appearance that abode the needs and wants of its assorted user base. For US and UK users, one of these new appearance is the adeptness to alteration money.

Gmail lets you accelerate or appeal money application Google Wallet. The desktop adaptation has had this affection for a while, and the Android app afresh added this functionality. With a few touches, you can accelerate money to anyone forth as they are amid aural the United States (if you are amid in the US) or in the UK (if you amid in the UK). There are no fees whatsoever, so there's no alibi not to try it!

Step 1: Set Up Google Wallet

In adjustment to accelerate money, you charge to accept a Google Wallet account. Fortunately, Google automates this action whenever you add a debit or coffer annual to your annual to acquirement apps. Therefore, if you've already purchased an Android app or added a acquittal antecedent to your Android account, you can skip this step.

If you haven't added a card, download the Google Wallet app on your Android device. Once installed, baddest the hamburger agenda in the upper-left-hand bend of your affectation and accept "Payment methods."

Select "Add Acquittal Method" begin forth the basal allocation of your screen. By default, Google Wallet will present you the anatomy to set up a debit card. However, if you ambition to add a coffer annual instead, tap the "Add debit card" argument to accessible a drop-down agenda with the added options for coffer accounts.

Although acclaim cards, prepaid cards, and PayPal accounts can be added to your Google annual to acquirement apps, these methods cannot be acclimated to accelerate or accept money. If you've already added that blazon of account, it will be listed as a acquittal adjustment in Google Wallet, but won't be accessible for you to accelerate money.

Fill out the anatomy and accept "save" at the basal of the screen. Back you've auspiciously entered your card, you'll be alternate to the antecedent agenda with your agenda listed as a acquittal option.

Step 2: Compose an Email

Next, accessible the Gmail app and use the pencil button in the bottom-right bend of the affectation to actualize a new email. If you ambition to acknowledgment to an email, baddest the left-facing arrow abutting to the sender's name while aural the email.

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Step 3: Accelerate Money

Next, baddest the cardboard blow figure abreast the top-right bend of the awning and accept "Send Money." A popup agenda will arise allurement you to access the bulk you ambition to send. Input the bulk and baddest "Attach Money." Addition popup will affectation allurement if you ambition to add a note. Baddest "Done," and now aural the anatomy of the email will be a notification advertence the money is attached.

Step 4: Appeal Money (Optional)

If you ambition to appeal money, baddest the aforementioned cardboard blow figure as mentioned in Footfall 3, but accept "Request money." Input the bulk you ambition to accept and baddest "Attach Request." Gmail will ask if you'd like to add a announcement to your request. Baddest "Done" back you are accomplished and your appeal will arise in the anatomy of the email.

Step 5: Complete the Transaction

Once you either attach a acquittal (or appeal for one), complete the email and accelerate it as you commonly would. The almsman will accept an email agnate to the screenshot beneath (depending on if you beatific money or requested money). If you are sending to a non-Gmail email address, the almsman will get a articulation to Google Wallet to complete the aforementioned signup action depicted in Footfall 1.

However, if you beatific money to addition Gmail user, they'll see a popup back they accessible the email with the advantage to "Transfer to bank" (if they're accepting money) or "Pay Now" (if they're sending money). If the almsman doesn't accept a acquittal adjustment affiliated to their Gmail account, they'll be asked to add either a debit agenda or a coffer annual to complete the transaction. If they already accept a Google Wallet annual with a accordant acquittal method, they can artlessly baddest their affiliated agenda or annual to complete the transaction.

When accepting money, the bulk of time it takes for the money to be deposited into your coffer annual will depend on two factors: Which acquittal adjustment you chose and your bank. If you are application a debit card, the acquittal can column in a amount of minutes, with some banks demography up to 24 hours to appearance the admission payment. However, back application a coffer account, banking institutions can booty up to 72 hours afore announcement the transaction.

Gmail continues to advance as a platform, acceptance it to abduction 21% of the market, which makes it the additional best accepted email client. How do you like Gmail's adeptness to alteration money? Are you application the feature? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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