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How Abiding Is The Galaxy S8 Oreo Update?

So you're cerebration about downloading the Galaxy S8 Oreo beta, but you're not abiding if it's abiding abundant to use. It is a beta, of course, so you ability appetite to delay for others to accord it a try. Over the accomplished ten canicule I've acclimated the Galaxy S8 active Android Oreo as my circadian driver, active bottomward the best new features. Let's booty a attending at the bugs, the performance, and the array life. With any beta release, there are apprenticed to be some bugs. These bugs generally booty the anatomy of force-closing apps, apathetic animations, or poor camera performance. With the Oreo amend for the Galaxy S8, the bugs are... more

So you're cerebration about downloading the Galaxy S8 Oreo beta, but you're not abiding if it's abiding abundant to use. It is a beta, of course, so you adeptness appetite to delay for others to accord it a try. Over the accomplished ten canicule I've acclimated the Galaxy S8+ active Android Oreo as my circadian driver, active bottomward the best new features. Let's booty a attending at the bugs, the performance, and the array life.

With any beta release, there are apprenticed to be some bugs. These bugs generally booty the anatomy of force-closing apps, apathetic animations, or poor camera performance. With the Oreo amend for the Galaxy S8, the bugs are adequately minor, but there are affluence of little things you should be acquainted of afore installing Oreo.

Home Awning Glitches

The better culprit for me appropriately far has been Bixby Home. Whenever I bash appropriate to accessible Bixby, the app anon force closes or gives an absurdity message. A few users on Reddit accept complained of third-party app force-closes from Bank of America, Fenix, and Google Maps. On the action and achievement front, I haven't apparent abounding issues, and the camera achievement has consistently been absolutely acceptable appropriately far.

Another blank is the acutely simple adeptness to attenuate new app icons from abacus to your home awning aback you aboriginal install them. The newest adaptation of the Play Store — the one accordant with Android Oreo — discards the advantage to add an figure to the home awning for anniversary anew installed app. With the new Pixel 2 band of devices, Google artlessly confused this advantage to the home awning settings in their launcher.

Unfortunately, Samsung forgot that the advantage was no best included in the Play Store, and did not add this toggle to their own home awning menu. This seems like a baby aberration that will be adapted quickly, although it is actual annoying for anyone application the beta.

(1) New Play Store Settings Menu. Notice the advantage to add app icons to home awning is missing. (2) Galaxy S8 home awning settings, additionally missing the app figure toggle.

Camera Annoyances

Perhaps the best annoying affair with Android 8.0 on the S8 is the blank of appearance that were included in Nougat. One of the important examples can be begin in the camera app, which accustomed a notable UI brace in Oreo.

The HDR toggle that was ahead on the top row in the camera UI has now been active central the abundant settings card for the app. This change is in band with the interface on the Note 8, but it's still a abundant footfall aback in my opinion. Enabling HDR approach manually is a cogent benefit, and article I use all the time. Hopefully Samsung will apprehend the cries of beta testers and abandon on this UI change.

(1) HDR Settings are active on S8 Oreo update. (2) HDR toggle amid on top row of Camera UI on S8 active Nougat.
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No Abounding Awning Toggle

Watching video is article we all do on our phones — in fact, abounding of us absorb a ample allocation of our awning time arresting media. The Galaxy S8 featured an abundantly advantageous abounding awning approach for arresting YouTube agreeable at barrage beforehand this year. This affection was one of the appropriate factors aback watching Youtube on a Galaxy S8 against the LG G6 aback the two phones were initially compared.

Notice the abounding awning toggle appear the upper-right bend in Nougat.

For some aberrant reason, Samsung absitively to abolish the abounding awning appearance in Oreo on the S8. The advantage no best appears as a toggle, or any added abode in the settings menu. It's additionally not accessible to pinch-to-zoom like you can on the Pixel 2 XL. Abounding bodies accept bidding their anger with this choice, so it is accessible we will see this affection acknowledgment for the abiding release.

The toggle is abnormally absent in the Oreo beta update.

Minor Quirks

While the aloft issues are the better problems on the beta, there are a few added different things I've noticed in my time testing. Android Auto is absolutely broken, I absolute this with my own 2016 Honda Accord with congenital arch unit. Abounding others on Reddit accept additionally noticed this accurate issue. Android Auto doesn't accept the better user base, but it is article to be acquainted of if you depend on it circadian for Maps access.

The adeptness to allotment screenshots in WhatsApp is additionally broken. Strangely, sending approved pictures works fine, aloof not screenshots. Finally, I've noticed alternate audio baloney issues aback application active headphones with Play Music or YouTube. The affair is bound alone to active headphones and these two apps as far as I can acquaint (Spotify seems to be unaffected).

Battery Life

Battery activity on the accessory has been decidedly worse than my acquaintance on Nougat. With my approved circadian usage, I accomplished about 4.5–5 hours awning on time (SoT) application the abiding Nougat software on my S8+. While active the Oreo beta the accomplished ten days, I've been about 3.5–4 hours SoT with the aforementioned circadian use. Of course, array activity is actual subjective, so your breadth may alter with this accurate aspect of the update.

At the end of the day, the S8 Oreo software is still in beta, and that agency some hiccups actuality and there. I would not acclaim anyone use this as their circadian driver, but if you accept a additional phone, it's a lot of fun to test. If you're application the S8 Oreo Beta, let me apperceive about your acquaintance and any added bugs in the comments below. This column will be adapted as anon as we accept the Oreo Beta 2 amend on our accessory and analysis on any changes.


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