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How To Abolish Bloatware On Your Lg V30 — No Basis Needed

With the V30, LG has absolutely delivered an amazing smartphone that hits all the above appearance consumers want. Amazing camera, admirable edge-to-edge display, abundant array life, baptize resistance, and bland achievement — there isn't abundant not to like about the LG V30. Unfortunately, it does ache from abundant bloatware acknowledgment to the carriers. The acceptable affair is, clashing in the past, you are not ashore with it. Whether you bought your V30 from Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, you'll acquisition absolutely a bit of accidental apps preinstalled on your device. Combine that with the bombastic apps that LG... more

With the V30, LG has absolutely delivered an amazing smartphone that hits all the aloft appearance consumers want. Amazing camera, admirable edge-to-edge display, abundant array life, baptize resistance, and bland achievement — there isn't abundant not to like about the LG V30. Unfortunately, it does ache from abundant bloatware acknowledgment to the carriers. The acceptable affair is, clashing in the past, you are not ashore with it.

Whether you bought your V30 from Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, you'll acquisition absolutely a bit of accidental apps preinstalled on your device. Combine that with the bombastic apps that LG created for the LG UX skin, and you're ashore with a cogent bulk of bloatware that can't be uninstalled by acceptable means. Fortunately, there is a way to abolish these apps and advance all-embracing performance.

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What You'll Need

  • LG V30
  • USB abstracts cable
  • Windows, Mac, or Linux computer

Step 1: Install ADB & Fastboot

Step 2: Install the LG Drivers (Windows & Mac)

Beyond that, you may charge to install some LG-specific drivers on your computer for ADB to be able to collaborate with your V30. So if you're a Windows or Mac user, download these drivers, afresh abstract the capacity of the ZIP and run the EXE or PKG book to install the LG-specific drivers. Afterwards that, restart your computer to ensure that your operating arrangement has loaded the new drivers.

Step 3: Install App Inspector

Next, install App Inspector on your smartphone. This appliance will accord you the exact amalgamation names of any bloatware apps, which you'll charge to apperceive back sending the ADB commands that abolish them. It will additionally accommodate the figure (if applicable) of the app to advice you accurately analyze the bloatware you ambition to remove.

Step 4: Enable USB Debugging

Once you've installed the Android SDK Tools affiliated out in Footfall 1, you'll be accessible to accelerate ADB and Fastboot commands. But to accomplish abiding you don't accept any troubles in the future, there's one aftermost footfall you should take.

First, accomplish abiding you accept "USB debugging" enabled on your V30. This ambience can be begin in the Developer options menu, which can be activated appliance these instructions.

From there, artlessly affix your phone or book to your computer with a USB cable, afresh you should see the afterward alert on your Android device:

To agree things, beat the box abutting to "Always allow," afresh columnist "OK" on the popup. Back you're done there, you should accept no agitation sending ADB or Fastboot commands in the future.

Note: If you don't see the aloft message, chase Steps 5 and 6, afresh you should see it appropriate afterwards sending the command listed in Footfall 6.

Step 5: Accessible an ADB Command Window

Next, cross to the ADB and Fastboot accession agenda on your computer. For Windows users, this can usually be begin at C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools. For Mac and Linux users, it depends on area you extracted your ADB binder back you installed the utility, so chase your adamantine drive for the platform-tools binder if you've forgotten.

From here, if you're appliance a Windows PC, authority bottomward the about-face button on your keyboard, afresh right-click any abandoned amplitude and accept "Open command window here." For Mac and Linux users, artlessly accessible a Terminal window, afresh change directories to the platform-tools binder central of your ADB accession agenda appliance the command:

If you adjudge to use Minimal ADB and Fastboot instead, locate the binder and baddest "cmd-here" to accessible up the command alert in the able directory.

Step 6: Start the ADB Shell Service

Next, from the command alert or Terminal window, blazon in the afterward command, afresh columnist access on your keyboard:

adb shell

Note: Depending on your setup, you may charge to add a aeon and a carve (./) to the alpha of any ADB commands. In this case, ./ adb shell would do the trick.

Step 7: Acquisition the Amalgamation Names for Apps You Appetite to Remove

Now your accessory is about accessible to uninstall any application. On your V30 again, accessible up Appliance Inspector and baddest "App List," afresh baddest an app you ambition to remove. Beneath its name is the name of the package, which begins with either "com" or "net" followed by a alternation of words afar by dots. Copy this advice down.

Step 8: Disable the App Appliance ADB

Return to the ADB command window on your computer and access the afterward command, authoritative abiding to alter XX with the exact bloatware amalgamation name you begin in Appliance Inspector:

pm uninstall -k --user 0 XX

If aggregate went off after a hitch, you'll see a bulletin adage "Success," which indicates the bloatware app was auspiciously removed. From there, aloof echo this action for any added packages/apps that you'd like to remove.

Step 9: Verify That the Bloatware Apps Were Removed

From now on, the app will still be listed beneath the "App" advantage in the Settings menu, but will accompaniment that it is not installed. The appliance will not appearance up anywhere abroad including your app drawer, and it will no best run in the accomplishments demography up array life. For all intents and purposes, the bloatware app has now been uninstalled!

Be accurate what you uninstall, back some apps are bare for basal functionality. Appliance Inspector will advice you abstain some apps, but if you're borderline about a accurate application, chase for it online. However, if you do appear to get rid of the amiss app, you can branch displace your accessory to acknowledgment all the preinstalled apps (including bloatware).

With a few basal commands, you can bright up the all-encompassing bloatware begin on the LG V30. With their removal, your accessory will run a little smoother now that it isn't bogged bottomward by exceptionable apps. What apps did you abolish from your LG V30? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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