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The Better Bugs & Achievement Issues In The Capital Oreo Update

We've been active the Essential Oreo Beta on our PH-1 over the accomplished anniversary and accumulation a account of important changes. If you're absorbed in accepting the Beta yourself, we alike put calm a quick adviser on how to do that. Now that we've ran bottomward the best new features, let's booty a attending at all of the bugs and achievement issues in Android 8.0. Many of the bugs mentioned actuality are listed in Essential's official absolution addendum for the Beta Program. You should consistently apprehend these addendum anxiously afore installing Beta software on any device. We'll dive added into anniversary of the bugs mentioned in the... more

We've been active the Capital Oreo Beta on our PH-1 over the accomplished anniversary and accumulation a account of important changes. If you're absorbed in accepting the Beta yourself, we alike put calm a quick adviser on how to do that. Now that we've ran bottomward the best new features, let's booty a attending at all of the bugs and achievement issues in Android 8.0.

Many of the bugs mentioned actuality are listed in Essential's official absolution notes for the Beta Program. You should consistently apprehend these addendum anxiously afore installing Beta software on any device. We'll dive added into anniversary of the bugs mentioned in the official notes, and bung in a few we've noticed on our own.

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Bluetooth Array Drain

Essential mentions in the Beta absolution addendum that users may acquaintance added array cesspool aback application Bluetooth devices. During our testing period, we've noticed that the cesspool is absolutely substantial. The PH-1 accomplished aloof over four hours screen-on time while cutting a Gear S3 smartwatch commutual via Bluetooth all day.

On the added hand, we were able to accomplish aloof over bristles and a bisected hours after any Bluetooth accessories paired. If you use a deluge of Bluetooth accessories on a circadian basis, you ability appetite to skip the Beta amend as this will acceptable be bound afore the abiding body is released.

Android Auto Issues

The absolution addendum for the Beta additionally accommodate a admonishing to Android Auto users. We activated our PH-1 on Oreo with the banal Android Auto arch units on a 2016 Honda Accord Touring and a 2017 Audi A4. The phone commutual and formed flawlessly with both cars. It appears that the affair with Android Auto is bound to assertive car manufacturers and third-party arch units — accurately Hyundai cars and SUVs.

Intermittent Slow Charging

With the Beta update, we've noticed that our PH-1 will occasionally appearance "Charging Slowly", alike aback affiliated to the banal QuickCharge 3.0 charger. This botheration is accessible to spot, as you will see "Rapidly Charging" argument on the lock awning aback the phone is charging properly. It is account acquainted that this affair is alternate and occasionally apparent by unplugging the accessory and active it aback in.

(1) Notice the "Charging Slowly" text. (2) Notice the "Charging Rapidly" text.

Notification Dots Are Monochrome

The new Notification Dots affection in Oreo is appealing slick. This simple beheld cue indicates that you accept awaiting notifications cat-and-mouse central a accustomed app. With the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, these dots change blush to bout your icons. It seems that the dots on the Capital PH-1 are all the aforementioned adumbration of green. This could be done on purpose, but it's acceptable to be a baby bug or oversight.

(1) Notification dots are all blooming on home screen. (2) Notification dots are all blooming in the app drawer.

Minor Scrolling Issues

Much of the criticism surrounding the PH-1 at absolution centered on the all-embracing scrolling lag and UI aeronautics issues. While those issues are not absolutely bound in Oreo, the scrolling and UI accuracy is abundantly improved. We've noticed basal lag on our device, and alone aback active assorted apps and attempting acute multi-tasking. Scanning the Reddit Megathread discussing the Beta reveals that best users are abundantly blessed with the accuracy in Oreo.

Essential's Oreo Beta is actual abiding overall. If you're not a big Bluetooth accessory user, we would acclaim it as a circadian driver. The adherence of this Beta may announce that Capital will jump anon to the abiding absolution after a added Beta body in between.

If you're active the Capital Beta, amuse animadversion beneath with any added bugs or adherence issues you've noticed. Don't balloon to analysis aback generally as we amend this account with any new issues we uncover.


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