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7 Tips To Accomplish You Feel Like A Nova Launcher Master

Nova Launcher is one of the best accepted apps on the Play Store acknowledgment to its affluent appearance and aqueous navigation. But one downside that comes with this affluence of appearance is that abundant of Nova's functionality is absent on the masses. Fortunately, I've acclimated Nova for several years and abstruse a few tricks forth the way. With Nova Launcher, users can adapt the acquaintance to abode their needs. The development aggregation at TelsaCoil has congenital in abounding accoutrement that not alone adapt the attending of your home screen, but additionally how it functions. The tips beneath focus added on the closing — convalescent workflow... more

Nova Launcher is one of the best accepted apps on the Play Store acknowledgment to its affluent appearance and aqueous navigation. But one downside that comes with this affluence of appearance is that abundant of Nova's functionality is absent on the masses. Fortunately, I've acclimated Nova for several years and abstruse a few tricks forth the way.

With Nova Launcher, users can adapt the acquaintance to abode their needs. The development aggregation at TelsaCoil has congenital in abounding accoutrement that not alone adapt the attending of your home screen, but additionally how it functions. The tips beneath focus added on the closing — convalescent workflow after adverse aesthetics.

1. Use Gestures to Abode a Quick Note

Gestures are a abundant apparatus that let you bound barrage apps and advance all-embracing navigation. While abounding Android banknote accept a few congenital gestures, Nova Launcher allows any accessory to apply this feature. But a accepted catechism asked is what to use the gestures for — how about to bound jot bottomward a note?

To try this one out, you'll charge to set up a Nova action that launches Google Keep's "share receiver activity." You can apprentice all about Nova gestures here, or you can aloof arch here to see how to set up this specific gesture.

Once you've set it up application whichever action you prefer, you can both barrage Google Accumulate and accessible a new block with a quick swipe, tap, or compression on your home screen. Now, you no best accept to lose those abrupt abundant thoughts that pop up in your head. As bound as they come, you can abode them down.

2. Admission Google Now from Any Page

If you use Google casework often, Google Now can be one of the best admired apps on any smartphone. Application the abstracts it collects, Google Now gives you a customized blueprint of the advice you appetite (and need) at a quick glance. Helpful accoutrement such as cartage advice for your commutes can advice save adored abnormal that would be contrarily be spent digging into airheaded of apps.

For an all-embracing tutorial on how to accredit Google Now in Nova Launcher, aloof arch to the articulation below. Once you've done that, you can accomplish the acquaintance alike bigger by ambience up Nova's "Edge Swipe" action to accord you Google Now admission from any folio — not aloof the leftmost home screen.

To set up the "any page" gesture, accessible Nova's settings card and baddest the "Integrations" option. Tap the "Edge Swipe" advantage to accredit it, which will additionally gray out the "Google Now Page" option. Now, from any home screen, you can bash in from the larboard bend to acknowledge the Google Now page. This way, you can get to this advantageous advice alike faster.

3. Use Tabs to Bigger Adapt Apps

After we download a few hundred apps, our app drawer can become appealing disorganized. Although we can add our admired apps to our home screen, Nova Launcher provides an addition advantage that allows for alike bigger organization.

From Nova's Settings menu, baddest "App & accoutrement drawers" and accept "Drawer groups" amid abreast the basal of the list. While aural "Tabs", baddest the beyond aboveboard in the upper-right bend of your display.

Using this feature, you can actualize sub-categories aural the app drawer. Once you accept accustomed your aboriginal class a name, baddest the new admission amid in the list. You will again be presented with a annual all the apps installed on your device. By selecting the checkboxes, you will move a archetype of the app from the absence app drawer into the new subcategory. Back you accomplishment abacus apps, tap your aback button.

Now back you cull up the app drawer, your new tab will be positioned forth the top of your screen, abutting to the absence tab Apps. By annexation right, you will acknowledge the apps that you added to the new category.

If you appetite to absolutely be a master, continued columnist any app aural this new tab and baddest the pencil figure in the upper-right bend of the sub-menu. Uncheck the "Apps" box to abolish the app from the absence app drawer, appropriately abbreviation the ataxia in your absence app drawer.

4. Acknowledge Folders with a Swipe

Folders are a abundant way to adapt your home awning and abatement the bulk of amplitude commonly taken by icons. Typically, we actualize a binder based on apps which allotment agnate functionality. Normally, aural the folder, there is at atomic one app that we use added than the others. Instead of accepting to accessible the binder anniversary time, again selecting this app, Nova provides a abundant faster way.

Long-press a binder currently residing on your home awning and accept "Edit." Under the Swipe action grouping, baddest "None" to acknowledge the drop-down menu. Accept "First annual in folder," which will acknowledgment you to the antecedent sub-menu. Afterwards, baddest the toggle "Swipe to accessible folder" again accept "Done."

You aloof fabricated two changes. First, no best is the binder shown, and instead, it's been replaced by an figure of the aboriginal app central of the folder. Second, to acknowledge the folder's contents, you artlessly bash up on the icon. And if you appetite to use the apparent app, aloof baddest it as normal. In short, it's both an app figure and a binder now.

5. Adumbrate 'Private' Apps

The Play Store is home to millions of apps to abode users' assorted needs. However, some apps users appetite to accumulate clandestine from prying eyes. Instead of addition scrolling through your app drawer and anticipation you, you can adumbrate abroad the app so that alone you apperceive about it.

Hiding apps additionally has the annual of allowance up amplitude in your app drawer. Not alone does it abolish clandestine apps, but it's additionally a abundant no-root apparatus for allowance bloatware installed by the OEM. Plus, if you admission any of your apps application a bash action or an figure or accoutrement on your home screen, you can adumbrate it from your drawer back you accept addition adjustment of aperture it anyway.

See Also: hack hike

6. Use Adaptive Icons for a Compatible Experience

App icons appear in all shapes and colors. By default, Nova will adapt the apps so that anniversary figure is the aforementioned size. However, for a added compatible look, Android alien a affection accepted as Adaptive Icons, which matches anniversary figure to a specific shape. Unfortunately, this affection is alone accessible to Android 7.0 Nougat and newer versions, and alone 27% of users currently accept admission to 7.0+. Nova, continuing their trend of innovation, added this affection to the launcher so that all users can now try Adaptive Icons.

7. Use Google Drive for Cloud-Based Backup

The articulation beneath includes instructions on how to save the advancement book to Google Drive. Now, wherever you assurance in to Android, you consistently accept admission to this book (and thus, your Nova Launcher home awning layout), as Google includes 15 GB of Drive's cloud-based accumulator for chargeless with every Google account.

With these tips, you can alpha to use Nova Launcher like a pro. Not alone do these tips acknowledge some of the added hidden functionality of Nova, but they advance abundance as well. Are there any added "Nova master" tips you apperceive of that you'd like to share? Tell us about them in the animadversion area below.


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