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How To Adapt Android's Allotment Card — No Basis Needed

Android's allotment intents arrangement is abundant in theory, but the beheading can sometimes be frustrating. Back you tap the "Share" button abutting to a link, app, or file, you see a account of apps you can allotment that account with. But it seems like every time you use this function, the account of apps is in a altered adjustment — abnormally back it comes to the Direct Allotment targets at the top. As it turns out, you can calmly pin items to the top of your allotment card to accumulate it a lot added organized. After ambience things up, back you tap the allotment button, your admired apps will be listed at the top of both the regular... more

Android's allotment intents arrangement is abundant in theory, but the beheading can sometimes be frustrating. Aback you tap the "Share" button abutting to a link, app, or file, you see a account of apps you can allotment that account with. But it seems like every time you use this function, the account of apps is in a altered adjustment — abnormally aback it comes to the Direct Share targets at the top.

As it turns out, you can calmly pin items to the top of your allotment card to accumulate it a lot added organized. After ambience things up, aback you tap the allotment button, your admired apps will be listed at the top of both the approved allotment card and the new Absolute Allotment menu. It alone takes a few seconds, so I'll appearance you how it works below.

Pinning Items to the Top of Your Absolute Allotment Menu

First alien with Android 6.0, the Absolute Allotment card lets you accelerate items to a specific submenu aural an app. For instance, instead of aloof administration a book to your messaging app, again selecting a acquaintance to allotment it with, you can now allotment the book anon to the specific chat with that acquaintance in one tap.

As added apps accept been adapted to abutment this feature, the Absolute Allotment card is starting to become crowded. Best apps don't action settings to attenuate their Absolute Allotment functionality, so a lot of times, the absolute allotment targets that appearance up in the allotment card are from apps that you don't usually appetite to allotment an account with.

So if this card has started to become chaotic for you, alpha by administration an account as you frequently would. The Absolute Allotment targets will arise at the top of the allotment card with a hardly darker background. Find the app you best frequently allotment things with and long-press it. Next, tap "Pin" on the popup, again this app will be bumped to the aboriginal position in your Absolute Allotment menu.

If you want, you can echo this aforementioned action for added apps you frequently use. But agenda that affianced apps will be listed alphabetically by app name — in added words, if you pin Pushbullet and Inbox, Inbox will appearance up in the aboriginal position, while Pushbullet will appearance up in the additional position.

See Also: hack facebook messenger

Pinning Items to the Top of Your Approved Allotment Menu

Reordering the items in your approved allotment card works aloof the same. The approved allotment card is the lighter allocation of the popup — the basal bisected of the allotment menu.

If you'd like to move an account to the aboriginal position in this section, aloof long-press it, again baddest "Pin" from the popup. Again, affianced items are listed alphabetically by app name, but at the actual least, the apps you absolutely use will now arise after accepting to annal bottomward on this menu.

Unpinning Items

If you adjudge you don't appetite a accurate app at the top of either of these sections anymore, it's accessible to alleviate an item. Aloof long-press it (from either the Absolute Allotment allocation or the approved allotment portion), again baddest "Unpin." After that, it will go aback to the position that Android decides it should be in, which varies depending on the blazon of account you're sharing.

By pinning items, you can assuredly achieve some ascendancy over your allotment menu. Items you pin will consistently be available, which is decidedly advantageous for the Absolute Allotment menu, as it alone shows 8 allotment targets by default. Which items accept you pinned? Let us apperceive in the animadversion area below.


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