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The 4 Best Countersign Managers For Android

Over the years, the internet has become a alarming place. As its acceptance has increased, it has admiring added hackers attractive to accomplish a quick buck. However, as our annex on the web grows, it becomes added difficult to bisect all ties. This agency we accept to assure one of our weakest points, the password. Our passwords act as the primary aegis adjoin hackers accessing our accounts and the abstracts they contain. With all the advice aural aloof one account, we charge to accomplish abiding we apply the arch password. But this creates a bind — a able countersign is adamantine to memorize... more

Over the years, the internet has become a alarming place. As its acceptance has increased, it has admiring added hackers adorable to accomplish a quick buck. However, as our annex on the web grows, it becomes added difficult to bisect all ties. This agency we accept to assure one of our weakest points, the password.

Our passwords act as the primary aegis adjoin hackers accessing our accounts and the abstracts they contain. With all the advice aural aloof one account, we charge to accomplish abiding we apply the arch password. But this creates a bind — a able countersign is adamantine to memorize, but an easy-to-memorize countersign is a anemic one. Plus, you charge a altered countersign for every annual you use, which can calmly adeptness into double-digit figures. This is area a countersign administrator comes in.

Table of Contents

  • Background on Countersign Managers
  • Comparison Chart
  • Key Comparison Points
  • How We Picked These Apps
  • App 1: LastPass
  • App 2: Keeper
  • App 3: Dashlane
  • App 4: 1Password
  • Conclusion

What Are Countersign Managers?

A countersign administrator is an app with a database absolute your login advice for all the assorted accounts you use. The database is about encrypted with a adept countersign to anticipate crooked access. While this adept countersign may be accumulated with added abstruse altered advice to admission security, a user about won't charge to acquire annihilation added than the adept countersign itself.

The adept countersign is how one allotment of the abundant bind is solved. You alone charge to acquire one able countersign for all your accounts. However, you don't reclaim this countersign — instead, you acquiesce the administrator to actualize passwords for all your added accounts.

An archetype of a able countersign — adamantine to memorize, but difficult to hack.

Once a adept countersign is created, you add the login advice for all your accounts into the database. At this point, you'll appetite to alter the countersign for anniversary annual with a stronger one. Application the "change password" action for anniversary of your accounts, the countersign administrator will actualize a new passcode. The administrator will acquiesce you to accept from assorted ambit such as whether to accommodate uppercase or lowercase, appropriate characters, and the all-embracing breadth of the passcode to actualize a able countersign that you will never accept to memorize.

Comparison Chart

Key Comparison Points

  • Premium Bulk (Single-User): The bulk to alleviate all appearance for a distinct user.
  • Family Price: Bulk appraisement for assorted accounts. All but LastPass accommodate bristles user accounts for the listed price, with LastPass including six users. Like the Exceptional Price, this will alleviate all features.
  • Free Adaptation Available: Whether or not you can use this annual for free.
  • Local-Only Mode: This affection provides security in abode of convenience. Instead of application the billow to accord the database, your database resides alone on your device. This provides added ascendancy as to who has admission to it and who can appearance its contents, and it decreases the risks of actuality hacked.
  • Cloud Sync: Your database is stored in the billow authoritative it attainable beyond assorted devices. Application the cloud, any modification fabricated on one accessory will automatically amend all the added accessories with access.
  • Audit Passwords: The administrator reviews all login accreditation and will acclaim changes to passwords. For example, the administrator will acclaim alteration if your countersign hasn't been adapted in a while (typically three months), or if you use the aforementioned countersign for assorted accounts.
  • Multiple Accounts: Aural the Android app, you can admission assorted databases. For those who ambition to abstracted their ancestors database from their assignment database, the accessibility of quick switching on one accessory is necessary.
  • Share Passwords: Users can extend admission to passwords (whether alone or as a group) to added users. Some managers crave that the users accepting admission already accept an annual with the service.
  • Emergency Access: In the case of the user's afterlife or incapacitation, admired ones can be assigned admission to the database. This way, the user's online accounts can be managed or deleted depending on the user's situation.
  • Autofill (Nougat or Lower): For Android users not active the latest affluence of the OS, the countersign administrator offers some adjustment to automatically ample login advice into apps. Autofill is about able application Accessibility (which operates analogously to Autofill API) or via a appropriate keyboard (with a appropriate button to autofill).
  • Autofill API (Android 8.0+): One of the new appearance with Android Oreo was the admittance of an Autofill API. If an app has this feature, you can baddest its database in your phone's settings, again user names and passwords from your database will be automatically busy into apps and websites on your phone.
  • Tech Support: The managers on our annual accommodate abutment through either an online admission arrangement or email. Email is aloft as it is added acceptable to use and not affected to abortion because a web folio went down.
  • Encryption: The adjustment acclimated to ensure the security of the database. As of today, the accomplished accepted accessible is AES-256 encryption. Encryption protects the database by authoritative it about cacographic to crooked users.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Application assorted agency to accredit (identify) users. The best accepted anatomy is application a third-party authenticator, which is an added app you install that receives an OTP (one-time password) that you admission in accession to your countersign to prove your identity. Some examples accommodate Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and Authy.
  • Universal 2nd Factor: Additionally accepted as U2F, this is accession way of accouterment multi-factor authentication. U2F is a set of accouterments keys (typically USB) which you charge to login to your database forth with your password. Since you physically authority assimilate the accouterments keys, abounding feel this provides the accomplished akin of protection.
  • Fingerprint Login: Application the fingerprint scanner on your accessory to admission your database instead of accepting to ascribe your adept password. Fingerprint login provides accessibility for users who again admission their database.
  • Secure Billow Storage: Encrypted billow accumulator that comes with your subscription. Keeper is the alone administrator to crave that you advancement to a ancestors plan to admission any storage, while the added two managers which action the affection accommodate it with the exceptional plan.
  • Bug Compensation Program: The security of a arrangement is heavily abased on its adeptness to assignment as advised all the time. However, alike the best well-written cipher will accept bugs and abrupt errors. To action this, companies action a banking allurement to those alfresco the aggregation to abode these errors. Typically, college rewards allure added white-hat hackers (hackers for the acceptable guys) and college accomplished ones.
  • White Paper Available: A abstruse abode on how security and affidavit are handled by the software. It provides all-important accuracy and allows others to accomplish suggestions to advance security for all.

How We Picked These Apps

Today's countersign managers can do added than aloof affluence your passwords. Abounding accept been confused from bounded accumulator to billow storage, which agency a archetype of your countersign database is accessible on all the accessories you use and automatically syncs to ensure any modification is reflected on all systems. While not a claim for our list, anniversary of the managers called offers this feature.

Our aboriginal ambit revolved about security. We would alone accede countersign managers that acclimated the latest security accoutrement available. Currently, that meant AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Accepted with a 256-bit key), PBKDF2 SHA-256 (Password-Based Key Ancestry Action 2 and Defended Assortment Algorithm 2 with 256-bit digest), and absolute hashes.

Another claim was that all apps in this annual had to use Android's new Autofill API. Begin in Android 8.0 or higher, this affection lets you accept a system-wide countersign database that will be automatically busy into any login fields — including both apps and websites. To use it, you artlessly install one of these apps, set up your countersign database, again baddest it in your phone's settings.

(1) Selecting a database with Oreo's Autofill API. (2) Login advice from the called database is now busy into apps automatically.

Piggybacking on the aftermost criteria, there should be some way to autofill passwords for all of the non-Android Oreo accessories out there. Specifically, there should be a way to autofill passwords in apps, as best countersign managers can autofill aural the browser (whether through a plugin or an chip browser).

Emergency Admission was accession requirement, as it lets your admired ones admission your annual if you die or become incapacitated. With emergency access, your admired ones can abutting your accounts, admission your finances, and booty ascendancy of your online accounts back you are clumsy to do so. In that vein, you should additionally be able to allotment passwords.

Finally, we alone called apps that had well-designed interfaces and were accessible to use, which alone apps such as KeePass. Users of all acquaintance levels should calmly be able to actualize a database, add logins, and autofill those logins. You shouldn't accept to set up security accoutrement or absorb boundless time in the settings menu, and all of these apps accommodated that criteria.

App 1: LastPass

Easily the best accepted app on our list, LastPass has formed adamantine to action an amazing arrangement of appearance that are incomparable by any added countersign administrator out there. Due to the affluence of appearance actuality offered at the everyman price, we had to accord it the top spot.

LastPass was advised with billow syncing in mind. The aggregation intends for every user to accept admission to their database no bulk what accessory they're using, with all their abstracts altogether in sync. This is exemplified by the actuality that they are the alone administrator on our annual to action this affection for free. LastPass is accessible on all aloft operating systems and best aloft browser, acceptance admission to their synchronized database no bulk what accessory you're using.

One of the added important aspects of any countersign administrator is security. A abundant countersign administrator charge advance the accomplished akin of security accessible to ensure your database won't be compromised. LastPass follows this assumption and utilizes AES-256 encryption to assure your database.

Since LastPass doesn't abutment a local-only database, your countersign database resides in the billow (with a archetype stored locally on your device). This requires affidavit (to ensure alone accustomed users are abutting to the servers) and encryption during transport. LastPass accomplishes this application PBKDF2-SHA256 absolute hashes. Once the user is authenticated, a decryption key unlocks the bounded archetype of your vault. All advice amid the server and the user is aural an encrypted connection, abacus added layers to the security.

In accession to the aloft protection, LastPass forgoes any acquaintance with your decryption key, preventing them from accessing your database remotely. While they do affluence your database, they can't apprehend its contents, ensuring your aloofness charcoal intact.

LastPass additionally supports multi-factor authentication, which provides an added footfall to prove your identity. One of the best defended versions of this is Accepted 2nd Agency (U2F), which houses a ancient countersign (OTP) aural a USB stick. The user charge physically acquire the USB stick in adjustment to prove authentication, attention adjoin alien attacks.

LastPass additionally tries to advance its users' claimed security by auditing passwords. Upon review, LastPass will advance you accomplish changes to passwords that are weaker or accept been repeated. Exceptional affairs accept admission to 1 GB of defended accumulator to authority your best adored data. LastPass additionally uses a bug compensation program, alms awards up to $5,000 for any vulnerabilities (or bugs) begin aural their software.

LastPass checks best boxes of capital appearance users appetite in a countersign manager. With the barring of a local-only admission and admission to assorted accounts aural the app, users are provided aggregate abroad bare in a top-tier countersign manager.

Somehow, LastPass is able to action this at $24 a year, which is about six dollars cheaper than its abutting competition. Its ancestors appraisement is not alone the everyman at $48 a year, but it additionally includes six accounts compared the competition's five. Alike better, you can use best appearance for free! LastPass provides security, convenience, and aloofness while actual almost inexpensive. And for these reasons, it is cardinal one on our list.

See Also: hack viber

App 2: Keeper

Keeper is an accomplished another to LastPass if you're adorable for added security. If you don't appetite to assurance any aggregation with your database, Keeper offers one of the few capital appearance not accurate by LastPass — a local-only database. It does this while continuing toe-to-toe with LastPass on best added fronts.

Keeper offers both a chargeless adaptation and a exceptional version. Keeper's exceptional bulk (for one user) is the additional cheapest advantage on our list, while its ancestors appraisement is the best expensive. However, the chargeless advantage is area it loses the best arena to LastPass.

In the chargeless version, billow syncing isn't available. Your database is stored and encrypted locally, and not amid anywhere else. Therefore, you never accept to anguish about your basement traveling beyond the web — but the downside is you'll accept to manually archetype your database over to any added devices, while repeating changes manually on anniversary device.

In addition, Keeper is a "zero knowledge" service, which agency it doesn't apperceive your adept password, affluence any information, or accept admission to your decryption key. This agency Keeper cannot admission your database, attention you from them and abbreviation the after-effects if Keeper was to anytime become compromised.

However, local-only does abandonment the accessibility of syncing your database beyond assorted accessories and platforms. For users who affliction added about this convenience, they will charge the exceptional version.

With the exceptional adaptation (whether distinct or family), users accept admission to several features, including billow accompany and absolute countersign storage. Users additionally accretion admission the adeptness to use the fingerprint scanner on their accessory to login into their database against inputting the adept countersign anniversary time.

Keeper allows exceptional users to allotment passwords, with the alone claim actuality that the added affair is additionally a Keeper user. The aforementioned security accoutrement acclimated to assure your basement back application accompany appearance is acclimated to allotment the countersign cautiously and securely.

In accession to administration passwords, Keeper's exceptional adaptation additionally includes Emergency Access. This affection allows users to accord up to bristles admired ones admission to their annual in case of an emergency (such as death). The emergency contacts will charge to delay a specific time afore accessing, but afterwards that, they can administer your vault. Users can adapt the annual of admired ones at any time.

Keeper exceptional plan offers the better accommodation of billow accumulator at 10 GB, but banned it to ancestors accounts only. Keeper additionally provides admission to assorted accounts from aural the app. Afore inputting your countersign (or fingerprint) to log into your vault, users can use the drop-down card to baddest from added accounts they may accept with Keeper.

Keeper is a abundant another to LastPass' chargeless version. It allows users to accept a local-only database, which is added defended than application billow storage. However, for exceptional users, it is a altered story. While it offers abounding of the aforementioned appearance as LastPass (including two that LastPass doesn't have), its bulk tag is decidedly college than LastPass. While the single-user bulk is close, the ancestors appraisement is added cher for beneath users. However, because of its diffuse affection annual and local-only chargeless version, Keeper is awful admirable of its second-place accomplishment on our list.

App 3: Dashlane

Dashlane's admission to the countersign administrator centers on affluence of use. It accomplishes this with a well-designed app and with a set accessible appearance codenamed Project Mirror.

First off, let me accent that Dashlane is able-bodied designed. Anniversary card advantage is acutely labeled, removing any assumption to its function. The absence folio is Recent Items, accouterment quick admission to the accounts you frequently use. The chip browser provides autofill for webpages and accounts after apps.

Dashlane additionally has a chargeless adaptation which removes billow syncing (similar to Keeper), acceptance for a local-only mode. Exceptional users can additionally about-face off synchronization, which removes all copies of your database besides the bounded archetype on your device. Therefore, exceptional users can accept how they ambition to advance Dashlane.

Dashlane supports autofill via Autofill API for Oreo users and via Accessibility plugins for earlier devices. However, one of the better appearance of Dashlane is Critical Annual Protection, an accessible basic of Project Mirror.

Critical Annual Aegis reduces the adversity of application a countersign manager. Once this affection is implemented, Dashlane will browse your email inbox and add all accounts associated with that email address. It analyzes anniversary account's security and creates a abode that displays advice such as a timeline of back accounts were created, what blazon of accounts you have, and the accident akin if a aperture occurs. You are again accustomed the adeptness to abate the accident by bound alteration passwords.

Features like automated countersign afterlight will be added back Dashlane accouterments Project Mirror in the abreast future.

Unfortunately, Project Mirror appearance are not yet implemented, which is the capital acumen Dashlane slipped to cardinal three on our list.

As it currently stands, the capital two issues with Dashlane are its abridgement of appearance compared to its antagonism and its bulk tag. Until Critical Annual Aegis is added, the adeptness to analysis passwords is limited. Dashlane will acquaint you of the countersign strength, but not abundant else. Dashlane is additionally the alone administrator on our annual which doesn't action a defended billow accumulator option.

Dashlane additionally is the best big-ticket option. It has the accomplished single-user bulk per year and doesn't action ancestors pricing. That agency if a ancestors wants to use Dashlane, anniversary user charge pay $39.99 a year. While not a bad option, LastPass and Keeper action added bulk for less.

App 4: 1Password

While 1Password is aftermost on our list, it does accept advantages not begin with the added managers. Specifically, 1Password's admission to security is greater the antecedent three options and awful acclaim for those who appetite billow synchronization in the best defended adjustment possible.

1Password authenticates users application what accepted as a two-secret key derivation. Normally, managers use the adept countersign to actualize a assortment to accredit users with their servers. A assortment is a one-way action that alters abstracts (in this case the adept password) to a anchored size. The modification is usually irreversible (hence one-way) so hackers aren't able to acquire the adept countersign from the hash.

1Password goes a footfall added by introducing a additional component. This basic is accepted as the Abstruse Key, and it's additionally altered and alone accepted by the user, convalescent the security of the hash. The Abstruse Key is a cord of characters that is aboriginal generated by your accessory back you initially actualize an account. This key is stored locally and is aloof by 1Password. While you'll never charge to acquire the key as the arrangement automatically retrieves it, its character is what makes it defended and helps with authentication.

1Password doesn't acquiesce screenshots of its app, so we had to booty pictures instead.

Because of this two-secret key derivation, 1Password believes it is accidental to abutment third-party authenticators (multi-factor authentication) or accepted 2nd agency (U2F). While they do accept a point, the abstraction of accepting article on you to abetment with affidavit does affluence the abhorrence of barter and provides them some akin of ascendancy that's bare with a software-based solution.

1Password has by far the better accolade for its bug compensation program, alms acquittal up to $100,000 for abeyant vulnerabilities. Such a ample bulk will adorable college accomplished white hat hackers (good guy hackers) and advance to a added defended platform.

For years, 1Password offered local-only storage. However, as of two years ago, it has transitioned to a cable archetypal and chock-full alms the adeptness to actualize new accounts for the standalone model. So while there is a chargeless tier, there's no way to admission it unless you already had a license.

Pricing is high, charging the additional best for distinct user and ancestors subscriptions (with the closing alone 11 cents abroad from the best big-ticket listing). Also, it is the alone one our annual after a chargeless version, but it does action a chargeless balloon for 30 days.

Nonetheless, 1Password is a abundant option, abnormally for those not application multi-factor affidavit that appetite the accessibility of billow database. However, its abridgement of a chargeless adaptation and aerial appraisement affected us to abode it on our list.


With the abundance of cyber attacks increasing, users charge to fortify their online defenses. However, according to Splashdata, aftermost year connected the trend of bodies application the passwords "123456" and "password" for abounding accounts. But as ahead mentioned, it is difficult to acquire a altered and circuitous password, abnormally for the abounding accounts we have. The is is why in 2018, countersign managers are vital.

While countersign managers alter in functionality based on platform, for Android users, the best countersign administrator accessible is LastPass. With its affluent features, advanced availability, and low pricing, users should attending no added back it comes to autumn their passwords. However, if you're adorable for best aloofness and appetite to affluence your database locally, again Keeper is your best option.

Are you application a countersign manager? If you aren't, why not? Let us apperceive in the comments below. And for added advice on how to accumulate your Android secure, analysis out our Android Security accumulating application the articulation below.


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