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10 New Appearance Advancing In Android 8.1 Oreo For The Capital Phone

After testing a alternation of Android 8.0 builds, Essential hit the displace button and jumped to Android 8.1 Oreo. The aboriginal 8.1 beta is already live, so we installed it on our PH-1 and started to dig in. The appearance from the 8.0 betas are all still there, additional a few aliment specific to the adapted version. We'll highlight the standouts here. Essential's acumen for jumping to 8.1 was that 8.0 had several adherence problems that they believed were addressed with the baby update. So annihilation major, but it's acceptable that Andy Rubin & Co. are accepting their flagship on the latest and greatest Android... more

After testing a alternation of Android 8.0 builds, Essential hit the displace button and jumped to Android 8.1 Oreo. The aboriginal 8.1 beta is already live, so we installed it on our PH-1 and started to dig in. The appearance from the 8.0 betas are all still there, added a few aliment specific to the adapted version. We'll highlight the standouts here.

Essential's acumen for jumping to 8.1 was that 8.0 had several adherence problems that they believed were addressed with the baby update. So annihilation major, but it's acceptable that Andy Rubin & Co. are accepting their flagship on the latest and greatest Android adaptation this quickly. Alongside the update, Essential continues to abode bugs and achievement issues, including a fix for scrolling jitter and adapted security patches.

1. New Settings Card Layouts

This amend includes a new Settings layout. Gone is the hamburger card that was alien with Android 7.0 Nougat. Instead, anniversary card is aeroembolism to bigger present the advice that the user needs. While best of the changes are minor, a few airheaded accept been revamped. For example, the Battery card includes an figure absorption accepted array life, and screen-on-time is on the capital card as well.

Another above redesign is Accessibility. The Downloaded Services area now shows an figure abutting to anniversary acceptable app. The accession of icons continues throughout the menu, allowance users bigger analyze anniversary option.

2. Redesigned Aeronautics Buttons

The aeronautics buttons accept accustomed a change in their architecture to advice accent the Google Assistant. The aback and contempo apps buttons accept been bargain in admeasurement in allegory to the home button. The home button accustomed an added amphitheater accouterment added accent on the button, which brings up the Google Assistant back long-pressed.

3. Automatic Dark Mode for Quick Settings

Now, your Quick Settings pull-down card will automatically change blush based on your home awning background. Whenever you use a darker wallpaper, the Quick Settings will change the accomplishments blush to atramentous to match. However, for all added colors, the card will affectation a white accomplishments instead.

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4. Semi-Transparent Quick Settings Menu

The Quick Settings card is additionally semi-transparent now, acceptance users to somewhat see the antecedent screen. This affection is arresting with either accomplishments blush and offers a baby change to the Quick Settings.

5. Array Indicator for Bluetooth Devices

One of the added agitative appearance alien with Android 8.1 Oreo is a array indicator for Bluetooth accessories. While this affection has been a allotment of iOS and baddest OEM banknote for a while, banal Android was never able to finer adviser the array activity of Bluetooth accessories until now.

In your Quick Settings, afterwards abutting to a battery-powered Bluetooth device, a array figure will arise to the appropriate of the Bluetooth figure apery the array activity of the accessory. By selecting the argument beneath (which displays the name of the affiliated device), you'll see a account of affiliated accessories forth with the array allotment of each.

6. Hi-Fi Bluetooth Codecs

With so abounding phones removing the headphone jack afresh (including the PH-1), Android has formed to advance the affection and acquaintance of Bluetooth audio. There accept been a cardinal of Hi-Fi codecs created by companies before, however, alone a baddest cardinal of Android phones accurate them. Now, this is no best the case.

With the update, Essential users can now adore Hi-Fi audio codecs such as aptX HD and LDAC, depending on which is acclimated by your headphones. While not agnate in complete to alive headphones, they do action a bigger acquaintance compared to accessories which don't abutment the codecs.

7. Hide 'Running in the Background' Notification

One of the few annoyances that came with Android 8.0 was a set of "Running in the Background" and "Drawing Over Added Apps" notifications. While their absorbed was to advice assure users from array arresting apps, the botheration was back this was unnecessary.

For example, my countersign administrator charcoal alive in the accomplishments so I can bound access and avenue it throughout the day. With Android 8.0, I accustomed a changeless notification allegorical me that it's "running in the background" and accordingly arresting battery. Unlike added notifications, I couldn't abolish this permanently. Unless I gave up the accessibility of my countersign manager, I was affected to accord with this notification.

Google heard the cries from the association and anchored this botheration by architecture in the adeptness to stop this notification. Check out the articulation beneath for a quick adviser on how to achieve this.

8. Accurate Oreo Easter Egg

As you may accept noticed with antecedent Android 8.0 beta releases, Android Oreo didn't accept a accurate easter egg. In accomplished versions, by borer the "Android Version" access beneath "About Phone," you'd acknowledge an easter egg absorption the dessert-based update. However, Android 8.0's "easter egg" was an underwhelming orange "O."

Android 8.1 changes that, giving users the angel they expected, Oreos. The accepted bite cookie is now appear with a bonus. Afterwards borer and long-pressing on the Oreo logo, you acknowledge an Octopus in baptize which you can annoyance about the screen. What does an Octopus accept to do with Oreos? Who knows, but is it cool? Absolutely!

9. Cheeseburger Emoji Is Now Fixed

The abundant clamor of the Android 8.0 beta for Essential PH-1 users has been cheese on the Cheeseburger emoji. No best is the cheeseburger disrespected by agreement the cheese beneath the patty. With 8.1, Essential anchored this by agreement the cheese on the top as it consistently should accept been. Activity is complete now.

10. Dynamic Agenda and Alarm Icons

While this affection is bound to Essential's absence launcher, the alarm and agenda icons will acclimatize depending on the time and day. Instead of the absence 31st on the agenda app, the figure will now adapt based on the absolute day of the month, while the alarm will appearance the accepted time. It a baby change, but one that's absolutely appreciated.

Besides these changes, Essential additionally bigger startup times and added the acceleration of app sign-in. With the acceleration of this beta, Essential could potentially be the third phone with Android 8.1 Oreo officially, abaft Pixel accessories and the Nokia 8. What do you anticipate of the new update? Are you aflame about the new features? Let us apperceive in the comments below.


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