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How To Unroot & Backslide Your Oneplus 5 Or 5t To 100% Stock

To amuse those of us who adulation to mod and basis our Androids, OnePlus has fabricated both the OnePlus 5 and 5T almost accessible to adapt — so abundant so that the 5T topped our account for the best phones for rooting. Unfortunately, unlocking the bootloader and application basis to adapt the firmware on your OnePlus 5 or 5T makes it adamantine to amend to a new firmware such as Oreo back compared to stock. Reverting your OnePlus 5 or 5T to banal in adjustment to amend it to the latest OxygenOS Android adaptation can end up bricking your phone if done incorrectly. Because of this, we've covered every footfall of the process... moreSee Also: hack wechat

To amuse those of us who adulation to mod and basis our Androids, OnePlus has fabricated both the OnePlus 5 and 5T almost accessible to adapt — so abundant so that the 5T topped our account for the best phones for rooting. Unfortunately, unlocking the bootloader and application basis to adapt the firmware on your OnePlus 5 or 5T makes it adamantine to amend to a new firmware such as Oreo aback compared to stock.


  • OnePlus 5 or 5T with apart bootloader
  • Windows, Mac, or Linux computer
  • USB abstracts cable

Step 1: Acquisition Your Accepted Firmware Version

First, you'll aboriginal acquire to acquisition your phone's firmware version. This is a actual important step, as downloading the best accepted OxygenOS may abort to appropriately install no amount how abounding times you try. In added words, you'll appetite to reinstall your current firmware from blemish to overwrite any changes you've fabricated with basis or custom recovery, then you'll be able to acquire OTA updates.

To acquisition your phone's accepted firmware version, artlessly go into Settings and tap "About Phone" at the basal of the menu. From there, booty agenda of the numbers beneath "OxygenOS version."

Note: If you're active a custom ROM, you can skip this footfall and artlessly download the latest firmware adaptation from OnePlus.

Step 2: Download Your Banal Firmware

Once you've begin the exact OxygenOS and Android adaptation for your OnePlus 5 0r 5T, arch to one of the links beneath on your phone.

From there, annal bottomward and attending through the accessible firmware versions (you ability acquire to put your phone in mural approach to see them). Acquisition the one that matches your accepted OxygenOS adaptation (you may acquire to go aback a few pages), afresh baddest it. Finally, tap "Continue to Download," afresh annal bottomward to the basal of the abutting folio and hit "Download." The firmware book is rather ample (1–2 GB), so it will booty at atomic a few account to download.

Step 3: Download the Banal Accretion Angel for Your Device

This footfall is basic if your acquire a custom accretion such as TWRP installed, aback OnePlus's firmwares do not acquire the banal accretion angel included. If you're already application your OnePlus 5 or 5T's banal recovery, however, you can skip this area and advance to the abutting step.

That said, here's the banal accretion angel files for the OnePlus 5 and 5T. Download the book from your computer, afresh move it to your desktop, as you'll appetite to calmly admission it afterwards on.

Step 4: Install ADB & Fastboot on Your Computer

This footfall can be a little alarming if you're new to ADB and Fastboot, but if you're already accustomed with the process, you can skip to Footfall 5.

You won't charge ADB at all during this process, but you will charge Fastboot, and the two utilities are arranged together. So arch to the afterward articulation for a abundant adviser on installing ADB and Fastboot, afresh arise aback actuality and aces aback up at Footfall 5.

Step 5: Accessible a Fastboot Command Window

Next, you'll charge to accessible a command window on your computer, which is how you'll accelerate the fastboot command to re-flash the banal accretion angel and lock your the bootloader on your device. The catchy allotment is authoritative abiding the command window is accessible to the appropriate directory.

If you're application Windows, authority bottomward the Windows button on your keyboard, afresh columnist the "R" key. From there, blazon "cmd" into the alert and hit enter.

Opening the command alert on Windows.

If you're application a Mac or a Linux machine, you'll aloof charge to accessible the Terminal app. Tip for Mac users: Columnist command and amplitude bar simultaneously, afresh blazon "Terminal" into Spotlight chase and hit enter.

Opening the Terminal app from Spotlight chase on a Mac.

With your command window open, now it's time to change directories — this is the catchy part. You'll charge to run this command from the platform-tools binder aural your ADB accession directory, which will alter depending on how you installed ADB.

So chase your adamantine drive for the platform-tools binder — best congenital book browsers (like Windows Explorer) will acquire a chase bar in the top-right corner, so aloof blazon in "platform-tools." Already you've begin the folder, archetype its abounding location, which should attending article like this, depending on your operating system:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

Copying the platform-tools binder area on Windows.

Once you've begin the abounding area of the platform-tools folder, blazon "cd" into the command prompt, afresh add a space. Finally, adhesive the abounding binder area into the alert and hit enter. The end aftereffect should attending like this:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

Changing directories to the platform-tools folder.

Step 6: Put Your Phone into Bootloader Mode

With Fastboot up and active on your computer, you now charge to put your OnePlus 5 or 5T into bootloader mode, which is the approach that accepts Fastboot commands and allows you to beam images.

To do so, about-face your accessory off, afresh columnist both the ability and aggregate bottomward buttons at the aforementioned time and authority them until your phone boots up. From there, use your aggregate buttons to highlight the "Fastboot" option, afresh columnist the ability button to baddest it. Afterwards accepting to the Fastboot screen, affix the phone to your Mac or PC application a USB abstracts cable.

Step 7: Analysis the Fastboot Connection

You now acquire to accomplish abiding that you've auspiciously accustomed a affiliation amid your OnePlus 5 or 5T and your Mac or PC. So on your computer's terminal, blazon in fastboot devices and hit enter. The command alert should now appearance a alternation of numbers and belletrist followed by the chat "fastboot." If that's the case, you can advance to the abutting step. Otherwise, go aback to Footfall 4 and bifold analysis to accomplish abiding you accession went through afterwards a hitch.

Note: Mac, Linux, and Windows PowerShell users may charge to add a aeon and a carve (./) to the alpha of any commands listed actuality (e.g., ./fastboot devices).

Step 8: Beam the Banal Accretion Image

If you installed TWRP afterwards unlocking your OnePlus 5 or 5T's bootloader, now's the appropriate time to beam the aboriginal banal accretion angel you downloaded beforehand in Footfall 3.

With your accessory in Fastboot approach and affiliated to your Mac or PC, go to the accessible terminal on your computer and blazon fastboot beam recovery — but don't hit access aloof yet.

Instead, add a amplitude afterwards what you aloof typed, afresh grab the recovery.img book you downloaded beforehand from the desktop, and annoyance and bead it in into the terminal window to add the abounding book area and complete the command.

With the abounding command appropriately inputted now, hit access to beam recovery, afresh blazon fastboot reboot-bootloader and hit access already afresh to accomplishment flashing.

Note: Mac, Linux, and Windows PowerShell users may charge to add a aeon and a carve (./) to the alpha of any commands listed actuality (e.g., ./fastboot beam recovery).

Step 9: Cossack into Accretion Mode

Now that the banal accretion has been flashed assimilate your OnePlus 5 or 5T, you'll now charge to accomplish affairs to re-install the banal firmware to accompany your accessory aback to its branch state.

To get started, about-face off your device, afresh accompanying columnist both ability and aggregate bottomward buttons, and let go already your see the OnePlus cossack awning appear. You should now be taken to your device's cossack menu, so either tap "English," or accept it application your aggregate and ability buttons to baddest and affirm to get into recovery.

Step 10: Re-Install the Banal Firmware

Once central the accretion screen, baddest "Install from Internal Storage," afresh accept the banal firmware book you downloaded aback in footfall 2. You'll now be taken to a folio to affirm amalgamation installation, so baddest "Yes" to beam the firmware assimilate your OnePlus 5 or 5T. The action is automatic, so sit aback and delay for accession to finish, afresh advance to the final footfall already it's done.

Step 11: Re-Lock Your Bootloader

Before starting with the final step, it is actual important to agenda that locking the bootloader on your Oneplus 5 or 5T will abolish all the abstracts in your device, so if you acquire important files you appetite to save, do so afore assuming this step.

That said, to lock the bootloader on your OnePlus 5 or 5T, aboriginal about-face off your accessory and put it aback to Bootloader approach as categorical in Footfall 6, and reconnect it to your Mac or PC. Now, blazon fastboot oem lock in the terminal window (or ./fastboot oem lock for some computers) and hit enter. Your OnePlus 5 or 5T will now ask you if you appetite to lock your bootloader, so use the aggregate keys to accept "Yes" and columnist the ability button to confirm. Afterwards that, reboot your phone and you'll be all set!

With your OnePlus 5 or 5T aback to a 100% branch state, you should now be able to auspiciously amend your accessory to Android Oreo application the accepted "Check for updates" button in Settings. If you ran into any issues forth the way, let us apperceive in the comments beneath and we'll try to beacon you in the appropriate direction.


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