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5 Almost Hidden Galaxy S9 Appearance You Should Apperceive About

If you afresh accustomed your new Galaxy S9 or S9 , you're apparently aflame to try out all of the appearance the flagship offers. While abounding of the appearance are accessible and accessible to access, there are a scattering of actual advantageous items that Samsung has active in the settings menu. Enabling these hidden appearance will advice you alleviate the accurate ability of your new device. Samsung packs a ton of appearance into their flagship devices. This can be a acute acumen to buy their phones, but additionally a bit alarming for new users aggravating to locate all of the accessible settings. On the Galaxy S9, abounding of... more

If you afresh accustomed your new Galaxy S9 or S9+, you're apparently aflame to try out all of the actualization the flagship offers. While abounding of the actualization are accessible and accessible to access, there are a scattering of actual advantageous items that Samsung has active in the settings menu. Enabling these hidden actualization will advice you alleviate the accurate adeptness of your new device.

Samsung packs a ton of actualization into their flagship devices. This can be a acute acumen to buy their phones, but additionally a bit alarming for new users aggravating to locate all of the accessible settings. On the Galaxy S9, abounding of the new actualization like AR Emoji, Dolby Atmos Surround Sound, and Consistently on Affectation customization are a bit catchy to find. Let's dive in to the best important hidden actualization on your Galaxy S9.

1. Dolby Atmos Surround Sound

Aside from the camera, the better accouterments advance on the Galaxy S9 is assuredly the admittance of stereo speakers. Increasing the affection of complete output, Samsung additionally partnered with Dolby to bear absolutely absurd Atmos Surround Sound.

There are a few means you can accredit Dolby Atmos. The easiest way to do so is from the quick settings. To do this, bash bottomward your notification adumbration fully, bash to the left, and Dolby Atmos will be listed as the aftermost quick ambience tile. The Atmos affection is angry off out of the box, so borer on the asphalt will accredit it.

After you accept enabled the Dolby Atmos feature, you can toggle a few advantageous settings. To admission the abundant settings menu, long-press on the Dolby Atmos tile. The four options accessible are Auto, Movie, Music, and Voice. If you generally about-face amid media and calls all day, it is apparently best to leave the Auto advantage clear for circadian use. For a affluent Netflix acquaintance the Movie approach is a abundant choice, aloof bethink to toggle aback to Auto afterwards viewing.

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2. AR Emoji

In the Galaxy S9 keynote, Samsung spent cogent time touting their new AR Emoji feature. The abstraction is simple enough, actualize a Bitmoji-like actualization in your likeness, again allotment activated GIFs featuring your character. This affection is acutely targeted as antagonism with Apple's Animoji on the iPhone X. While AR Emoji is not active in settings like Dolby Atmos, it can be a bit catchy to locate for Android newcomers.

AR Emoji does not accept a committed app — instead, you actualize your actualization from aural the Camera software. To admission this, accessible the Camera, tap the selfie camera toggle, again bash larboard already to acknowledge the AR Emoji screen. From here, you can browse in your face and actualize your custom AR Emoji. The afterward screens accommodate options for customizing clothing, bark tone, and beard actualization as well. If authoritative a Bitmoji of yourself is too creepy, there are additionally several cartoonish characters you can accept from in the app.

3. Consistently on Affectation & Lock Awning Customization

The aboriginal time you advance the Consistently On Display, Samsung walks you through a quick tutorial of the assorted components. One of the best important apparatus is the adeptness to adapt your Consistently on Affectation and set a schedule. Unfortunately, best users actualization over this advantageous advice in the aboriginal tutorial. Luckily, you can cross aback to these settings at any time you choose.

To admission these settings, arch to Settings and tap "Lock Awning and Security." From here, there are a cardinal of custom settings account tweaking. Beneath the Lock Awning and Consistently on Display heading, you can alpha by ambience your Consistently on Affectation to a custom schedule. This allows you to accredit Consistently on Affectation during the hours you're awake, and automatically about-face it off back you go to sleep. In addition, you can accept which pieces of advice to actualization on your standby screen, or accredit the Consistently on Affectation at all times.

Below the agenda option, you will acquisition "Clock and Facewidgets." In this menu, you can accept from a cardinal of alarm styles, and accept which widgets are displayed on your lock awning and Consistently on Display. With Android Oreo, Samsung added a nice alternative of new alarm styles and added the adeptness to color-match your wallpaper blush on the lock awning clock.

Next, the "Notifications" ambience allows you to change the blazon of notifications displayed on your lock awning and adapt their appearance. There is an advantage to adumbrate content, alone actualization notification icons, and alike cautiously tune which apps affectation notifications. New to Android Oreo, Samsung additionally congenital in the advantage to change the accuracy of your notifications. Back you use the accuracy slider, you will apprehension a nice examination of the lock awning at the top of the menu.

Finally, "App Shortcuts" allows you to change the two app icons that arise on your lock screen. These icons acquiesce you to bound barrage either app from the lock screen. You can accept from any app installed on your device.

4. Smart Stay, Camera Quick Launch, & Fingerprint Gestures

Samsung has a addiction of axle advantageous actualization beneath the "Advanced Features" card in Settings. In particular, this card lets you accredit two actualization that are actual accepted on Android. The aboriginal affection we acclaim is Samsung's "Smart Stay" function, this keeps the affectation on while you're actively attractive at the device. This affection uses the avant-garde camera to ascertain your face and does a decidedly acceptable job.

Up next, "Finger Sensor Gestures" enables you to bash bottomward on your fingerprint sensor to accelerate bottomward to the notification shade. This is a actual advantageous affection with rear-mounted fingerprint scanners. In accession to the acceptable notification gesture, Samsung additionally added a accelerate up activity to barrage Samsung Pay from the home screen.

Perhaps the best accepted accouterments adjustment on Android, "Quick barrage Camera," allows the user to admission the Camera app bound by double-tapping on the adeptness key. With this affection enabled, you consistently accept admission to your Camera to bolt an activity shot.

5. Custom Aeronautics Bar & Affectation Resolution

This final brace of hidden settings will advice you clasp the best out of your Galaxy S9's beyond display. Out of the box, the Galaxy S9 is set to FHD+ resolution, which does not booty abounding advantage of its capabilities.

To change the affectation resolution, arch to Settings –> Affectation –> Awning Resolution. For best pixel goodness, baddest the WQHD+ option. It is account acquainted that you will see some abasement in array activity with the college resolution. There is additionally the advantage to decline the resolution to HD, which will advance your array activity a nominal amount.

The aeronautics bar is the capital apparatus for interacting with the Galaxy S9. Beneath Settings –> Affectation –> Aeronautics bar, you can change the actualization and functionality of this important software feature. We acclaim you adapt the button blueprint and burden akin of the home button to acquisition your adopted ambience in anniversary category.

If you would like to add some blush to your aeronautics bar, Samsung has several delicate shades to accept from. It is account acquainted the abridgement of aphotic colors accessible for the aeronautics bar — Samsung claims this is to advice with awning burn-in issues. There is a simple way to achieve a aphotic aeronautics bar, application the third-party band-aid alleged NavBar Apps.

With these hidden actualization enabled, you should be all set to activate application your new Galaxy S9 to its best potential. Keep in apperception that there are abounding added advantageous avant-garde customization options to analyze on your Galaxy S9. In fact, the S9 already has several of the new actualization advancing to Android P. Let us apperceive in the comments how you're affection the S9, and what added tips you'd like to see us explore!


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