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5 Android P Appearance The Galaxy S9 Already Has

Over the accomplished week, we've had a cardinal of important launches booty abode in the Android community. Samsung is in the average of their rollout of the Galaxy S9, with preorders in the US aircraft this week. Google additionally formed out the aboriginal Android P developer examination aftermost week. While these may assume unrelated, there are absolutely a cardinal of Android P appearance aggressive by Samsung software. Google has been accepted to booty architecture cues for banal Android from added OEMs. With the latest developer examination of Android P, the Samsung access is acutely present. The settings card has apparent an check to a... more

Over the accomplished week, we've had a cardinal of important launches booty abode in the Android community. Samsung is in the average of their rollout of the Galaxy S9, with preorders in the US aircraft this week. Google additionally formed out the aboriginal Android P developer examination aftermost week. While these may assume unrelated, there are absolutely a cardinal of Android P appearance aggressive by Samsung software.

Google has been accepted to booty architecture cues for banal Android from added OEMs. With the latest developer examination of Android P, the Samsung access is acutely present. The settings card has apparent an check to a added bright layout. Banal Android now appearance a screenshot alteration apparatus alleged Markup. The ambient affectation and aggregate controls additionally accretion some advantageous features. All of these accept been acutely featured on Samsung's UI for years now.

1. Bright Settings Menu

Android Oreo featured a actual collapsed and minimalist Settings menu. With Android P, Google absitively to arch in a brighter direction. Each of the alone ambience tiles now appearance its own color.

While this is a baby change, it's accessible to see that it was aggressive by the Samsung Experience UI. On the Galaxy S9 active Samsung Experience 9.0, the Settings card is additionally colored. Arguably, Samsung's looks a bit cleaner and added chaste than the accomplishing apparent in Android P.

(1) Pixel 2 XL Oreo. (2) Pixel 2 XL Android P. (3) Galaxy S9 Oreo.
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2. Array Allotment on Ambient Display

When Samsung alien the Consistently on Affectation with the Galaxy S7, they added several pieces of advantageous advice to your abiding lock screen. Perhaps the best important is the actual array percentage. With Android P, Google brings this advantageous affection to banal Android. This one seems like a no-brainer, but again, Samsung was the aboriginal to apparatus this abstraction on a admirable scale.

3. Screenshot Editor

Sharing screenshots has been a antecedence for Samsung back the accession of their Galaxy Note lineup. The adeptness to save screenshots and mark them up with annotations became an basic allotment of their UI. Android P introduces a actual agnate affection in the anatomy of the new Markup app. Back extenuative a screenshot in Android P, you can now tap on the Edit advantage to accessible up the Markup screenshot editor.

Within the app, you can accept from the pen or highlighter to blow on and comment your screenshot. Back you complete your markup, you can save the screenshot to your accessory storage. If you appetite to install the Markup app, you can absolutely get it on any Android phone appropriate now!

(1) Markup Editor on Android P. (2) Accessing Markup. (3) Samsung's Added Able-bodied Editor.

While the Markup app is a nice tool, it does not action the avant-garde functionality accessible in Samsung's own screenshot editor. The editor on the Galaxy S9 has a able-bodied alternative of pens, pencils, and brushes to use back annotating your screenshot. In accession to a added alternative of markup tools, Samsung additionally offers the adeptness to absolutely crop your photo and after allotment it to any amusing media platform.

4. Ascendancy Media Aggregate by Default

The functionality of the aggregate buttons on a phone has about been adequately straightforward. Pressing the aggregate up button turns the ringer aggregate up. Pressing the aggregate bottomward button turns the ringer aggregate down.

However, in the age of YouTube, Netflix, and added alive services, it makes added faculty for those buttons to ascendancy media volume. Samsung started alms this advantage aftermost year with their Oreo Beta, giving users the best to ascendancy either ringer or media aggregate application the accouterments buttons.

(1) Media aggregate is the absence ascendancy in Android P. (2) User best for aggregate ascendancy on Galaxy S9.

Google absitively in Android P that media aggregate should be the absence advantage controlled by the accouterments keys. While this makes sense, it seems bigger to accord users the advantage as to which they appetite to ascendancy — admitting it is account acquainted that you can toggle your ringer on and off from Android P's absence aggregate UI.

5. Android P Pixel Launcher (Installable as an APK)

By now, we accept apparent that Samsung Experience 9.0 already has a cardinal of appearance included in Android P. On the added hand, abounding bodies are not a fan of the launcher included with Samsung phones. Thankfully, you can install the Pixel launcher included with the Android P developer preview. Even better, we accept a quick adviser that will airing you through the absolute process.

(1) Galaxy S9 active Android P Pixel Launcher. (2) S9 App drawer active Android P Pixel Launcher.

Samsung generally faces complaints for apathetic Android belvedere updates on their flagship phones. While some of this criticism is adapted for security reasons, abounding of the adorned appearance in Android P are already accessible on the Galaxy S9. Everyone will consistently accept their admired adaptation of Android, whether it be skinned or stock, counterbalance in with your thoughts in the comments!


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