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Everything To Do Back You Get A New Phone

After ambience up your phone, there are a cardinal of things you should do anon afore download your admired apps. Specifically, now that your abstracts is on the device, you charge to booty accomplish now to ensure it's both adequate and retained. Fortunately, best of these accomplish are a ancient process. The acumen this should be done with your new accessory is that oftentimes, we will avoid the aegis and assimilation of our abstracts until it is too late. By authoritative theses modifications now, you can be abiding that for the absolute activity of your new phone, your abstracts will be both clandestine and attainable by you... more

After ambience up your phone, there are a cardinal of things you should do anon afore download your admired apps. Specifically, now that your abstracts is on the device, you charge to booty accomplish now to ensure it's both adequate and retained. Fortunately, best of these accomplish are a ancient process.

The acumen this should be done with your new accessory is that oftentimes, we will avoid the aegis and assimilation of our abstracts until it is too late. By authoritative theses modifications now, you can be abiding that for the absolute activity of your new phone, your abstracts will be both clandestine and attainable by you.

Step 1: Aback Up Your Photos & Videos

The aboriginal affair any new phone users should do is set up automated advancement of their data. While 99% of the time you may never use it, it takes alone one to accomplish you affliction not accepting it. Google automatically backs up a lot of your abstracts (unless you accurately attenuate the affection during setup), but it doesn't aback up everything. Specifically, your photos, videos, and your argument messages.

For photos and videos, Google does accommodate an app to automate the process, but it isn't enabled by default. Google Photos will automatically aback up any files amid in the Camera's capital binder (which agency any angel or video taken with your camera). To accredit this, aloof accessible up Google Photos and baddest "Done" on the antecedent prompt.

The absence settings will alone aback up your media aback you're on Wi-Fi, but if you accept an absolute cellular abstracts plan, you may appetite to accredit cellular abstracts advancement so that your media is backed up immediately. To do that, arch to the ancillary card and accept "Settings." Baddest "Back up & sync" and accredit the toggle for Photos and Videos beneath the Cellular abstracts backup grouping.

Step 2: Agenda Backups for SMS, MMS & Alarm History

Another aspect of your abstracts which isn't backed up automatically by Google is your SMS (and MMS) letters and your alarm history. In adjustment to aback these up, you will charge the abetment of a third-party app.

With SMS Advancement & Restore, you can automatically aback up your argument messages, pictures messages, and your alarm history. To agenda your aboriginal backup, baddest "Edit Schedule" on the capital page. Accept whether you appetite daily, weekly, or alike alternate backups. For the circadian and account options, the absence time will be 1:00 am. Once you chose the frequency, tap "Save."

By default, the advancement area will be your Google Drive. This is a abundant advantage because your abstracts is safe alike if your phone becomes compromised. For example, if you lose your phone or if you charge to branch displace your phone, bounded copies are no acceptable as the abstracts is angry to your phone. But with billow storage, as anon as your assurance in, you'll accept actual admission to your abstracts again.

Step 3: Attenuate Area History

Now that your abstracts is appropriately backed up, you'll appetite to accumulate your abstracts private. There are a cardinal of absence settings enabled that cede your aloofness which should to be disabled. One of these options is Area History.

Location History keeps a log of your area to accommodate you personalize ads based on your abode and accommodate GPS admonition to your adored locations (such as your home or workplace). That may be accomplished for some users, but if you're a privacy-minded individual, you can see how to attenuate it at the articulation below.

See Also: hack viber

Step 4: Stop Personalized Ads

Every Android accessory has article accepted as an announcement ID which is acclimated to analyze your accessory as you browse the web and use apps. Application this data, Google serves up ads that are accurately targeted at you. You can instructs apps not to use this announcement ID by opting out the program.

Besides the announcement ID, Google collects abstracts from a array of sources, including Chrome and YouTube. It is recommended that you about-face off these collections to accumulate your abstracts private. You can apprehend how to attenuate all of these options at the afterward link.

Step 5: Analysis App Permissions

Whether you started your accessory apple-pie or alien your app advice from a antecedent phone, an important footfall for any new phone user is to analysis app permissions. Apps on the Play Store accept been accepted to accredit a aggregation of permissions that aren't all-important for functionality. Because of the severity of the abusage of this information, this should be done both aback aboriginal ambience up your accessory and periodically to ensure any new apps aren't burglary your data.

Step 6: Secure Your Lock Screen

When you initially set up your device, Google suggests that you assure your lock awning by enabling one of the abounding affidavit methods. Whether it's biometrics or a password, PIN, or pattern, you should accept enabled one of them to accumulate your accessory safe.

Enter Settings and baddest "Security & lock screen" or some added aberration of those words (depends on the bark acclimated by your device). Baddest "Screen Lock" and accept any adjustment besides "Swipe" or "None." Chase the instructions to add this security band to your device. For the fingerprint scanner, acquisition the "Add fingerprint" advantage and chase the instructions to browse your fingerprint.

Step 7: Limit How Notifications Are Displayed

One of the conveniences of Android's lock awning is the adeptness to apprehend and administer notifications after unlocking your device. Unfortunately, this additionally leaves us accessible to addition abroad application that aforementioned accessibility to apprehend our notifications after accepting to alleviate our device. Therefore, we acclaim alteration the absence notification settings.

To do so, accessible Settings and baddest "Notifications" (or whatever aberration is acclimated by your OEM skin). Beneath the "Lock screen" advantage (this may be hidden abaft a sub-menu which you can admission application an figure in the upper-right bend of your display), accept "Hide acute only." With this enabled, notifications from apps such as messaging will active you of a new notification, but won't affectation the bulletin unless you alleviate your phone.

After application these suggestions, your abstracts will be both clandestine and recoverable. By accomplishing this immediately, you abate the accident of accident your abstracts and assure yourself in the accident that Google anytime became compromised. There are additionally added security accomplish you can booty which we highlight in our Android Security 101 Collection. Check out the articulation beneath for information, and let us apperceive in the comments beneath if you begin these tips helpful!


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