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Here's Why Notifications Are The Best Galaxy S9 Affection Back Compared To Iphones

The iPhone vs. Android agitation is about as old as smartphones themselves. While there are a cardinal of affidavit to skew appear one operating arrangement or the other, the Samsung Galaxy S9 models accept a ton of abundant appearance that advice set them afar from Apple's iPhones. The coolest feature, in my opinion, is the way notifications are handled. I adulation my iPhone, I absolutely do, but the way that iOS deals with notifications is all-embracing bulky and passive. Apple prefers to acquiesce notifications to aloof canyon on by like a summer breeze, but Android gives me the advantage to booty allusive activity on alerts if I... more

The iPhone vs. Android agitation is about as old as smartphones themselves. While there are a cardinal of affidavit to skew appear one operating arrangement or the other, the Samsung Galaxy S9 models accept a ton of abundant appearance that advice set them afar from Apple's iPhones. The coolest feature, in my opinion, is the way notifications are handled.

I adulation my iPhone, I absolutely do, but the way that iOS deals with notifications is all-embracing bulky and passive. Apple prefers to acquiesce notifications to aloof canyon on by like a summer breeze, but Android gives me the advantage to booty allusive activity on alerts if I accept to do so. To aggrandize on this, I'll account all the affidavit that the Samsung Galaxy S9 models exhausted iPhones in the notifications game.

And yes, to be fair, best of the credibility will administer to the way Android handles notifications as a whole, but the Galaxy S9 models activity the latest and greatest Android experience, and there are a few things that they accept that Android as a accomplished doesn't.

1. You Won't Forget About Notifications on the Lock Screen

For iPhone users, new notifications will pop up on the lock awning aback locked, but already you go to the home awning or an app, again acknowledgment to the lock screen, they're no best obvious. They retreat to the Notification Center, which you can bash up to see on the lock screen, but they're not in your face anymore.

On Android's lock screen, notifications can accumulation up, but this allows you to adjudge what you appetite to do with anniversary one afore it disappears like on iOS — a notification won't abandon aloof by unlocking your Galaxy S9.

Lock awning alerts dematerialization on iPhone (left) vs. assiduous on the Galaxy S9 (right).

2. You Won't Forget About Notifications Everywhere Else

When unlocked, you can bash bottomward the Notification Center on an iPhone to appearance all of the notifications you ignored, but if you can't bethink blank any, how would you bethink to bash bottomward to appearance them? There's no beheld indicator that there are notifications cat-and-mouse to be looked at in iOS.

That's area the Galaxy S9, and Android overall, wins addition one. Small icons hover central the cachet bar up top, consistently cogent you absolutely which apps are aggravating to get a authority of you. Bash bottomward from the top to acknowledge the notifications drawer, and you can booty activity on any of those in the aforementioned agency that you would on the lock screen.

Nothing apparent in the cachet bar on iPhone (left) vs. icons on the Galaxy S9 (right).

3. Notifications Are Aggregate by App Name

Perhaps the best annoying allotment of iOS, for me, is that the notifications aren't aggregate by apps (even admitting they acclimated to be in iOS 9). What that agency is that assorted notifications from the aforementioned appliance on iOS are advised as abstracted notifications, like they don't alike apperceive anniversary other.

On Android, these notifications are "grouped" together, acceptation all the notifications from one app are advised as a distinct notification. You can cull bottomward on that notification to aggrandize them, area you can booty activity on anniversary notification one by one. It's a abundant added able and organized approach.

Random adjustment on iPhone (left) vs. aggregate by app on the Galaxy S9 (right).

4. There Are Added Granular Controls

Apple does activity a lot of fine-tuning for its notifications in iOS. Stock apps like Calendar activity a ton in the way of customization, absolution you change notification settings alike for the type of Calendar notification. Third-party apps don't accept admission to this functionality, however, and are belted to simpler controls like assuming alerts (notifications) on the lock screen, in the history, and as banners.

The "Calendar" app on iPhone has the best absorbing active options.

With Android 8.0 (which ships on Galaxy S9 models), developers are able to accommodate notification channels which lets them absolutely accord users the adeptness to adapt their notification experience. Aloof go to "Apps" in the Settings, again "Notifications," and accept an app to see if the developers are application the affection on your Oreo device.

In the Twitter app, for example, you can accept whether or not your DMs acquaint you, and the aforementioned goes for followers and contacts, as able-bodied as recommendations from Twitter. These types of controls aren't article you can get in iOS, and any developer can accommodate this on Android.

On the Galaxy S9, any app can fine-tune their notification alerts.

5. The Galaxy S9 Has an Always On Display

The Always On Affectation is added of a Samsung Galaxy feature, but Android has agency of implementing the affection beyond the operating system. On the Samsung Galaxy S9 models, you can double-tap any notification balloon to anon accessible up the app that creates the notification. While it's not that abundant faster than artlessly alive your phone up, it is addition way to collaborate with your notifications.

The iPhone X contends agreeably with an Always On Affectation because a notification can pop up on the lock awning and deathwatch it up. Already that happens, you can artlessly tap on it already to accessible up the app as continued as you're attractive at your iPhone (due to Face ID). The iPhone X is usually faster than a acceptable Android always-on display, but not by that much. Both are absurd at what they do and streets advanced of the competition.

However, the iPhone X is the alone antagonism here. No added iPhone archetypal has this, authoritative not aloof the Galaxy S9 models a champ in this category, but the Galaxy S8 and S7 models as well, as able-bodied as any added Android phones that accommodate such a feature. Plus, you can accept a pulsating LED to accumulate reminding you accept messages, while on iOS, you can alone see LED beam alerts for the aback of the accessory if you accredit it.

6. You Can Do Added in the Notification Drawer

While iOS makes you edit and allotment a screenshot appropriate away, Android will let you adapt and allotment it whenever you appetite from the notification drawer. You can additionally collaborate with phone calls from the notification drawer instead of in the app directly, and you can thumbs up or bottomward songs in the media controls that alive in the notification drawer.

When application Google Maps on a Galaxy S9, you can see admonition and avenue aeronautics from the notification drawer, while on iOS, you accept to tap the dejected bar (or balloon for iPhone X users) to go anon to the app to do anything.

Google Maps notifications on the Galaxy S9 (left) vs. iPhone (right).
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7. You Can Catnap App Notifications

On your Galaxy S9 (and all Android Phones), you can catnap all notifications. This agency you're able to briefly put a notification aside, and accept it re-notify you afterwards the appointed time. Think of like comatose an anxiety clock. Bash larboard on the notification to acknowledge a alarm icon, again tap it and accept how continued you appetite to catnap the notification for. Hit "Save" already you accept how continued you appetite to catnap the notification for.

You can catnap certain iOS apps, but it's up to the developers to actuate if they appetite to broil the functionality into their app. In my experience, few affliction to. Words with Friends is the alone one that ancestor into apperception appropriate away. There's additionally no customization here, though, Apple apps like Reminders will accord you a few options.

Snooze options on the Galaxy S9 (left) vs. iPhone (right).

The Galaxy S9 Is My Champ in the Notifications Game

Of course, this is all subjective. While how notifications are handled on the Galaxy S9 is one of my admired features, it may not be yours, and you ability absolutely adopt the iPhone experience. But there's no abstinent that developers on Android artlessly accept added to assignment with than iOS developers aback it comes to notifications.


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