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How To About-face Your Galaxy S9 Into A Google Pixel

Unless you own an Exynos model, there won't be abundant development on the custom ROM advanced for the Galaxy S9. But that doesn't beggarly you accept to put up with all of the UI quirks from Samsung Experience (née TouchWiz). With a little work, you can accord your S9 a banal Android makeover, alike after root. To be clear, you can't abolish TouchWiz. It's broiled in to the Galaxy S9's framework, so it's not as simple as installing a custom launcher like Nova or Action. But if you administer several mods in that aforementioned vein, you can absolutely get the Galaxy S9 to attending and behave absolutely analogously to the Pixel 2. From... more

Unless you own an Exynos model, there won't be abundant development on the custom ROM advanced for the Galaxy S9. But that doesn't beggarly you accept to put up with all of the UI quirks from Samsung Acquaintance (née TouchWiz). With a little work, you can accord your S9 a banal Android makeover, alike afterwards root.

To be clear, you can't remove TouchWiz. It's broiled in to the Galaxy S9's framework, so it's not as simple as installing a custom launcher like Nova or Action. But if you administer several mods in that aforementioned vein, you can absolutely get the Galaxy S9 to attending and behave absolutely analogously to the Pixel 2. From the home awning to the Google Dialer and the Pixel's wallpapers, the afterward tips will all but about-face your S9 into a Pixel.

Tip 1: Install the Pixel 2 Launcher

Installing the Pixel 2 launcher is the better footfall you can booty in axis your S9 to a Pixel 2, as it replaces the TouchWiz home awning app with Google's. The launcher isn't accessible on the Play Store though, so you'll charge to sideload the app. To do so, tap on the articulation beneath to download the Pixel Launcher APK, again accessible the book and columnist "Install" back prompted.

Note: If you download the APK through Samsung Internet, you shouldn't accept any issues. But if you use a altered browser like Chrome, you may be prompted to admission the browser permission to install apps. If so, aloof tap "Settings" on the prompt, again accredit the about-face at the top of the abutting screen.

Press your home button afterwards installing the launcher. A alert should now arise on the basal of the awning allurement which launcher you'd like to use. Tap on "Pixel Launcher" and your home awning will now be about identical to the one begin on the Pixel 2.

Alternatively, you can set Pixel Launcher as your absence by activity to the Apps card aural Settings if no prompts appear. From there, baddest "Pixel Launcher," again tap on "Home screen" and accept "Pixel Launcher."

It's account acquainted that the newest Pixel 2 Launcher has the added benefit of featuring a anatomic At a Glance widget, forth with Google Now integration, abacus abundantly to the Pixel acquaintance while on your Galaxy S9. For added advice on this ported adaptation of the Pixel Launcher, analysis out the articulation below.

Tip 2: Get the Google Dialer

The Pixel's banal phone app isn't accessible on the Play Store and will additionally charge to be sideloaded. You can get the newest patched adaptation of the banal Pixel phone app by borer on the afterward link, again ablution the APK and acute "Install."

Once you've installed it, you'll now appetite to set Pixel's phone app as your absence dialer, so arch the Apps card in Settings. Next, tap the three-dot card figure and baddest "Default apps," again accept "Calling app." Finally, baddest "Phone" from the list, which uses a annular dejected icon.

Now accessible the Google Phone app. You'll charge to admission it a few permissions to acquiesce the app to admission your phone, contacts, and camera, so tap "Allow" back prompted. Afterwards acceding it access, you'll now be able to accomplish and accept calls through the Google Phone app. To apprentice added about your new dialer's features, analysis out our abounding adviser below.

See Also: hack line

Tip 3: Use Android Messages

The Pixel 2 has addition Google app alleged Android Letters to handle texting. While unimpressive at aboriginal glance, it appearance a apple-pie Material Design interface and supports the new RCS Universal Profile for iMessage-like texting on T-Mobile and Sprint. Best of all, this app can be installed anon from the Google Play Store.

You can additionally accomplish the aforementioned accomplish that were done with the calling app to accomplish Android Letters your absence app for texting. So if you appetite to go this route, chase the accomplish you took in Tip 2 to accomplish the phone app a default. This time baddest "Messaging app" and accept Android Letters as your primary agency of administration SMS messages.

Tip 4: Set Gboard as Your Absence Keyboard

The Pixel's primary keyboard, Gboard, is one of the best keyboard apps accessible appropriate now. This alarming app lets you accomplish Google searches, allotment GIFs, and abundant added — all from aural your keyboard. If you're not already application Gboard, now is the absolute time to accomplish the switch, so arch over the Play Store or tap on the articulation beneath to install the app.

If you've developed acclimatized to the congenital cardinal row that comes with the Samsung keyboard, affront not, you can add it to Gboard in the app's settings. And that's aloof the tip of the iceberg, as Gboard has bags of air-conditioned appearance that's abiding to affect already you've accustomed it a try. Feel chargeless to arch to the articulation beneath if you'd like to apprentice added about Gboard.

Tip 5: Browse the Web with Chrome

The Pixel 2 uses Google Chrome as its absence browser, so abounding of us who use it on our desktops and smartphones will instantly hit the arena active with this browser. If you're new to Chrome, however, this is the absolute befalling to assuredly accord it a try, so arch over to the Play Store or tap on the articulation beneath to install the browser.

After installing Chrome, you can set it as your absence browser by afterward the accomplish categorical in Tip 2 — but this time, baddest "Browsing app" from the Absence Apps screen, again accept "Chrome." Already you've done that, all links will accessible in the aforementioned browser the Pixel uses.

Tip 6: Get Google's Wallpaper App

To complete your S9's alteration to the Pixel 2, we'll charge the add Google's actual own wallpaper pack. The backpack is accessible as a chargeless download over at the Play Store, and it's abundantly alleged Google Wallpapers, so go advanced and install the app:

If you appetite booty your wallpaper acquaintance to the abutting level, you can alike get the Pixel's absolute "Live Earth" wallpaper backpack to acclaim your S9's beauteous display, so be abiding to analysis this adviser out to apprentice how:

While your Galaxy S9 may not be able to run accurate banal Android, this adjustment gets you as abutting as currently accessible to the acquaintance you would accept with the Pixel's minimalist OS. How are you affection the Pixel acquaintance on your S9 so far? We'd adulation to apprehend your feedback, so leave a animadversion bottomward beneath and allotment your thoughts or any added tips you may have.


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